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The meeting between all the races went as well as could be hoped with the Kijin bound in to Rimuru and myself by the true Names we bestowed upon them along with the many other races following us for a variety of reasons. So with all that said and done, Rimuru and I left the Lizard mans tunnel kingdom as we headed back to our town.

'Well at least I will have a good three or so months of a time skip to look forward to before any other stuff happens.' I thought as Rimuru jumped out of my arms and transformed into her human form with her stretching before she asked.

"So, I assume you plan to hole up and work on the potion to make you reach the next 'level' or whatever you got going?" She asked giving me a long look and I nodded as I gave her a long look as I spoke.

"Yeah... And I hope that when I take it, or hell even when I am brewing it. I hope you can use your cheat or whatever to see if we can catch the bastard whose been stealing from my labratory." I spoke coldly as there were dozens of servings stolen from the hundreds if not thousand plus doses of regenerator skill potions I made for the hobgoblins and the direwolves.

In response Rimuru's eyes glowed golden as she seemingly asked 'Great Sage' something and she nodded with her saying in her typical easy going manner. "Alright, I will do what I can! Now lets head on home then!" She said pulling on my arm almost demandingly making me smile indulgently as I broke into a slow jog at Rimuru's actions.


A few hours later as all the hobgoblins, direwolves, and the combat-oriented kijin returned home with us, I was welcomed home to the sight of something... Very fucking annoying.

"I swear to god... I am going to kill whoever who did this." I said with my eyes twitching as I stared at the burnt-down wreck of my townhouse that housed my laboratory that the dwarves had helped build as a priority project because I could bottle skills.

And I held in my screams of frustration as I sifted through the burnt remains and saw all the alchemical/chemistry equipment was utterly ruined making me cover my face as I took a deep breath as this would take a good week to replace even with the influx of wealth and resources we had.

"A blond elf was fighting with someone with a clown-like mask inside the house, and during the fight. The house got hit by a big fireball spell making it go up in flames." Kaijin told me gruffly as he patted my arm consolingly before he continued. "The boys and I have already started digging a bunker lined with enchanted walls that will prevent someone from digging into it. While we also plan to build a stone house atop the bunker."

I nodded silently and then patted his shoulder and said. "Thank you Kaijin, and give my thanks for the rest of your crew," I said and he waved his hands with an easy-going smile as he said in his typical gruff voice.

"Ain't no thanks, necessary lad. Giving us dwarves fire resistance skills and a fire projection skill, made us far better smiths. We are happy to help an neighbor." He said as he turned around to go back to his own work while I looked at the burnt remains of my house and realized something.

'Oh shit... I don't have anywhere to live now. Fuck!' I thought before I shrugged as I could always bunk with Demeter but before I could go to the first Hobgoblin I named, I heard a voice calling out. "Jake! There you are!"

I looked over with a smile already crossing my face as I recognized the voice and my senses were right as there was Shuna walking over to me at a quick pace. "Shuna, I am glad to see that besides my house burning down, nothing else was destroyed, I imagine that was you and Kurobe?" I asked as I could see in the distance away from my house.

The clear burnt sections of where Shuna used her own spiritual flames that burnt at the souls and consciousness of their targets along with large holes in the ground where the physical powerhouse of Kurobe physically fought the interlopers.

The damned interlopers... Who Waited For Me To Leave The Town, Before Trying To Ransack My Stores!!!

Shuna seeing my distressed expression gently pulled on my sleeve as she said softly. "Come on Jake. Come with me, I made lunch, and you are probably exhausted after fighting through the night and marching back here only to see... This." She finished weakly and I sighed nodding allowing the gentle Kijin priestess to pull me away to the home she and Shion shared.

The pink-haired priestess was honestly the biggest sweetheart out of everyone as she brought me a bowl filled with a nice hearty stew before she sat down demurely beside me and asked how dealing with the Orcs went.

So I explained that we dealt with the Orc disaster with Geld being dealt with. And then the large meeting between us, and the orcs and the lizardmen as we have decided to come together into an alliance to keep ourselves and the Jura Forrest safe from the factions that have been looking at it covetously.

"Well I am just glad everyone we care about is still safe and whole." She said softly as she looked at me gently before she coughed and said behind a sleeve of her low-hanging priestess outfit as she covered up the bottom half of her face as she spoke. "Ah... And seeing as your home has been burnt down, it would be for the best that you stay here with Shion and... Myself, as what if those thieves come to assassinate you or something!" She almost yelled at the end with her face flushing with embarrassment.

I couldn't help a smile as Shuna's embarrassed expression as she head half of her face behind her sleeve was just so utterly adorable. Even more adorable was how her pink eyes looked at me with such earnest hope as well. So I put down my wooden spoon and told her thankfully. "If you and Shion wouldn't be uncomfortable with me here, I would love to take up your offer Shuna, thank you for offering."

She hurriedly waved her hands around as she said excitedly. "Oh dear no! It's no trouble at all, and I imagine... No I know Shion will happily agree as well! In fact she may agree too enthusiastically in fact!"

My lips twitched at the thought of Shion 'accidentally' sleep walking into my bed as she pulled some similar nonsense in 'sleepwalking' across the street and into my previous home at one point but Rimuru whose senses while sleeping were heightened caught her in the act and strung her up with her magical string/wires until I found her later in the morning.

But I went back to the thankfully great-tasting soup and not Shion's rejected primordial meals that were so disgusting that they were considered an eldritch abomination I could literally eat to cultivate.



I forgot if it was mentioned but is his meta-knowledge ‘complete’ or does he only know stuff from the anime?

Murderous Gaming

You gonna include stuff from the Tempest Trinity series and others as well?