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We skipped going to the adventurer's guild to report the bandit and demon kills, with the three of us heading directly for the central castle built into the massive solitary mountain that was in the center of Lundhaven City. "What is your purpose adventurer?" A guard clad in the rustic red colors of Lundhavens placed a spear between our party and leading into the castle built into the mountain.

I took a breath and then spoke seriously. "I am the summoned hero Jake Barriss, Carlos brought me to the city and there is a party to be thrown in my honor in the next three days... But during my quest, I came across very important information."

The guard stilled as the weight of my presence being here and not just arriving for the party seemed outside of his preview so he visibly shifted. However, I couldn't see his face with how his face was covered in a completely covering helmet.

He nodded and then pulled his spear back and looked to his partner who was watching the other side of the large gate. "Henry, send for a servant to lead the hero inside."

The other guard apparently named Henry reached into an alcove in the wall and I saw him pulling a rope or something. Past this large gate blocked off by the guards was a large winding path and in the distance I could hear a gate opening around a corner in the path.

I heard Drakia mutter to me. "The road up to the castle is heavily protected by magic so we need an escort."

A whole couple of minutes later I saw a maid power walking to the gate with her holding down her short skirt with one hand as she came to the gate and spoke out at seeing my form. "Ah it is indeed the hero! He bears anti-magic armor and is followed by a dragon kin and a nun."

The maid... Kinda gave me an oppressive feeling so I looked her over and my lips twitched at how provocative her maid outfit was, as the skirt barely went halfway down her thigh and her top was more of a crop top with her midriff exposed along with a long cut in the top to expose her ample cleavage.

But beyond the maids revealing outfit I realized she was a dark elf from her pointed ears and midnight black skin with her eyes almost glowing with a purple light to them as she assessed my form in turn.

"Welcome hero, please come step inside the castle and I can hear what you need to say without you yelling it out to the city." She spoke and as she approached the gate, the massive wrought iron gate swung open with a loud groaning noise.

After a moment of thought I nodded and stepped forward while saying evenly. "Very well then."

The dark elf maid led us through the enchanted road that hummed dangerously to my senses and I spoke to Rose quietly. "So Hadenna is attached to the goddess of darkness, is Iyana following some divine?"

And Rose slowly shook her head with her glancing to the elf and I understood she didn't want to speak with the servant in earshot.

But regardless the dark elf led us into the maid castle with her leading us through a smaller door and as we entered the cooler castle. She directed us to a side meeting room and then as Rose and Drakia took seats beside me on a couch.

The dark elf wrapped her arms under her chest pusing up her breasts as she spoke elegantly. "Then please convey your message to me. My name is Silas, I am Queen Iyana's personal hand maiden." She spoke gracefully as she tilted her head to me in a bow.

I nodded in respect in to the handmaiden and I took a breath before I spoke. "While I was on a misson to deal with a group of demon scouts here, not far from the city. I found out that that there are more demons in the area who are working on a ritual. A ritual that will be effecting the dungeons of Lundhaven." I finished explaining.

The dark elf gave me a long look before she shifted and then switched legs that were thrown over the other inevtiably flashing me a hint of dark underwear with how utterly short her skirt was but I didn't let her distract me as she smiled and responded in an odd tone. "And so out of the goodness of your heart, you rushed over to Queen Iyana to report this coming catastrophe?"

I frowned at her wording as there was something else she was hinting at. And not being able to decide if she was just teasing me, or was actually aware of this I simply responded blandly. "I know trouble was coming for dungeons that were supposedly already on the brink of exploding into a dungeon break... If you don't care for my warning or Queen Iyana doesn't care for such a warning, then I will take my leave and will not bother your lady's idle life." I finished with a cold tone.

Silas's face went dark at my words as she got what I meant. 'If Iyana is going to stick her head in the head in the sand, or if being led around was how I was going to be treated. Then I just won't play in this sandbox.'

We made eye contact for a long moment before she smiled but the smile had an edge to it as she said with a clear hint of danger in her words. "Playing royalty off one another is a very dangerous game young man. You know this right?"

But I went for the nuclear option as I leaned in closer and said bluntly. "Fuck around and find out how I can literally go straight to Yecrea of Spring... I was summoned to this world to deal with the demon and orc armies. If your queen wants to play hard to get, then I can just leave this land altogether as I doubt Hadeena is any more manageable."

Sure I was summoned here to New Atha, but I owed no such allegiance to this country and sure if I could I would love to break down the orc armies and if I could assassinate the Necromancer Queen. But I knew that shit wasn't going to happen for a long while. As I was comically weaker then her to say nothing of the massive army of tireless undead that followed her.

But I had potential, and Silas and everyone else knew I had a broken limiter that so I could level up far quicker with my stats making me far stronger than anyone remotely around my own level.

Silas actually smiled as she looked at me and then said. "Hoh? So there isn't any love lost between you and Lady Tilda?"

I gave her a bland look before I retorted flatly. "She sponsored my arrival, gave me some coins, and an assassin to watch my back to make sure I survived. I know her desires to remake the Atha empire and frankly..." I shrugged leaving an open statement on how I felt about that.

