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The following day after breakfast Shigure drove us across Tokyo to the Gold Pleasure HQ and as we were dring there, I had a thought and asked with some curiosity. "So what does the Gold Pleasure Group actually do?"

Shigure was silent for a minute and then said in her typical blunt dull tone. But there was hint of amusement in her voice as she looked to the side to see my face twitch at her words. "The GP, is involved in STI cures, male and female sexual toys, sexual enhancement drugs, and just recently they got involved in selling gluten free and organic edible condoms."

The way she so flatly told me that made my face twist up at the thought of 'edible condoms' and I had to wonder... Who the fuck would eat a condom that had alreadly fucking been used.

Was there some semen demon succubus of a woman that just tosses those edible condoms in the freezer or something for a cumcicle for later?

My master actually chuckled with her saying with a hint of seriousness in her tone. "Jake, it is not your place as a fighter to decide what a companies sells to make the money that you will rely on... Your job is to just to beat down the other fighter and allow your company to make the best deals."

I nodded in understanding as the Kengan atmopshere made more sense after you did more reasearch on it. Sure it was unethical as fuck as a blood sport, but a true no holds barred fight besides weapons typically, meant that there weren't fighters that would throw fights as they were alreadly about to beaten half to death anyway.

But in this case I read earilier about a big coffee company having a big fight with a shipping company. What happened was that the shipping company refused to change the cargo containers the coffee was being shipped via, into a better sealed ones due to the coffee company being as cheap as possible.

And in that Kengan match the shipping company and the coffee company fought for the right to have the coffee shipped in a high quality container for like electronics that was sealed so even should the containers literally fall into the sea they would fine. Or in turn the coffe company would have to pay the shipping company that high quality shipping price while still being kept in the low quality containers.

Millions of dollars in the deal were at stake and those fighters literally all but killed themselves in that fight with the coffee bean company winning the fight.

So I was well aware of how serious Kengan fights were as the companies loved to have them as millions of dollars could easily change hands during them, but the companies were rightfully afraid of getting stuck with a shmuck of a fighter who wasn't skilled or strong enough.

"Alright... I won't ask Kurayoshi Rino if she tests her companies products on herself." I said jokingly with a dead tone with Shigure snorting and then as we turned down a road I raised an eyebrow before my lips twitched as Shigure spoke up.

"Then you would be wrong, she does test the products that she can."

Low and behold, the Gold Pleasure Groups headquarters was a pink painted building that had several screens showing scantily clad women showing off their products with the screens combining into a larger screeen that would show off products in greater detail and up close.

And I coudn't help a giggle as I realized traffic was slowing down as all the drivers, male or female naturally gawked at the sight of clantily clad beauties holding a big bottle of shampoo between their tits or showing their 'skill' in reverse bubble gum blowing a condom onto a cucumber with their mouths.

My master turned into the underground parking lot of the building and then she said. "Alright... You go on ahead, I won't be going with you." She said without looking at me and I slowly nodded as I climbed out of the car and with a squeal of the cars tires Shigure peeled out and she shot out of the garage like a bat out of hell or something.

'Well there is certainly drama I can tell.' I thought with a sigh before I took a deep breath and made my way up the stairs to the lobby. "Hello, my name is Jake Barris, I am here for a meeting with Miss Kurayoshi Rino." I said respectfully and the older woman working as the receptionist nodded.

"Yes, you are the newest Kengan fighter I see. Well just be respectful young man, she is alot for people to handle when meeting for the first time."

I blinked at that and I said with a small smile. "Alright thank you for the advice, I will try not to make a fool out of myself." I finished good naturally making the older lady giggle as she clicked a couple buttons and one of the elevators opened up with a loud dinging noise with the woman telling me that the elevator would take me up to her as she kept a locked elevator all for herself.

After going up the elevator there was a long metal hallway leading from the elevator to a nice thick set of wooden double doors at the end of the metal hallway, and as I entered the metal hallway I froze as a deep hum rang out and a soft feminine voice spoke. "Hello Jake, this is Kurayoshi Rino... Or just please call me Rino." I looked around and just behind me was a set of camera's and speakers.

But before I could ask what was going on. Rino continued. "Now, this will be your initial test Jake that I learned at the Ashford Group back in the USA." The loud hum became a roar of power and not of a organic kind as it was roar of entirely too much power going through an electrical system and then from the metal walls came fucking laser beams that formed a shoulder high wall with Rino saying.

"Make your way to my door and you pass... Don't let the lasers kill you please as I don't want to hurt Shigure."

And with that I finally fucking remembered... The Ashford group was the initial group who made the T-Virus and became the core of the Umbrella organizations. She stole the lasers defense system for that damned labratory!


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