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After Mizuhara very quickly got dressed in some lighter sleeping clothes we relaxed with full bellies and I had an important thought hit my mind. "So are there any groups out there? Any notable groups or people we could actually join?"

Mizuhara sighed and then after a moment as she eyes dulled over as she was clearly in deep thought she began speaking. "Yeah... There's a lot of groups out there, but this place is literally endless so unless you get lucky to find a door leading to the exit leading to the still dangerous as hell outside world then it's super rare to meet the roaming groups." She started and then continued after taking a breath.

"The first and most profitable group is a group called Hexetcraft... A group of waifus who are either magical girls or girls with some magical potential are pulled in by their scouts who can navigate the Maze by using powerful magitech to keep themselves on track, they don't go out of their way to steal items of power from people but if they clear out an area of monsters... Don't expect to get any items of power there." She finished while frowning and I realized she probably got refused by them for not actually having any magical potential.

Either way Mizuhara continued despite my thoughts. "The second group are simply called, The Gatcha... Basically everyone there is a lower-tiered waifu from a Gatcha fantasy universe or otherwise. And they are all welcomed there as the Company is literally bursting with Saberfaces and they aren't above sending them without any powerful weapons to cut their power down."

She obviously didn't fit there so she didn't seem so bummed out about it as she explained that The Gatcha was also pretty civilized people who wouldn't use people as bait, kill them for no reason... Or otherwise harm others without a decent reason.

But Mizuhara took a breath with a frown coming across her face and I realized this next one was going to be an issue. "There are basically only three main groups because this last one goes after any other groups that begin collecting power and gains a lot of resources. They are called, The Ascended... And they will use each and every resources with zero care of morals and lives lost just to collect a single monster corpse or even a low-quality item of power."

She swallowed and then said softly. "Their true members are people with power and are willing to use it... That's their motto and I saw this weird clown themed girl named Geiru rip some dude's eyes out for her to just leave him as bait to allow her to more easily kill a Primordial deer or just an enhanced deer for her to sell."

I took a breath as I looked through my system and saw I was still far away from any amount of power... Even if I was willing to take a chance on the Devil Fruit Gatcha, I was still far away from that. So I just swore to become stronger so I didn't get stuck in such a rut.

Mizuhara sighed and then face-planted onto the bed and I heard her moan in comfort as the bed was truly a pretty damned good bed. Same as the rest of the house honestly, it was a upper middle class house with three bedrooms in the upstairs and a decent-sized fenced-in yard with a hip-height white picket fence marking the edge of the yard.

And all was quiet for a long while. With Mizuhara clearly falling asleep with a full belly and the knowledge that I was almost certainly some kind of psychopath.

Likewise, I relaxed on my loveseat as I idly wondered if I should get a book or something to let Mizuhara sleep in peace. But just as I was thinking more about how I could spend my time I heard a harsh clicking noise and then the bedroom lights flickered before dying out leaving the room only lit up by a few dim battery powered knick knacks that were constantly running.

Mizuhara sniffled and rolled over in her sleep at the change in light but as she had her face buried into a pillow unaware that something had happened. And for a long moment I hoped... Really hoped that it was just a circuit breaker tripping or the house actually only had power during certain houses like a show house this could have some times!"

But then I heard it.

Heavy footsteps outside. The crunching of gravel being moved as someone or something walked with purpose around the side of the house and stirred up the gravel path outside.

And then a thud rang out. A another loud thud rang out with a harsh grinding noise rang out and I realized whoever or whatever was out there... Had pushed the couch aside from the front door!

"Wake up!" I hissed slapping the girl across the ass making her whimper as my other hand went over her mouth to silence a scream about to escape her mouth. "It broke into the house, get your shoes on now!"

I could hear the 'Thud, Thud, Thud'  of perfectly rhythmic sounds of heavy boot-like footsteps slowly climbing the stairs and as Mizuhara bent over to throw her shoes onto her still sock covered feet thankfully I pulled at my memory of cheesing shit in Dead By Daylight and opened up the window which led over the front porch so we could escape by jumping off the covered porch roof onto the front lawn."

'Alright you shit... Come on.' I thought as my shotgun made a harsh clicking noise as I pulled back the lever to ready it and then as though hearing the noise I made as Mizuhara already knowing my plan crawled partly out of the window. The door was slammed into with a heavy crashing noise.

The love seats placed in front of it were sent skidding across the ground as the door was kicked almost all the way open and then I saw what was breaking in!

A tall man, wearing something like a mechanic's jumpsuit and even as I registered the glint of a large kitchen knife in his hand... I froze for a moment seeing his mask.

A terribly ragged bleached white mask with dirty brown fake hair atop the mask looked at me and I realized who this was.

Micheal Myers... And as he stomped towards me with the knife coming up to obviously slam home into my flesh.

I welcomed a horror villain to the reality of modern weaponry! I pulled the trigger for my AA12, and in that instant I could see Micheal's mask light up as fire from the muzzle lit up the dark room as 300 rounds per minute of 12 gauge slug rounds or five rounds per second blew fist-sized fucking holes into his chest with Micheal falling onto his back as I let go of the trigger before re-aiming and then I continued firing as I stepped closer.

These slugs went right into his masked face and even as Mizuhara yelled something I just fired off another dozen rounds into his head all but obliterating his head as the slug rounds tore through the floor and into the floor below us.



No such thing as Overkill, only OPEN FIRE & RELOADING


Welp jake better hope its one of the more human Myers than the Supernatural ones