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"This is a Japanese school isn't it?" I asked quietly as we trawled the large school grounds and I realized it looked alot like the super private school facility from the anime Angel Beats with its huge scale and the whole area was quiet except for the cries of loud crows that were nestled in the trees and I couldn't help but stretch with comfort as I knew that the sun above us... Was actually real somehow?

As the sun beat down us with a great heat that the false light system of the weird subdivision we were previously in didn't apply any such heat, to say nothing of how there was actually birds here even if they were large creepy ass crows! It made me feel so much better to be... Sorta free I guess.

To my question Mizuhara walked over to a trash can and after dumping it out, I noticed the trash within the trashcan was clearly labeled with Japanese lettering that I couldn't recognize as I didn't get any form of a language mental download. But that was all the confirmation I needed.

But as I wondered if the previous group of four in Sinder, Lucy, Rebecca, and Yang had already cleared out this area. My bracelet pinged much more loudly than usual with a holographic light pointing towards the various school buildings with a little note popping up. [High 'PE' item concentration ahead.]

'Ah hell... They most certainly didn't come through here, they probably came through the mall that Mizuhara and I came through.' I thought before I took a breath and said to Mizuhara. "Sensors are saying there's a bunch of special items in the school buildings. Let's try to rattle the cage to see if we can get any monsters out into the open rather than dealing with whatever is in the school building." I spoke as I took in the three-story large school that looked like it was built to hold a good ten thousand or something students.

And that was just the main building, there was also a main internal gym, a detached gym, and the sporting fields so I led Mizuhara first around to the sporting fields as should any monsters be around. I would have plenty of space in the middle of a sporting field to tear them apart with my slug-throwing shotgun.

And then as we walked in to the back of the school I froze as I realized why this place probably had so many PE items that hadn't been snagged. "Fucking zombies really?" I muttered as I saw milling across the huge soccer field was dozens of humanoid figures that were decayed and standing deathly still as they all looked up straight at the sun.

I paused as I considered if I should pick a fight with the zombies as god knows if they were mutated, had some necromancy boost to them, or something that made them patently superhuman... It would be very fucking awkward if, after just getting powers of my own, I get torn apart by an army of zombies just because I got cocky and learned the hard way that my shotgun did piddly squat to monsters that could shrug it off.

But... What if those zombies were also worth credits themselves? What if I could also make a profit in killing all those zombies as killing a couple dozen Micheal Mysers with the power of American firepower gave me more credits than the majority of the mundane PE items I collected except for that baseball bat.

With greed pushing me forward I decided to be brave and I looked to Mizuhara and asked. "Mizuhara, if I get you a gun with little to no recoil, can I trust you to help me kill the zombies?"

Her face turned green at the thought of coming close to the rotting  but still standing corpses that were standing almost completely still as they looked up at the sun but she swallowed down her disgust and although looking reluctant. She nodded as she knew she should be welcoming a way to defend herself.

"I can... No! I will do it!" She said firmly gaining determination and I nodded hearing that so knowing she probably didn't have piddly squat in gun experience with her being from Japan I didn't get her a gun with a lot of kick like a rifle or a shotgun even though the stopping power was what we needed.

No, instead of a gun that would blow out her shoulder and not be any good for crowds anyway. After a bit of quick shopping, I smiled seeing a modified Kriss Vector that was chambered in 44 with its amazing blowback system also being enhanced to compensate for the more powerful rounds... And for 44 rounds and above there was actually blessed and enchanted ammo too!

[Infinite ammo enchantment.] [Conjures bullets that will fade away after being fired in five minutes after it's being fired. Warning the enchantment will need a PE item to be sacrificed to it to fuel the enchantments after the enchantment creates seven hundred thousand bullets.]

Yeah so 'basically' infinite ammo. but the enchanted magazine itself was... A good five hundred points so it was certainly an investment. But after a moment I looked at the other enchanted magazines and I said. "Fuck it... We ball."

Mizuhara's face twitched my balance tank as my bracelet fly off and then three things got dropped off. First of all was her Kriss Vector chambered in unlimited .44 and then for myself... I got an alternate for my slugs as I spent six hundred points on a magazine that carried unlimited silver, iron, and self-igniting magnesium pellets.

So although it wouldn't have the pure stopping power of a slug round... It would have the burning effect of magnesium and the anti-supernatural properties of pure iron and silver for anything on the spiritual side of things. As I could just feel that this school was far more than just a horde of zombies or whatever those things were.

But my suspicions had to be put away as I showed Mizuhara how to hold the gun properly in a more loose stance so she could move and shoot at the same time. As this a hellscape, she couldn't stand in a nice perfect holding position she needed to be able to run the hell away should something like a bigger monster come after her.

"Alright... The Vector is set to burst fire, go ahead and give the trigger a good squeeze while pointing at their heads." I spoke softly and with a loud crackle that a stream of smoke shot out as the conjured 44 rounds were shot out at high speeds and I smiled as a splurt of green fluids shot out as Mizuhara hit the zombie she was aiming for, in the shoulder.

But then seeing the zombie she hit turn towards us in a violent motion with its neck audibly snapping from the motion even more than a couple dozen meters away I frowned and said. "Hit the head," I said simply and as the zombie began power walking towards us with its arms raised and its dull eyes looking at us I watched with a frown as Mizuhara missed a couple of times before she finally managed to hit the zombie in the middle of the face towards the lower left side...

'Hitting the brain isn't that easy.' I thought with a frown before I said. "Wait a second," I said taking out my homemade spear I made from the hunting knives I collected and a broom handle I walked over and then I rammed the blade of the spear directly into the zombie's eye socket with a loud crunching noise as I broke into its brain.

For a spilt moment, the zombies arms tried to grab me even as the spear was clear within its brain but as I twisted the blade and mulched its brain and as I pulled out the spear the zombie went completely limp and fell to the ground with my bracelet lightning up for a nearby low tier PE item or monster to be sold which was obviously the zombie.

But in reality, I was now a bit more weary as actually dealing damage to the brain so accurately could be difficult with dozens of zombies coming after us.


Bob Smith

When jake said that he needed a gun that had low recoil yet beginner friendly, i instantly thought of the kriss vector. Glad to see we shared the same braincell