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'Well... This has thoroughly killed any future boner for Nahida if she takes on a milf form.' I thought with my face slightly green at the horror before my eyes.

Nahida seeing several plastic sheets spread across my families large backyard filled with the corpses of lower ranks monsters, had morphed into her Kirlia form and her lower body solidified into the ground like a tree trunk, while the rest of her body sprouted endless thick vines across her body that greatly thickened the further they grew away from her body.

And what did those vines do? Across the vines, large mouth-like appendages formed with thorny teeth that would shake the meat they took back and forth violently within the mouth-like structure. Allowing the dozens of pointed hook-like teeth to just shred the flesh from the monster's bones and rip the limbs off the monsters.

"Hmmm! Dank you for the food Mashter!" Nahida spoke into my mind gleefully with her emotions just overflowing with joy as the lower realm monsters had purer and new bloodlines untainted by literal millions of years of having spiritual energy within their bloodlines. To say nothing of how omnivorous plant monsters were.

I firmly put my foot down when Nahida asked if she could put down roots in the septic system for nutrients... Ew.

But either way, Alice coughed getting my attention as she shifted my attention from the horror show. "So Jake, have you decided on what mage college you wish to attend?" She asked and I shifted as I had a good couple of ideas.

Well beyond going abroad and trying to get going along with the actual events of this world while keeping track of the original protagonist in Mo-Fan... But no, I didn't want to get caught up in his issues as I knew China was in it's own trouble to say nothing of America who was facing it's monster issues.

After a moment of thought, I nodded saying. "Well, it really depends on how this coming of age, resource trip goes. If my team gets a good score, damn near any college in America and even ones from abroad will be open to me. But... If I had to have a definitive answer right now."

I paused and then said with steel entering my spine. "I will enroll in Florida's War God Institute!"

See for all that this city of Memphis Ohio was twisted to hell and back due to the Fog above our heads from the endless portals leading to higher, lower, and pocket realms in the Great Lake. The monsters coming out of those portals weren't that strong normally, as there wasn't a single Emperor-tier monster in this whole area.

This was why the humans could hold this resource-filled city in Memphis with only two half-step Forbidden Curse mages in the Raiden Siblings who couldn't get a single Stamen of Earth to reach their full potential.

But Florida on the other hand... That was true hell on this world, there were literally three emperor-tier monsters in the area. Two living deep under the waters of the endless dimensional storm that was the Bermuda Triangle that was an ever-changing but stable in-place door leading to different worlds and realms. And another Emperor was living in the north of the Everglades.

But that last monster was the Gold Ape King with his large tribe of Golden Apes. And he had a decent relationship with humans as we gave them resources to make their famous soul-enhancing monkey wine and in turn they kept powerful monsters from rushing out of the Everglades and into the southern cities in Florida.

"You..." Alice hissed and I felt her grab my arm but even as she looked at me with a scowl I said firmly.

"It's my choice, Alice. I need to get as strong as I can... And frankly, you know I am a lazy ass if I don't have a fire lit under my ass." I said with a wry smile making Alice's eyebrow twitch before she nodded saying with her deep-cutting sarcasm.

"Yes indeed you do Jake... Honesty you are hopeless without me making sure you don't get lost in life." She spoke but as she let go of my arm I wrapped an arm around her side making her slightly stiffen as per usual before she melted into my arm continuing with blame her softer voice. "The, War God Institute though? That place is only for pyschos who want to die agaisnt monsters!"

America unlike China with their very competitive based schooling system which had tournaments and such all the time, believed heavily in cutting to the root of the monster problem. In that, our college trials would very simply be monster slaying as America was very much of the opinion that experience fighting over mages was experience wasted when you could be killing monsters.

And the War God Institute went even further than others. As the trial just to get into the school required for you to go out into a controlled zone in the Everglades and kill ten monsters the same rank as you with only a max of four team members including yourself... When normally it's advised for at least, at bare minimum there be six or seven mages of the same level fighting a monster.

With zero help from instructors should you fuck up and piss off something a higher rank of a monster than you were as a mage.

As monsters were fucking cheaters with far stronger bodies and innate magical resistance which kinda fucked mages over as there weren't like super sword skills or anything in this universe.

