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With Serana all bundled up as a blanket burrito after her mild mind-breaking sex... Ok more hardcore mind break but she needed the release. Either way, with the vampire put away into a padded coffin that the necromancers had handy, I took Victoria out of the crypt as we headed toward Solitude.

"So is there anything we are looking for my lord?" She asked and my lips twitched as I realized that timeline shit was going to be confusing as hell. Like would Elisif even be the queen with her husband slain by Ulfric Stormcloak?

As the great war hadn't happened or something I had no fucking clue. As Scathach and the rest of the gods refused to elaborate to me on what was happening to allow both the events of Oblivion and Skyrim to happen at the same time.

I shook my head and answered Victoria. "No, this is general recon and information gathering as to the current events going on in the world."

Potema's burial site was a good couple dozen miles from the actual city of Solitude so we ran using our supernatural speed to get there within a good fifteen minutes or so through the heavily mountainous and frozen terrain north west of the Solitude.

"Ughhh... So this whole world is like the most remote of villages and towns back in our world right." Victoria muttered seeing the city was lit up with whale oil lanterns and with out supernatural senses as we came closer to the city, we could pick up the smells of burning smoke and the unwashed masses.

I sighed and nodded as I said wryly. "This world besides in some places of major magical power or maybe the very capital of Cyrodill won't have our proper plumbing and water treatment plants Shadow Garden helped create over the years."

Although Shadow Garden brought water treatment plants and some other modern comforts to our plane of existence... That didn't change that at its core the Cult of Diabolos had for their own reasons leaked some advanced technology to make the lives of the common people better so they weren't so ignorant and willing to throw their chamber pot contents out onto the street.

"Let's avoid the guards." I said with a grimace as we didn't have any form of paperwork, identification, and only a bit of money in the form of gold coins called Septims that we looted from the Necromancers we killed. So with not enough money to likely bribe the guards, it was better for us to just avoid them.

With the blushing form of Victoria in my arms we flew over the walled-in section of the city but as we flew in, I mentally cursed feeling something tag us before I flared my mana to shatter the magical tag that had stamped our forms. 'Damn... The city had wards or something for people flying in or something.'

"Let's go to a bar or restaurant to blend in." I said quickly as I dropped us into an alleyway and we quickly shifted our clothes appearance to more ragged low-class clothing while Victoria held my arm against her large breasts as we played at being a married couple as we walked into a nicer restaurant.

Victoria gave my arm a squeeze as she gently pulled me to the bar where the bartender was working his trade... By making some bar snacks in some bread crumbs, pretzels, and some roasted nuts?

But either way, Victoria smiled beautifully as she spoke. "Hello, can my husband and I please get two house drinks and some soup? We just arrived in Solitude and want to fill our stomachs before we find a room."

The older bartender gave a light smile with him nodding and saying. "Alright, let me tell my son to plate up your food in the back, and then I will bring your drinks."

The bartender after asking the other patrons at the bar table if they needed anything else then went into the back while I made a noise as I looked at Victoria and whispered to her. "My, you are so confident in saying you are my wife... Should the rest be worried?"

Victoria without a smidgen of shame shook her head and whispered in turn softly. "I from birth was a woman of the cloth, and if I devote myself to becoming your holy wife then that is just the same as I lived the rest of my life."

I shook my head at her firm answer and went back to listening in on the conversations in the restaurant using my superhuman senses.

"The legion here in Solitude along with the Court Mage helped shut down that Oblivion Gate that formed to the South, but the Court Mage was injured by the Dremora she fought... Supposedly she has been holding up in the royal palace only allowing Lady Elisif to check up on her." I heard someone saying a much more interesting thing compared to the banal stuff about people's personal lives.

And after a bit I heard another interesting tidbit. "I think its complete hogwash... But apparently there was a bunch of dragons of all things who attacked that old Castle Volkihar in the sea of ghosts... The seal, and whalers all swear they saw a bunch of dragons attacking the old castle but its the damned cursed Sea of Ghosts, illusions and deep horrors is the norm there."

'Uhhh why the fuck would the dragons attack Harkons territory?' I thought with a frown as that threw off my plans and thoughts and then another thought hit my mind. Was Alduin with the dragons that attacked Harkon and his vampire clan?

Because if Alduin wasn't there... I very much doubted that a dozen dragons could destroy a vampire clan that had resided in one area for millennia and was now even more powerful with Molag Bal and the other Deadra surging in strength.

But my thoughts were cut off as the barkeeper spoke up gruffly. "Here is your food. And some in house beer to wash down the travel dust." He spoke laying down a couple metal flagons filled with foamy beer that was bubbling merrily besides the bowls of soup that Victoria and I began eating.

Disregarding the poor taste of the beer at least the soup was nice and hearty so while eating I asked the bartender who kept himself busy and not hovering over his clients as they were eating or drinking. "So any more interesting news to hit Solitude in the last few weeks? We been out in the boonies after all."

The barkeeper grunted and I rolled my eyes and placed ten Septims on the table making him smile knowing with him saying more conversationally.

"These are most interesting times indeed young man... In fact I would say its a time with too much happening at one time honestly." He grumbled before taking a breath and saying.

"Aye, much has been happening in fact as the beyond the Oblivion Gates cropping up across Skyrim, we have been dealing with rumors of dragons all things attacking villages but it is almost certainly those damned Deadra destroying the towns and villages... Anyway other than that, the only major news I can think of is that the Companions were decimated when they closed an Oblivion Portal that opened up in Whiterun."
