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I came into the local library and using the ID I had in my welcoming bag to this universe, I got a pass to use a computer to do some 'research' on local news here in Japan. 'Alright... So what the hell is going on and what is with the towers?' I thought as I had zero fucking clue what universe this was.

Like for a bit I honestly thought this was just DXD or something where the supernatural just wasn't disguised or anything. But no it didn't take more than five minutes as I started off by researching this worlds history for the Dungeon Towers to have been noted down.

[Dungeon Towers- Towers of indeterminate size that are portals to pocket dimensions that hold multiple levels or planes of existence that spawn monsters and materials touched by supernatural energies. Dungeon Divers are adventurers who specifically dive into the dungeons to acquire specialized resources and cull the monsters within.]

[Cairo Dungeon Break- A hidden Dungeon under the sands of the Sahara was unfortunately only found due to the internal monsters reaching dungeon break status where a tide of monsters broke free and began corrupting the local area. Thankfully due to the distance between the dungeon and Cairo they were able to fortify themselves and call for aid from nearby cities and nations to send Divers to help cull the monsters]

And looking at the history of the dungeon towers themselves I learned that they had... Basically always been around in the world and they came in many different shapes and sizes with the contents within the towers all being different.

But besides some monsters who were clearly non-hostile to a fault, all monsters besides those completely docile ones or monsters who were tamed had a kill-on-sight order as they would do the same for any human they saw.

Beyond that, I couldn't get any hint for what universe this was so I groaned and after a moment of thought I went to look at what it took for someone to become a 'Diver'

Which only required me to not have a criminal past and to sign a waiver stating that I myself was responsible for my own life in the dungeon. It was so convenient that I was able to literally type in the numbers of my ID card and in literal minutes I was registered as a Diver in the Japanese Registry.

And from there, that left one last thing for me to look up. [Dungeon Enhancements- Dungeon Enhancements are categorically ordered in terms of three forms. Body, Mind, and Soul enhancements. The body is physical enhancements such as super strength, regeneration, and other things. Mind enhancements include the use of telekinesis, mind reading or mental-based compulsions.]

But the next section was where things got murky as it described dungeon enhancements in the soul category as magic but no one in the scientific community wanted to blankly just call it magic. However, they didn't have much of a choice when it had the most esoteric effects like teleportation, resurrection, and remotely cursing people and monsters for example.

Dungeon Enhancements were gotten by taking dungeon cores from monsters and within the dungeon there were trading-like posts where you could sell the cores to the dungeon to buy the enhancements and powers you wanted. But they weren't cheap at all...

"So people with actual powers are rather rare. And the government actually taxes people on their dungeon cores so they can give them to soldiers and other people of 'note'." I shook my head as that sounded corrupt as hell but it didn't matter to me now and after checking my bag I realized I had enough money to get an apartment for a couple of months along with feeding and taking care of myself.

'So I need to begin making some money with a job or I just head directly to the dungeon as I can sell the dungeon cores I gain to corporations and the government .' I thought before shrugging as I needed some dungeon materials and that dungeon I saw previously was actually the perfect dungeon for me.

As all its monsters were very clearly animals I could easily make into delightful meals! "Hmm, Forest Boars and Highland Cattle... I wonder what kind of effects a Filet
mignon using those monsters will have?" I mused before grinning and standing up as I turned off the computer and told the librarian I was leaving.

I needed to get the tools of my trade. And if I was going to be killing some monsters I needed a good cleaver to chop them up to death and to dissemble their bodies so I could begin cooking them on a nice good fire I could make in the dungeon itself!


I spent a whole month of rent payment in getting a high-quality cleaver that was rated for cutting through monster flesh at a special supermarket and besides that, I also bought some camping supplies along with the other tools I would need to make good food in a large selection of spices and some dried seasonings.

Making my way back to the dungeon I got in line and once I reached the front gate of the dungeon and entered past a large wall, I realized that there were large auto canons and huge Gatling guns with soldiers mounted on them watching the two ten-meter tall swirling portals that laid in the front entrance of the dungeon.

"Dude is all these guns needed?" I heard someone ask their friends and I listened in more as someone dryly retorted.

"Dumbasses with priority exit passes regularly get into sticky situations that's why you are ordered to charge through the portal and dive face-first into the ground so that way the Gatling guns will tear apart any monsters that follow you through the emergency portal."

My lips twitched as though prophetic to the man's words a duo leaped out of the portal and a loud hum rang out before the guns died down and stopped spinning as nothing came out of the portals.

There wasn't anything unusual that happened otherwise as paid a small fee to enter the dungeon as the guards for this area were clearly more relaxed as this dungeon was on the outside of Tokyo and thus was well in hand with the large numbers of Divers who regularly entered it besides the idiots who used an emergency escape portal.

'Alright... Step into the portal of swirling mist and make something of yourself Jake.' I muttered as I took a breath and then I stepped through the portal and my vision went bright for a split second before my foot landed on the other side of the portal and I continued as the sounds of loud speaking hit my ears and I looked around to see a tent like city in all directions besides a smaller matching dungeon tower to what was outside which was where you could sell your dungeon cores.

But besides that the sky above me was clear and bright, with the temperature actually being warmer than it was outside so taking in the lines of endless tents I realized that these tents were corporations or companies that had set up small bases here and were selling supplies and buying dungeon cores from people.

I just shook my head as I didn't have enough money to buy anything nor any dungeon cores so I just walked on out of the small town of tents heading out towards the border of the highland plain cows territory and the forest boars.



What story is this based off of


It will have several slice of life anime characters brought into this