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I was sitting in front of my master and teacher beside my new grandfather, and said strongly. "Shigure, I want another Kengan match. I want to become stronger." I stated simply, bluntly, and most importantly without hesitation.

My ninja-themed master made a slight noise of thought before she took a breath and said. "I am your master... But I am not your keeper, here." She said handing me a small booklet making me raise an eyebrow as she spoke softly. "I will not lead you by the hand to where you will go with your martial arts... But I can point you to the road to the mountain you must climb."

She pointed at the small leather booklet she handed me and said in her typical slow monotone. "Thats some contacts I put together for you... Pick a company, and then they will sponsor you."

My lips twitched seeing the names of multibillion-dollar companies and I couldn't help but ask. "Uhhh, aren't these companies a bit too on the high end?"

Shigure's head slightly tilted to the side in confusion as she said clearly not understanding my point. "They will pay you the most... They are the best companies, and I worked for them before and they know not to cheat you out of fear of my reprisal." She finished and then closed her eyes meaning she didn't want to explain anymore.

Which meant that I was supposed to pick out a company to be sponsored by. In order to be get involved inside the world of Kengan fights... And after a moment my lips twitched as I found one company as she had a rating system of 1-5 on how good the company was to work with as a Kengan fighter. [MasterBaiter Fish and Tackle 5]

Then looking through more I hummed as I raised an eyebrow as I noticed all the major banks were rated extremely low on the tier system she had before I froze and looked at Shigure and said. "Shigure, you worked for Pixar before?" I asked with amusement.

Her eyes opened up lazily and she threw me a look before she gave a very small smile as her eyes dimmed as she seemingly went into thought. And she actually spoke with her mind clearly on those times. "Yes. They made me dress up to match Eva for the release of the movie Wall-E... They paid me very well, and then for some reason Apple sued Pixar saying how I in the suit looked too much like an apple phone and with the chrome design, was infringing upon their design."

My eye twitched at that nonsense as Shigure added on with a cold smile. "I am not fat... So I went and defeated all of Apple's Kengan Fighters in one night allowing Samsung to win a very important match agaisnt them."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought so I hummed and then shrugged and said. "So is there anyone you would recommend?" I asked and Shigure paused as she looked at me sternly.

I stiffened seeing her serious face as she took me in before taking a breath and saying. "Fine... The, Gold Pleasure Group. What they do, and sell is inconsequential, but I know the CEO and she owes me many favors." Shigure's eyes were cold however as she continued.

"If you were a woman, I would happily recommend her to you... But you are a man, and she has a supernatural ability to control pheromones from her own body, and the hormones of men around her." She started and then visibly seemed conflicted about introducing her to me before she continued. "She has a past to say the least, and she is a woman who loves her friends very deeply... But she is terrified of those she relies on getting hurt while working, or being around her in general. Which means she runs through fighters who inevitably lose a fight."

I raised an eyebrow and asked. "So does she like mind control men or something?" I asked bluntly and I stiffened as Shigure gave me a look and I quietly apologized as she took a breath and continued.

"No... She does not, or at least not on purpose." She shook her head and then said with a frown. "She lost control over her ability and actually managed to control Appachai and Sakaki at one point when she was overseas with the two protecting her as she went to a private medical organization called the Ashford group. for some reason.. Since then, we been out of contact for the most part as she is ashamed of whatever happened there, but neither Appachai or Sakaki remember what happened except they fought something large or something."

I raised an eyebrow as Shigure with no shame at her disciple being right in front of her, opened up her kimono slightly to fish out a flip phone from her large breasts 'pocket dimension' as somehow she pulled the phone from her cleavage. And then she held it out in front of me. "She is involved in big things... And if you want to get your name out into the world beyond just being my own discple. And being the grandmaster's grandson. This is your chance." She finished.

After a moment of thought as I thought things through. I nodded slowly to Shigure. "Alright go ahead Shigure, I trust you."

And no other words were spoken as Shigure flipped open the phone and dialed the number for apparently the CEO and after a half dozen rings the a crackle rang out as Shigure put the phone on speaker phone.

"Shigure is that you?" A feminine voice came through the phone and Shigure grunted out a quick.


To which that voice continued with a small sigh escaping. "So my old friend, what can I do for you. You wouldn't call me for just a social call... If you wanted to talk, you would just climb through my window again haha." The female voice tittered and I threw Shigure a look who met my eyes with no shame as she shrugged.

Finally though after the woman was finished speaking, Shigure said. "Kurayoshi Rino... I am calling in my favors, I want my disciple to be one of your fighters, and you to actually use him."

'That name sounds familiar?' I thought but the 'who' the name belonged to escaped me. But either way Kurayoshi Rino, or just Rino was silent for a moment before she audibly exhaled and said. "Alright Shigure, I certainly owe you and the rest more than that. I will need to test him though. And if he loses... I can't use him as I won't hurt my friends."

So I basically had one chance otherwise if I lost this neurotic girl who was a major empath wouldn't want me to get hurt anymore under her watch.


Rauko the varment

Lolz they tried to sue her for looking like the apple insignia!? Oh gosh, I dying from laughter!


Eva cosplay shigure....hmmm🤔