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In just a couple of hours I had quickly realized that Carmilla was the voice of reason between the figures of Skadi and Magna, her soothing soft-spoken voice coupled with the way that both Skadi and Magna looked upon her with respect meant that they both listened to her.

And in reality besides Carmilla being somewhat worried about what demonic reinforcements could be within Auschwitz, both Skadi and Magna were more than confident in going... Well Skadi wanted to put witches to the axe and sword, while Magna knowing of the evil and costs invoking demons, she was also more than confident in holding her own with her great pysker sorcery she had her fingertips.

So it was just Carmilla who was on the fence of things but knowing she couldn't just leave us behind, she just sighed and acknowledged that we needed to make a move. Especially if I wanted to actually deal with super Hitler who had the Longinus.

Destroying Auschwitz which was being used to summon demons would be a good first step.

Carmilla once again carried me over into the forests surrounding the massive camp of Auschwitz, and I could all but feel the congealed suffering from the installation as even Magna grimaced and spat out. "Yes... They are certainly using condensed human suffering as fuel to anchor demons to the mortal plane. Skadi, I may not agree with you in much... But such foul magiks need to be uprooted." She said strongly as a purple light of power filled her single eye.

Skadi gave a toothy grin filled with bloodlust as she chuckled deeply and retorted. "Fine, I will take that admission and remember it for the rest of my long days Magna... Now you keep the wretch's from escaping or summoning anything nasty, Carmilla and I will kill the guards and any witches!"

I took a deep breath and then pulled at my spiritual energy with my body turning into a burnished silver as I invoked the Iron and turned my body into solid enhanced metal. With Skadi giving me a weird look before she raised a hand and I barely reacted in time to tilt back as she flicked my chest casually with a finger.

My form was sent skidding backwards with my solid metal shoes carving through the ground as Carmilla said bluntly. "Testing him is pointless, he is going in anyways Skadi."

Skadi instead just shook her head with that same grin remaining as she spoke out proudly. "Heh, that metal body is pretty strong, so he should be fine so long as he doesn't get run over by a tank or something!"

I just decided to take Skadi's little flick as a compliment as I imagined most humans would have their ribs utterly mulched by that 'gentle' flick of hers. Either way I shifted and spoke. "Well let's get going then. Magna, you want to open things up by blowing up the main building?" I asked pointing at the central large square building.

The rest of the buildings of Auschwitz was of a stone brick like building style. But the main building even from a great distance, looked to be otherworldly, and built out of a singular black block that had these weird red glowing lines going through it.

Magna hearing my question frowned as she looked at the building in more detail before shaking her head. "No. That building is clearly magical and of a malignant nature... If that is the building in which the demons are being summoned within. Simply destroying the building could lead the assembled and congealed suffering to open a portal for Deamons to invade."

That was a good point even if I didn't like leaving the damn near comically evil looking building standing as we assaulted Auschwitz. But if the millennia old sorceress tells you not to smash the big evil building with a magic hammer... Then it was for the best to believe her.

I sighed as the magic system... Actually what the fuck was the magic system going to be like in this universe that was a fusion of Marvel and DC???

Either way as that distracting thought me, I shook it off as I followed behind Skadi as Magna stayed behind. While Carmilla flew into the air to preform an alpha strike on the leadership once they unveiled themselves.

However once we got closer to Auschwitz I heard Skadi curse as she skidded across the ground in an abrupt stop and then she fully stopped herself by swinging her axe to the front confusing me but then I saw her axe slash through some kind of stringy film made and I realized it was some kind of magical ward. Or hell... Maybe even some kind of Nazi secret super science thing.

But either way, a loud blaring alarm rang from the walls surrounding Auschwitz as search lights burst into life and began scanning the area, meaning whatever Skadi ran into, was most definitely some kind of security measure.

And Skadi seeing a stealthy approach was all but useless became a blur of speed as she sprinted at insane speeds across the field that separated the surrounding forest from the compound with her leaping into the air with a great roar as she smashed her axe and body through the walled in compound like a screaming Viking war goddess.

I was a good bit behind her but I took the time as I followed up behind her as gunfire and weird noises rang out to use my I of Iron to form wolverine style blades on top of my fists as I realized I was going into this with the intent of not leaving any survivors. As the pyscho guards of Auschwitz didn't deserve any such mercy for the heinous shit they did here.

Making a couple jumps with my spiritual energy boosting my speed of movement I heard a loud roar of fury as Skadi actually found something that could fight back. But I decided to run the length of the wall and as I smashed through the door of a guard tower, I saw my first Nazi besides the mess that Skadi would leave of anyone she met.

He was wearing a black uniform with several badges on it of which their significance wasn't something I knew, but my eyes were instead drawn to the blue glowing pistol in his hand that he hurriedly raised at me making me mentally curse. 'Tesseract Weapons... Fuck.' But his human reaction of spinning around towards the door was slow compared to my form who was still running after smashing into the door.

And before the Nazi guard could react my clawed fist slammed home into his upper chest with the blades peircing his back and my metal fist very audibly shattering his ribs. I clearly had more peak human strength right now clearly with how I ran through the door and what I did to this Nazi guard.

Halfway to raising his glowing gun at me, he stiffened and stilled with his arm dropping as my fist blades had also destroyed his spine so as I pulled my fist out of his impaled chest I also wrenched away the glowing gun before Ieft the guard tower with a mantra playing in my head. 'They are literally super nazis, who are summoning demons. Just have a first time combat freak out later!'


Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.


Action! Nice!

The Rew

Anything with dc/marvel and 40k had my support. I do wonder if the powers our MC will receive from the almighty alphabet will vary from the original. As nice as regeneration is I doubt he wants to go around with a zombie power when he is fighting nazis summoning demons, that would just be tempting fate. Or use something that specifically affects reiatsu when he is the only one using it.