At least... Not that I knew of.

A sigh rang out before Alice stated quietly. "Mother will worry."

My lips twitched as a thought struck me. 'Oh... Mother will likely fucking strangle me with her worry, and then hide my unconcious form in a closet so no one can take me away from home.'

But I still said strongly. "It's my choice to make. And I already talked to Dad. He accepted it and promised to help with Mother."

An insanely loud 'Crack' rang out making Alice and I flinch but Nahida just sent me a mental thought tinged with amusement. "Sorry master, I am just breaking open the bones to get the yummies inside!"

After telling Alice what the noise was she rolled her eyes and said dryly. "Well at least you will never have the issue of what to do with the remains of unsellable parts of monsters... Anyway, lets go sit down in the patio, I tire of standing and watching your pet eat like that."

Nahida even sent a happy 'goodbye' complete with the feeling of one of her vines giving my foot a good squeeze that I never even noticed was under my feet with Alice sitting next to me primly in the rocking chair on the metal bar enclosed patio.


While Alice and I shared a nice silence as we talked about random topics that weren't that important with my adopted sister on her own phone while I got on mine to distract myself from the sounds of flesh being torn, bones shattering, and the other noises of Nahida being a sloppy eater.

[Furina- What would you all suggest we bring for this trip?]
[Keqing- Food, water, toilet paper, changes of clothes, a folded mat to sleep on, extra shoes, plenty of extra clean long socks, 'they can be used as an emergency tourquinent', a spare weapon if you use a weapon, have your mage tools inspected for any wear and tear, bring at least fifteen different poisons 'to kill monsters with' along with antidotes for said poisons in case a teammate or yourself gets hurt by it.]
[Furina- -__- A bit much isn't it?]
[Keqing- No, This is merely the condensed list you should worry about as I will be bringing an extra large tent for the whole party to share that is made out of Monarch leather which will both protect us should something come and attack our camp, but the aura of a Monarch will terrify any monsters in a lower realm portal as the monsters within will only reach the Half-step Commander at most. I will also be bringing several specialized potting kits to collect heavenly herbs and spirits should we run into any. Also, I have three spatial bags set aside just for any special ores we find and need to mine.]

My face went utterly flat at seeing Keqing wanted me to literally go mining as she happily explained her reasoning for all the preparation she was taking.

[Keqing- With Jake's 'Heavy Water' spell breaking down rocks, your undead raising, spirit waters can summon spirits to collect and further break down rocks to collect mystical ores to raise our scores so we can reach first place as Lady Makoto and Ei wish.]
[Furina- I am not some commoner you can have mining! I refuse to preform such drudgery as a Duchess!]
[Keqing- I am coming to your room with the ladle Furina.]
I raised an eyebrow and at reading that and then my lips twitched as I got a direct message from Lalatina who was also obviously watching this conversation unfold.

[Lalatina/Darkness- Do you think... That Keqing is going to spank Furina's bare bottom with a ladle like a disobedient child!?]

I could all but imagine Lalatina panting like the degenerate she was at getting that treatment so with a smile I texted back quickly. [Should I add a ladle or thick wooden to spoon to my list of things to bring?]

There was a moment where she didn't respond and seeing nothing I went back to check the group chat... But it seems that Keqing was busy taking a paddle to Furina's ass or something but as I shifted to go online to do some research on lightning magic as that's what I wanted to get for my next element when I became an Intermediate Mage.

My phone rang in a phone call and with the way I was scrolling down reading I answered my phone and it was already on speaker phone due to how I liked to speak with my phone away from my face while in my room.

My face went pale with mortification as I sat there stunned as my sister slowly looked at me with zero expression as Lalatina's voice came out in lewd panting. "You... You brute! You would take me in the forest while threatening to paddle me with a cooking implement if I did not service you! I will resist you till the end Jake Barris! No matter how far you... Force me haaaahaaa! I will fight you every step of the way to stop you from taking my heart as you take my body against my will!"


Rauko the varment

...lalatina will still be lalatina regardless of the universe! 😆

Goddess of Victory

wait... her name changed back to Nahida. now I'm confused; which is right? is this some genshin second name thing I just don't know about because I don't play genshin impact?