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The currency of this world was actually universal in a commonly used currency around the world unless it was an uncivilized place who used barter and trade. It went Copper to Silver to Gold coins with countries and nobilities using Mythril coins for massive deals that couldn't be managed via large amounts of gold coins.

Each silver coin was worth a hundred copper coins, and likewise with gold coins being worth a hundred silver coins. Most merchant families were lucky if they could bring in a good dozen gold at most in a single year, and likewise for lower-middle-class families. They could survive on a simple couple dozen silver coins for a whole year. A large bundle of food for up to five only ran us four copper coins for example.

Either way I made it abundantly clear to the girls that this money wasn't for them to spend it on make up or clothes... It wasn't for them at all actually! I was spending the money quickly as I gathered up items to feed into my shield along with armored clothes that would fit me as a spear wielder that would cover my sides and weak neck as I would be fighting with my side point at people for the most part.

The very first thing I bought... Was literally spending a dozen silver coins on expensive as hell maps to feed to my spear to unlock detail maps that I could project with my spear as a holographic map along with giving me a minimap in the corner of my vision.

And once I got some actual armor and obvious adventuring stuff like potions that I could fit into my spear's storage space I led the girls to one of the best blacksmiths in the nation apparently.

"Hello!" I spoke out as I took in the decently sized shop as the girls went next door to pick up a couple of magic orbs for Lesty to be able to cast first-level or 'Faust' level elemental magic.

And from the back of the shop came a scarred bald blacksmith who blinked seeing me before he smiled and said joyously. "Ah the spear hero I presume?" He questioned rhetorically and I nodded before I formulated my thoughts for a second and he continued on.

"Hmm, my name is Erhard, and I see you already got some armor fitted for you... And with that legendary spear, I don't think you can or would even want to use any of my weapons. So what can I do for you?" He asked respectfully but not kissing my ass or anything which was nice.

And with his question, I got my thoughts together and I decided to be honest about my intentions. "My name is Jake Barriss the Spear Hero, Mr Erhard, I am afraid this is going to be a bit rude, my spear along with the other Legender Weapons can scan and make copies of their weapon types that will grant me special abilities and stats should I master them." At his face tightening I continued.

"I am willing to pay you a modest sum to copy the spears, and nothing would happen to your own spears but this would help me out a long way Erhard." I finished with the blacksmith sighing and waving.

"Alright alright... Heh, the Spear Hero comes to my shop before any other shop and wants to rely on my weapons to save the world." The blacksmith seemingly thought on it before chucking and continuing with a small smile. "Just tell the people who you meet about my store then." He finished and then waved his hands at the spears lining the walls and I nodded my head to him in respect for his help.

The Legendary Spear had four primary methods of gaining strength.

Weapon  Mastery- On a masterly level of 1-100 I had to master a particular weapon form to gain a flat portion of the weapons bonus stats added to my base stats.

Smelting- I could fuse magical ores into a weapon form to strengthen its base form with each level raising its stats with each level of +1 to +2 to +3 and beyond... But I could fail an upgrade to a higher level and the spear would reset back to its base form of 0 and all the ores would be lost.

Spirit Enchantment- I could fuse special items or souls of monsters into my weapons and when the weapons are mastered I got better bonuses added to my stats.

And finally Status Enchantment- Which was once again using only monster souls I could raise the base stats of my spears to make them stronger to theoretically infinite levels so long as I had the monster souls to continuously add levels of refinement to the specific spear.

Either way those were the base Spear methods of gaining power and with Erhard opening up his spear stores. I had as solid path to gaining some decently strong spears for the coming future.

[Iron Spear Gained!] [Wind Screaming Spear Gained!] [Heavy Spear Gained!] [Throwing Spear Gained!]

The Legendary Weapons were for sure very strong. But at their core and their greatest strength was their ability to have solutions for damned near anything. So I made sure to get a defensive spear that raised up my durability along with doing great damage. A spear that heightened up my speed which was the apparently the best in the four Legendary Hero's and finally a spear that could do damage over distance.

"Thank you for letting me scan your weapons Erhard." I said respectfully and he nodded with a wry smile as my new low leveled Iron Spear was in my hands as I couldn't equip higher leveled spears with my base level 1 form.

The bald scarred blacksmith nonchalantly waved at me with a small smile as he said kindly. "Eh you basically just window-shopped so I can't be mad at you... Anyway, you head on out and go kill some monsters with those girls behind ya. I want to see if any of those other Legendary Heroes will do me the common courtesy of telling me they are going to steal from me."

My lips twitched at that but I just inclined my head to him as I walked outside to where my all-female party was rather clearly impatiently waiting for me and I called out. "Alright girls let's get going to kill some monsters and get some levels!"


Iori Daemona Angel

This was nice of Jake, he is way better than the ntr fuck which he replaced.


He feeds his spear not shield there is a mixup here