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The Queen Slime's style of combat involved conjured crystal clusters that would float in the air and then from those crystal structures, lasers would shoot off everywhere and when those lasers hit other crystal structures. That hit crystal structure would be supercharged sending out even more powerful laser beams.

I had my summons focus on destroying her crystal structures while I more directly attacked the Queen Slime and no matter how much a bullet sponge she was. I eventually wore her down in a matter of time with my wings allowing me to avoid her favorite body slam attacks that would normally make me into mush if she landed atop me.

But even though I preferred to fight at range with either magic or guns. The powerful boss souls in my own accessories system in my soul boosted my physical might up greatly so my sword swings carved through her gelation body as she tried to teleport above me to do her ground slams. And that is actually how I killed her. She tried to do another body slam over my head.

And instead, as she slammed down onto me, I cut her in half with her body parting around my own before it faded away into ashes as the Queen Slime boss bag slapped onto my head almost insultingly.

I took up the bag with a wry smile as this was one of the easier bosses I had fought honestly with all my summons but I knew a lot of the reason I was able to almost bully the Queen Slime was the fact that I had a Falna enhancing my body so much more than a normal Terrarian would just have their physical body.

'Alright. It's getting to be about time to head on off.' I thought with a sigh as I realized that I had basically hit the lower ceiling in Danmachi honestly. The dungeon was a complete unknown past level fifty basically and even the previous floors weren't that explored with much knowledge of them being available.

And with Freya being a simp for my soul, it's not like she was an adversary for me to grow off of. So combined with the dungeon simply being a stupid pain in the ass where to make it worthwhile I would have to dig my tunnel through it for next couple of weeks and deal with the endless waves of enhanced dungeon monsters. It was better for my Falna growth if I used my Starfarer powers to go to a different world in general.

But before I just zooted off to another world, I needed to do some stuff to tie up loose ends even if the time in this world wouldn't be passing as I would just return the moment I left.

I made my way back to everyone with Seshat nodded while Bell ran up to me excitedly as she asked. "You got the purple slime right!?" And I nodded with her grinning happily in response as I mentally opened the Slime Queen's boss bag inside my inventory and then I took out a few of the pink slime balls to prove it.

"Yup. So now I can make an enhanced healing potion to heal Eina's eyes!" I spoke as I grimaced at the thought of how Beatrice needed to watch over Eina in the Seshat compound due to the half-elf being completely blind after what the Dis sisters did to her.

Giving Bell a nod I said more seriously. "Alright, let me make the potions, and then I will need to go Bell."

She knew what I meant too. As her face tightened with Meteria walking over to put a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "We got to let our loved ones go and become stronger Bell... After all I watched my sister going to the dungeon every day as well." She spoke gently to console her and Bell nodded with her ruby like eyes staring into mine as she said firmly.

"Then you be careful... I love you after all!" She almost shouted with her face flushing deeply and with everyone's eyes on her for the shout she covered her face and her mother chuckled as she led Bell away while I coughed as everyone's eyes naturally slid to me.

"Excuse me, I got potion crafting to do." I said wryly as I moved to a different corner of our camp and as I began working on the enhanced healing potion I went over my options in worlds I could go to that were in my range basically.

But as I was going over the mental list of worlds I stuttered upon one option and I realized it was basically the perfect target. As unlike Danmachi whose divines were very much restricted by their rules and the world itself was largely undefended from eldritch bullshit which was another major reason I didn't want to summon the more eldritch bosses. This world had a great number of gods and entities that passively defended the world.

To say nothing of the world being the perfect world for me to have challenges. And grow my Falna during great events which would allow me to level up beyond slaughtering chaff in the dungeon.

'Eridani I am ready.' I spoke as I finished the healing potions and then handed them off to Hestia as Bell was super embarrassed still with her emotional goodbye.

The shade of a planeswalker made a mental humming noise before she asked. "You know where you want to go already? Or did you want to do the normal thing for Starfarer's and just wander the void between universes?'

I shook my head as I held up a low-end Star's Above mod weapon in the King's Gambit which was a stack of cards that you could throw magical cards at enemies. But no, beyond it being a really crappy weapon. It was also a beacon to the source of the origin of this item.

"Yes Eridani... I am ready to go to Runeterra!"


The Kriegan

Lmao… just imagine Jinx with Terraria equipment 😅


Well, this is new. Jake in League of Legends huh, I wonder what Ahri's up to?