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While wearing a nice dress shirt I also wore some slacks as I walked into the cafeteria and after a quick text I found my new superior in Tsuki Karin.

The woman was a shorter... Almost childish-looking woman and seeing my blink of suprise she smiled and said easily. "I look much younger than I am due to my Cursed Technique. Years sold for life." I tilted my head to the side and she said with a shrug. "My technique allows me to basically sell my body's development for enhanced reverse cursed energy to heal myself and others."

I nodded to her explanation and said. "Well... Congratulations on your limited immortality I suppose, but either way my name is Jake Barriss and it's nice to meet you. So do I need to explain my spiritual spell or anything?"

Tsuki raised an eyebrow before shrugging and saying. "Nope! I am just here to confirm things as it were. I can tell you care about this meeting as you bothered to dress up, and that Kamo brat already vouched for your healing technique so there is that. Anyway here."

She then slipped a laminated identity card to me that made me frown as I felt some squiggy energy from it and she smiled with her childish voice ringing out. "Yeah, that ID card is touched by someone's Cursed Energy so no one can copy it after you push your spiritual energy into it."

I held the card in hand and then I drew upon the Thuum and said {Sil} and the word of soul resounded deeply as the card visibly shimmered with blue light with Tsuki shuddering as she muttered. "Yup, the Inumaki are going to be pissed."

My lips twitched hearing that and I shrugged as I said. "Not much I can do with what I had been born with. Anyway, so when do I get to work, and when can I get some training?"

Tsuki smiled with her taking a bite out of her sandwich before she responded. "Eh, go to the hospital and get yourself noted down as being willing and able to heal at that time, and people will flock to being healed by you."

Seeing how carefree she sounded my face twitched as she further exasperated me as she said. "Go ahead laddie, the wounded need you and all that motivational crap gooo! Let me eat my PB'J in peace will ya?"

'Toji's people are unreliable as all hell.' I thought blankly as I put the ID in my wallet and then after getting myself a quick snack I went off to the hospital. In the worst case, I could probably get some weapons training from the Hunters or something if I couldn't find a Jujutsu Sorcerer to teach me how to throw hands properly.

The hospital of the Kyoto branch of Jujutsu High was a beautiful modern hospital that took up a good bit of the school's enclosed area with it being on the edge of the school ward system as they also took in civilians as well for a very 'modest' fee that made me shudder at the memory of American Health Care in my previous life.

But either way, as I got registered and everything. I realized that as a supernatural healer/doctor, I was on a completely different level of importance compared to normal doctors or surgeons.

This made sense, as in this world of supernatural shit happening all the time healers who could fix the warriors far faster were obviously very important. But there was just one catch... Even with the huge surge of Cursed Technique users or people with spiritual abilities/spells like myself that didn't fit in the mold so easily. There were literally less than a hundred people in all of Japan with a healing technique or ability that could heal others.

So I was worth more than my weight in gold basically.

"So you are ready to heal now?" The manager of this floor of the hospital asked firmly and I noticed how he had dark circles under his eyes so I nodded and he gave a wane smile as he asked. "Alright, how many people can you heal, what limits do you have, and what cost is there for your healing to yourself and my patients?"

'Finally! Someone who actually asks what my abilities do!" I thought at seeing someone who was being serious unlike Tsuki and Toji. So I explained I was basically a better Inumaki but I still faced physical and spiritual strain from using my abilities though I could get around the physical strain by healing myself.

The head doctor nodded and then he said. "Come with me then. A young man lost an arm and a leg to the Woodchipper Devil, so let us see what you can do."

He quickly led me through the hospital and we entered a room after knocking on the door to announce our entry and as we came inside a tired and weak voice spoke. "What?"

We came around the privacy curtain and I saw that the young man who was in his late teens had lost his arm and leg on the right side of his body and seeing his left hand uncomfortably trying to learn how to write on a notepad I couldn't help but feel pity for the young man who was cursed into becoming left-handed for the rest of his life.

Honestly, I might have ended myself at being left to such a fate so I knew I had to do my best for his sake of not being forced to be left-handed!

The doctor explained to the young man that I was one of the new healers and they were offering to do this enhanced supernatural healing for free along with his actual staying being free if he consented to be the offical Guinea Pig for my healing.

"Shit... I can't afford the million it would take for me to be given new limbs and within an arm or a leg its not like I can keep my job and I don't fucking want to be eaten by some ghost or curse at night. So do your worst healer." He said with false bravado but I just smiled and nodded as I laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Its alright man... I can't force a man to remain left-handed for the rest of his life and be called stubby for missing a leg." I spoke and then I took a deep breath as I called upon my Thuum and I spoke even as I almost stumbled over my words as he muttered about actually being naturally left-handed. {Slen Vokrii!}

Shimmering light formed across his body as I spoke the words of 'Flesh, Restore' with his right arm and leg regrowing in but moments and as he held up his newly formed arm in wonder he seemingly froze as he visibly chewed on something something before coughed and then he spat out a whole collection of teeth that seemingly regrew from inside his mouth as his pale arm covered his mouth.