As the Atha empire had been shattered for more than a decade now. People have lived a good while outside of the Atha's laws and I knew Ecesh to the southeast and Rechuyland to the north were going to be a major hassle to subjugate.

I actually had my old world's history to fall back on. Even in a world in which everyone spoke the same language, every land had different cultures and thus would never capitulate truly to being conquered.

Silas's enigmatic smile faded at my words and she nodded as she made a noise of thought before she stood up and said. "Very well Jake Barriss, I will convey your words and intent as you have said them to my dear Queen Iyana. Is there anything else you wish to share before I escort you from the castle?"

I shook my head and stood up as well with Drakia and Rose standing up silently as well. "No. This is all I wanted to say."

If my news of demons working to destabilize Lundhaven wouldn't amount to much, then I would just turn in my missions, take the additional EXP, and then grab more missions as I knew the Lundhaven Adventurers Guild would have more missions as well.

After Silas led us away from the castle and saw us off, I said. "Alright, let's head off to the guild then."

And, after a moment Rose spoke with her voice colder. "Queen Iyana is godless, she believes only in the might of magic, and the strength of someone's blade in public. But in reality, she isn't above using anyone and anything to accomplish her goals."

I didn't let Rose's words heavily color my opinion of Iyana as I was well aware that a queen of any sort in such a fantasy world would get their hands dirty. I just didn't want to be made a tool. Either way, we quickly made our way to the Lundhaven Guild so we could turn in the demon extermination mission, along with the bandit clearing mission without any issue with Drakia, Rose and myself renting a room within the guild's sponsored hotel for the coming three days.


Back within Lundhaven Castle, Queen Iyana was laid out across a long couch with that very same beautiful dark elf maid between her legs dutifully licking her womanhood as the queen relaxed with an indulgent smile. "Hmm... So Jake is trying to play independent?" She asked with a husky whisper and the dark elf carefully raised her head and said with slavish worship in her voice.

Silas's voice sang her worship for the queen who lounged above her with all her heart. "My goddess... He is unaware of the light that is your majesty! Is ignorant of your wisdom! Blind to your beauty! And incapable of accepting his place as your subject!"

Iyana rolled her eyes and said gently. "Shush little pet... He is not a broken little toy like you, he is actually somewhat interesting as he is from beyond this world and is untouchable by myself and my other sisters."

Silas shuddered as her queen and goddess hands pushed her back into her wet warmth as the queen went back to speaking to herself. "So he wants me to be proactive. And what? Show my direct support of him?" Iyana raised a hand from the head she was holding and cupped her chin as she remained in thought.

Killing Jake Barris was plainly out of the question, so she needed to either work with him or around him as she sought her rightful place on the throne of New Atha... And one day regain the rightful lands that seceded from the Atha empire.

"But he doesn't care for who is the true queen... Which means that lazy cunt Tilda hasn't ensnared him yet." Iyana looked down at Silas and asked. "And who was protecting him?"

Silas with clear reluctance lifted her mouth from her goddess's honey pot as she spoke wetly. "The younger heir of the Dark Knives."

Iyana nodded as she knew that heir would be Jing as Silas was her own assassin who she personally broke after she failed an attempt on her own life. "So little Jing is his protector but still hasn't tied him to Tilda yet... No something else is going on." She mused as she realized that it wasn't that Tilda was too lazy to try to pull the summoned hero into her camp...

She just couldn't!

And that realization made Iyana burst into laughter as she realized the double edged sword it was to have that capricious bitch of a light goddess watching her every move. "Hahaha! So he truly is an independent agent, Tilda was certainly told not to enslave or mess with the hero as well haha!"

That thought struck her hard and her loins tightened up as she realized Jake Barris was the key to her ambitions. Becoming Queen of New Atha? No with his support once he leveled up to level eighty and matched the greater generals of the nation, he would be on the level of even level one hundred, and he could slaughter the greater lords of Ecesh and break that ice queen bitch so the ice gods would retreat from the North.

She wouldn't merely be a queen... She would be the Empress.

Iyana gently looked down at Silas whose eyes rolled back in her own orgasm at the 'loving' expression showing within her eyes as she looked at the broken dark elf assassin. "Once you are finished, go to the guild and have a priority mission issued. If Jake wishes to play hero and get the beauties he is more than welcome to. Take Irabel Clouds the daughter of New Atha's chief of coin, and throw her into a dungeon's safe room behind the boss room."

She couldn't help but smile at the drama that would unplay from this event as she found that blond twit utterly annoying anyway. As Irabel had somehow figured out Jake was coming to Lundhaven and came here and demanded herself... The very queen of this land to tell her where he was.

When he hadn't even arrived here in Lundhaven yet!



Man all these bitches be rushing to fuck around and find out it seems Jake really will have to level up and then start spanking the royal twits to put them back in their places lol

Daniel Foley

Dear Author-san, You forgot to add the Tag and Collection, for this story. Thanks.