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Moka thankfully remained unconscious as I fed her my blood to heal up her battle wounds and by the time she woke up the next day in Mai's bed who volunteered to watcher her overnight. She was all but good as new thankfully.

Though she was definitely feeling sheepish about how forceful her other half was in the fight. But I myself was nice and healed up after drinking Kurumu's blood along with Tamayo's who happily volunteered to help after hearing that I defeated a vampire.

Which coincided with the events happening now. As the vice-president of the swimming club. As was right due to Tamao being part of my hoard, she pulled me into the side office of the pool area to give me that which I was due.

A dragons hoard!

"Three hundred ounces of gold, several hundred carats of various gems, ivory, rugs made out of monster fur, blankets and sheets made from mermaid hair woven into it to make it remain cool at all times." She announced as a couple of her subordinate mermaids unveiled the literal treasure chest.

The green-haired princess smiled as she then snapped her fingers from behind her another mermaid brought something that was covered in a felt cover. "And lastly besides the typical Mermaid items all mermaid ladies give their chosen to adorn their lover's beds as a symbol of their devotion as the hairs used to weave that blanket was my own... A token of history that will be a good treasure for your hoard."

I gently pulled the blanket off the odd shape and my eyes widened and I felt a deep hunger suddenly sated ever slightly as a golden and blue-toned egg that was the size of an American Football that had dozens of egg-shaped small gems inlaid upon it. "This is a Fabergé Egg Jake. The great Tsar of Russia had a great many of them created, but the thing was. The actual maker of them in Peter Carl Fabergé, was actually a renowned alchemist and jewel-based mage."

It was only as Tamao smugly continued to explain, that I understood why this egg filled me with such reference and an almost obsessive desire to keep it close to me. "Fabergé was obsessed with two things in his life Jake, and that was dragons and reincarnation, as a human he wanted to have an almost endless monster's vitality like ourselves... And using a dead dragon egg he collected he created these eggs with the hopes of creating a sort of homunculus body within the eggs that his soul would go into and be reborn as an actual dragon."

So for all intents and purposes... These Fabergé Egg's were quite literally dragon eggs.

I held it against my chest with my and the mermaids shifted as a heavy heat filled the room as I unconsciously purred with my chest rumbling with a glow escaping my chest as my inner fire warmed the egg that called out to me. "Jake," Tamayo called out to me gently and my slitted eyes snapped to her as my mind became defensive at her tone before I relaxed and took a breath with her smiling.

"I see that is a most precious gift to you indeed my darling... Now there is one last thing we must discuss." She said and then she looked around to the three other mermaids in the room and said to me. "These three are my handmaidens and were raised with me from birth with my complete trust being with them. Now I Jake, I have the Dragon Scroll."

As she finished speaking she raised her hand that was below the desk and I ever so gently placed the egg aside as an old scroll seemingly made from jade and gold was placed on the table between us.

Her fingernails made a loud series of 'tinking' noises as she tapped her fingernails on the jade and gold-sealed scroll. "Now my darling... This is for dragon eyes only, and I especially cannot see these as the Mermaid royal bloodline took magical oaths not to lay our eyes upon the contents in exchange for us helping any dragons we find in the later era's should any resurface."

She then went onto explain how this thing was sealed by the last known surviving dragon king in the Azure Dragon who ruled in the China sea. "Hmph, in reality, the Mermaids are the successors of the dragons and many sea-based monsters are not at all happy about that. But regardless Jake here is as was promised."

And as I took the sealed scroll case in hand I had a thought as Tamao's mermaid handmaidens shifted and one whispered into Tamao's ear. However, I didn't bother to pay attention as I was busy inspecting the scroll. 'The dragon scroll... What if it's just a blank reflective scroll where the secret is to just harness the power within yourself?' I thought blankly as that would be a real bitch and a half, wouldn't it.

But regardless I looked up from the scroll as I carefully put it in the chest of goodies while I wrapped up the jeweled egg. "Thank you, Tamao," I said deeply and she raised an eyebrow before she got up from the chair across from me. I watched her as she coasted around the table and then came up behind me and her intentions were quickly revealed as I felt her breasts cover the sides of my head as her hands rested on my chest.

"This is what I promised you Jake, I give you all that which I have. And you in turn open your heart and arms to taking me in. And of course, besides material things, I do know that you care for me, darling... As you are already dealing with that damned rat Kuyo who has been an annoyance for all my years at this school." Tamao spoke huskily as her hands massaged my chest.

I noticed the maids collapsing in on me as well as the maids silently fell into kneeling positions in front and around my knees in front of myself.

"Now my darling... As a princess having handmaidens who you can trust with your life does have its perks, and as my chosen, you may also get a taste of that joy." She whispered into my ear as the now hungrily mermaids came closer and I realized that Tamao was playing for gold as she used herself and her subordinates to play to my vanity and lust.

While also inflaming my own anger at Kuyo by mentioning how the fox had been giving her so many issues for years.


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