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After slaying the Vagrant of Space and time, I had the multiverse at the tip of my fingers basically. And I wasn't exactly in a rush to run off to another world. As in reality, I needed a world that would allow me to create a valorous tale rather than just challenging myself in simple combat.

"Good work on your battle Jake. Are you ready to fight the Queen Slime on your own?" Alfia asked and I hummed as I recounted that I was already in basic 'Hard Mode' armor which was Adamantine armor, which was the best armor I could really make now without getting stupidly difficult to make materials or boss materials.

And in the end, I nodded with Bell looking a bit upset but Materia gently spoke to her. "He needs to take the challenge on his own if he is to reach his fullest potential."

My crimson-eyed murder bunny sullenly nodded but I reached forward and took her hands into my own as I said my own piece. "Bell, you just stay back and watch the boss. Make sure to memorize its attacks and other abilities so next time when we fight it together to farm its drops... You can kill it as soon as possible."

Bell pouted but nodded with her voice coming out somewhat sullen as her eyes bored into my own. "Then you be careful then... The Wall of Flesh literally made the world shudder, I don't want to know what the monsters you summon are going to be like and who are considered stronger than the last monster."

I just nodded in understanding as gave Bell's hands a good squeeze in showing my understanding before I took a breath and responded as Haruhime walked over with a drink to hand to me. "I will be fine. I have all my summons to cheese the boss after all." I joked slightly as I took the drink with a gentle 'Thank you' to Haruhime who smiled as she sat down beside me and her tail went around my side as she subtly leaned against me slightly.

Anyway with Bell pacified, Alfia and Materia being supportive, Hestia just being happy I wasn't throwing Bell into a super dangerous fight... And my own goddess Seshat pacified. That only left Haruhime and the other members of my Familia in the elf Vilvis, and the cow beastkin Beatrice to follow along with Alfia's training as I went ahead and ate, drank and dealt with other stuff as I readied myself to fight the Queen Slime.

In the game world of Terraria, summons weren't really that powerful unless you fully kitted yourself out for that style of combat which kinda sucked when the game was 2D and you had a lot less freedom of movement to avoid bosses and their attacks. But in the real world...

Even without making my kit focused on my summons to make them stronger, they did plenty of damage as they could actually wield the weapons I make. Like Sir Fluffykins for example. He was a weak as hell summon who could normally only pelt people with acorns but he had upgrades himself to riding atop one of my summons with a literal minigun in his arms that he could shoot explosive rounds out of...

So in this world... Even if the Empress of Light bitched about me cheating and using higher leveled adventurer's she couldn't complain about my own mob of summons using more powerful weapons to make themselves stronger thrashing her while I just dodged her bullshit!

After finishing up spending some time with Bell and the rest I had moved out as I knew the Queen Slime was something I needed to deal with. As I wanted the pink slime it dropped so I could make potions to help Eina regrow her eyes after those twins ripped them out.

I took out the Gelatin Crystal which felt like an oversized gummy bear in the shape of a crystal and with a flex I heard a squishing noise before I watery screech hit my ears as the boss answered my demand for her presence.

The Queen Slime was in one word... Beautiful in its form even in a gelatinous 'blob' form. As in the center of her purple slime body that had glowing stars seemingly streaking through it. Was an astoundingly beautiful massive multifaceted crystal even larger than myself acting as the core of her slime body.

There was a moment of silence as I stared at the queen slime and like the Empress of Light spoke before. The Queen of Slimes was just as sentient as any person as she jiggled with her crown that was larger than a semi-truck bowing in my direction as she gave a bow in my direction as a greeting.

"Queen Slime, I will be fighting you now... Give me your best as the Empress of Light has given me the challenge for the loyalty of you two royals." I spoke calmly as my mana thrummed around me as I tapped into all my falna-enhanced strength and even sunk into the otherworld energies that was being a Starfarer.

And the Queen Slime answered in kind with dozens of crystal cores that hovered in the sky forming in the air and my lips twitched seeing a thick laser grid forming forming between the cores. 'She is trying to limit my mobility huh.' I thought wryly and then I dashed forward at high speeds as the Queen Slime teleported above my head by a good couple meters and slammed down onto the ground where I previously was like a meteor hitting the ground!

I responded instantly in beams of magic striking her slime form which her slime body rippling with the effects of my magic hitting her body all the while my summons with to work with the constant drone of my Sir Fluffykins minigun filling the surroundings as more cores formed from the Slime Queens power but instead of the static ones in the air above us, these were much smaller and were moving around with their conjoined lasers trying to carve through me and Sir Fluffykins and his flying mount.


Fight and DIE

It's always funny to me that slimes are always treated like a beginner monster when they could easily be one of the most dangerous with almost all weapons being ineffective against them then on top of being potentially highly acidic so if you splatter one to kill it it might just take you out with it, if it doesn't just reform


Yeahhh. When Rimuru hits their peak in the LN they are quite literally one of the most powerful fictional characters there are


Congrats on 100 chapters, was a blast to read through from the start as this chapter alerted me to this story existing.