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I had realized that certain powers were best used in separate monster forms as for example. I took the form of a Galvin being the alien race who Azmuth the greatest inventor created the Omnitrex from Ben 10 belonged to. And used it's amazing intelligence to create a sort of guiding path and list for me to follow in order to create an artificial intelligence.

From there, I went full crackhead mode and took on the form of Juryrigg to take a bunch of garbage from the surrounding ships in the ship grave yard and using its intuitive sense of engineering and the bits of notes I found interesting enough from my Galvin forms I went and made an Ai that followed me around in a series of cloaked drones.

And I was becoming more and more aware that my 'human' mind was very much at risk as I took on the minds and natures of aliens and monsters that were so far removed from humanity.

In one night.

In one night I killed more than half of the E-88 and it was only the fact they went completely off the grid after figuring out that I was tracking them down in their civilian identities and otherwise by their phones and such that they managed to shake me off.

In my Galven/Jurryrig enhanced crafting psychosis I had even infected all the phone companies' data centers in the entire state with voice recognition software that lifted from voice previous samples of the E-88, Merchant, and AZN Bad Boyz leaders. So if at any time anyone was on the phone around them when they were talking...

I would catch up real quick.

And my bloody rampage was self evident. As by morning out of the fifteen active Parahuman members of the E-88 I had killed all but six of their members. With only Kaiser their leader, Purity, Rune, Fenja, Menja, and Othala surviving as Othala and Rune only survived my attack on their home as Victor set off several bombs that distracted me allowing Rune to fly away with Othala on some debris while I tore Victor apart.

As for Kaiser, and his arm candy in Fenja and Menja. They weren't even in the city as Kaiser in his civilian identity had been working on a major business deal which I took great deal in ruining as I made several prominent news articles put out news about how he was found and recorded going to ABB flesh farms for his appreciation for underage asians in the forced prostitution rings the Asian gang loved so much.

Now with the E-88 crippled for now as I didn't play any games at all with them and just tore them apart violently with my monster forms as soon as I found them. I was sitting down in front of my computer as I did an AMA with the people of PHO to explain why I did what I did.

And of course the future of Brockton Bay in the future... Should I survive to say the least. "Do I plan to go after the Merchant or the ABB next?" I read aloud the most prominent comment and then I saw another interesting comment.

[Instead of killing Nazi's why don't you kill the super ra**** he has been forcing himself on women for literal decades and the PRT and Guild is completely fucking useless!]

I paused reading that and I knew the commenter was asking if I planned to go after Heartbreaker who had the powers to completely control peoples emotions and could twist people into being his slaves with abhorrent ease so I made a humming noise and responded easily. "I plan to clean out a city a bit more... That and I need to work in my tinker forms to make some technology to remove Master effects if not just mind wipe them of the years of suffering they had faced."

Well that and I wanted to make a massive mecha I could used the Ben10 alien form Upgrade to inhabit for whenever an Endbringer alarm inevitably rang.

I took a breath and relaxed in my large beautiful form of a Ninetails as I found the serenity and calm mind this form had was a good way to relax as I paused as I used a paw to scroll down to more comments and saw something that made me frown.

[Vista- (Verified Cape) (Verified Midget)- We are going to catch you for killing those people you know? Even if they were really bad people, none of those people had Kill Orders!]

I then said frankly to Vista's words. "No... I really don't think you will. As I did something you all couldn't do after years in one day. And we all know the PRT's favorite thing to do is just look away from things if they cannot easily deal with someone."

I could all but imagine the butt hurt PRT's face at my words... But in reality what could they do or say? They literally knew exactly where Lung lived, as he didn't fucking hide it all. He literally lived in the ABB's massive casino they owned after killing some Native Americans to get it for a 'steal' of a price.

And they didn't do shit about Lung... Though I honestly couldn't blame them as Lung was surrounded by literally hundreds of armed gang members armed with better, and higher-end guns and armor then the literal national guard had to say nothing about the police.

But my words were cut off as a comment hit and I read it aloud with a thoughtful look crossing my face. [Citrine (Verified Cape) (Accord's Ambassadors)- Menagerie, the Ambassadors would like to commission your services in removing some of the villains making up the forces of Bostons Teeth gang. Would you be amenable to taking this conversation to DM's after this stream is over?]

I nodded and told Citrine I would be willing as I knew that despite Accord being a 'villain' He was more of a mob boss with a Thinker power that pushed to reach max efficiency with his plans but wouldn't take other people's thoughts and opinions into account.

At the end of the stream though I looked into the camera and said. "Alright, I don't plan to kill Rune and Purity as they are a little girl too stupid to understand the racist rhetoric she is spouting and Purity... You have kids to worry about, stay in the kitchen, and don't be flying around the city glowing like a strobe light and you won't see me."

And with that I ended the stream as I readied for another night's work. As I was going to break the merchants tonight with my Ai capturing the gang leaders' location as they were already planning to celebrate the E-88's implosion by throwing a drug-fueled party. Thinking I wouldn't attack them with so many people there.



Hmm, the weeping angels from Dr Who ... Can he?


Fun, but considering a new angel is 'born' from any sort of media like a photo, visual recording, etc... seems like a recipe for disaster on par with if everyone saw a picture of SCP 096 aka the Shy Guy.

Big ToFu

You know, does this mean he can turn into Kaido, Whitebeard or even Luffy because if so the sky isn't even close to being the limit.


I kinda want him to turn into something that can become like a mass of mini mes and just go wreck havoc somewhere and streaming it and being like so yea I just found out I have forms that turn me into an army so yea