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After Gelmund finished explaining his stupid ass goal of making Geld into a demon lord I could see the utter disdain in the Orc Lord's bright red eyes and before Gelmund could react Geld slashed the remaining chunk of his cleaver through the neck of Gelmund. Decapitating him with his masked head getting thrown aside due to the very uneven cut coming from the mostly melted machete.

"Why should I be your pet demon lord when I can just eat you to become a demon lord?" Geld asked gruffly as he sunk down low and everyone watched with bated breathes as the massive orc liberally tore into the majins flesh with gore being tossed aside with how frantic the Orc was eating.

"Wait Rimuru." I whispered to her as I looked from her to the majin. "Let him become a demon lord seed and begin the transformation." I said as Rimuru seemingly got what I meant as she sent me a grin.

'Let the monster become a higher tier monster even if barely much more powerful. So the worth of Rimuru eating him was worth oh so much more with her devouring a higher tier life form.' I thought summing up the situation and with them hearing my words to let this happen the Kijin waited patiently for Rimuru and I to set the tone.

I saw Rimuru's eye's flash red and as Geld roared as he leaned forward with a ominous purple energy raging from his form from him eating a decently powerful majin combined with all the previous monsters and his own fellow orcs. I heard Rimuru finally mutter. "He is becoming a demon lord."

Rimuru looked over at Benimaru and then said. "Do what you can, try to take your own revenge and I will take over if you cannot." She said offering the chance to get his own races revenge for their prior slaughter by the roaming orcs and the young lord of what used to be the Ogre's nodded as his hands filled with black flames.

"Alright then let's see what we can do then!" He called out and instantly I saw blur of motion as Hakuro dashed forward and without the orc lord being able to react just like most other monsters the short older Kijini sped along so fast that he couldn't even react by the time Hakuro passed by him with his sword loudly clinking as he sheathed it.

The Orc went stiff and then with soft wet noise his head fell down from his shoulders from where Hakuro had clearly decaptied him but instead of his head falling down, it merely fell into his hands and then Geld's furious but cold voice rang out from the decapitated head. "I refuse to die... I utterly refuse to die while my people feel hunger. I will devour that sun in front of me and then I will devour the very world to feed my race my flesh so they may never starve."

In response to Geld staring at me in such utter obsession even after fucking being decapitated I took a breath and then I embraced the speaking your skills and spells aloud to boost their power. "Fire Fist." I spoke as I drew my fist back coated in the fire that was Nuclear Fission before punching forward and the purple flames rushed forward with a howl as the wave of flames took form into a massive fist the size of a bus that smashed into Gelmund and sent him flying away with the Kijin running towards where I blasted him.

"What happened to letting the Kijin take their revenge?" Rimuru asked with some confusion and I shuddered as I responded flatly.

"That Orc was looking at me with entirely too much interest..." I stated and Rimuru looked up at me before snorting as she formed her bat wings and I likewise formed wings out of my flames to carry me alongside Rimuru as we caught up to where the Kijin was hammering away at the Orc Lord who was now a Demon Lord Seed or someone who needed the catalyst of a 'Harvest Event' Or in other words... Basically all the souls of the lizardmen and the other monsters of Jura forest to become a true Demon Lord!

Soeui used his wires to bind up the would-be demon lord but even with his wires holding a small amount of time, the other attacks even from Shion cutting him in half and Benimaru burning him to the point that his limbs would shatter from becoming charcoal.

Nothing they could do. Would kill the seemingly immortal Orc, the Orc that was carrying the seed to the ultimate skill of Gluttony. And Rimuru and I both knew that they couldn't kill him so I nodded my head with a wry smile towards the Orc Lord. "Well go on ahead and eat."

Rimuru rolled her eyes and drew her sword with her muttering under her breath. "Telling me to go eat, like he is just telling me to eat unwanted vegis or something..."

But I couldn't respond as Shion was grabbed by the Orc Lord by the foot and was thrown at extremely high speeds just over my head and I grabbed her and grunted in exertion as the force of Shion's thrown body was a damned great amount of force honestly!

"Thanks Jake! Well I guess it's in Rimuru's hands now." Shion said excitedly smashing my face into her breasts as she gave me a hug in thanks for saving her from getting skipped across the marshy surface we were all in like a stone across water.

And she was right as the rest of the Kijin quickly disengaged from the Orc Lord who passively looked down at Rimuru who fearlessly looked up at him with her sword drawn and at the ready. "Move... You are too short to fill my stomach. I want to eat that sun behind you."

A comical red tick mark formed on Rimuru's head and I could see her shudder at being called short as her human form was indeed rather short and many people teased her including myself about her being 'fun sized'

"I am going to eat you... I was going to fight you and see how powerful you were... But no, I am going to fucking eat you and then wash you down with some dwarf booze to get the stink of pig out of my mouth!" Rimuru howled as her berserk button of being called a midget was hit upon.

'Or maybe she was feeling protective over me?' I thought before shaking my head as Rimuru went straight for doing a super sonic drop kick to the Orc's balls meaning that it was her own personal rage driving this beat down.


Scott H

Uhh, pretty sure it is a mistake, but Geld is the name of the orc and Gelmund is the name of of the demon. Not the reverse.

Daniel Foley

Dear Author-san, You've mixed up the names in the chapter. Geld is the Orc Lord. Gelmud is the Demon he killed. Thanks.