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One really nice thing was how all the girls were wearing nice western swim suits instead of weird school outfits that were otherwise fetishized in anime. And Moka, Mai, and Kurumu all had chosen very nice swimsuits.

Moka had on a pink one-piece that had several cuts and openings in it that still protected her modesty. Mai was wearing a black two peice with frills on the bottom, and lastly the succubus Kurumu was wearing a surprisingly normal yellow and black two piece that hugged her curvaceous figure.

"So who looks the best Jake?" Kurumu asked with an utterly evil grin as she posed with her hands up in her hair to bare her body to me. While the other two looked at her shock at her brazen question but if anything after a moment Mai just looked more exasperated then anything.

I raised an eyebrow though and answered fairly. "You three very much are different ladies. Truthfully you three did pick nice swimsuits that fit each of you well, so yeah you three all look great." I finished firmly.

The girls gave a small smile but with the 'Am I looking fat in this?' conversation out of the way, I clapped my hands together as I sat up from the beach chair I had claimed and said. "Alright girls, let's go for some swimming!"

Kurumu giggled and grabbed my arm and as Mai did the same almost sneakily I gave a shout filled with the sounds of heart broken betrayal as I allowed the two girls to drag me closer and then throw me into the pool with Mai calling out teasingly. "So is the water too cold?"

I gave her a look and then almost petulantly snort a blaze of flames from my nose onto the top of the water making several people back up as I dryly called back. "Why don't you get your little butt in here and see if you cook up like a crab?"


The girls then jumped into the pool and thankfully all three girls knew how to swim so there wasn't too many complications like myself needing to teach them how to swim and anything else.

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, we will now be starting some games. Come on over for some pool volleyball!" I heard Tamao call out and I shared looks with the girls and Kurumu and Mai were happy to join while Moka being a bit more reserved had to be cajoled into it.

"No leaping over the net, and no knocking the ball more than fifty feet into the air!" Tamao called out very firmly as she gave several girls and a couple guys glares for probably doing stupid stuff like blasting the ball toward the school or into the surrounding forest.

Either way with a couple rules to limit the more physically powerful and agile monsters from just smashing the clearly reinforced ball everywhere or using it as a weapon to spike it into the members of the other team at extreme speeds... The game was honestly a lot of fun, some people's monster features seeped out in the excitement but no one got hurt and it was all in fun.

It was a good time to stretch out my muscles and it reminded me of the swim classes I had back in middle and high school back in my old life that would let us have fun in the pool on Fridays. 'This is great stress relief.' I thought feeling a lot of the stress of being dropped into the school melt away as I just cut loose before I took the girls to swim to the deeper sections of the school.

"Tamao!" I called out to the captain whose eyes lasered onto me from where she was standing on the side of the pool and I winked at her as I dove into the water with the girls floating above me as I decided to cut loose.

I heard shouts of surprise even through the deep water as my form ballooned out outwards and within a couple of moments took on my full dragon form with my large draconic head popping out of the surface of the pool with the girls holding onto my head.

"No monster forms in the pool unless I say so Jake!" Tamao called out in clear reprimand. But I just gave her a dull look before snorting a wave of flames across the water before submerging my head back under the water as there was nothing she could do to control me.

'A jumped-up fish even a beautiful one controlling a dragon? Utterly ridiculous.' I thought in utter disdain as Mai called out with some concern. "Jake, shouldn't you listen to the captain? We don't wanna get in trouble."

I softly re-emerged my head from the pool and spoke in my far deeper draconic voice that stretched far and wide to everyone here in the pool. "Why should I allow the little hunters an easier hunt Mai... Remember when we signed up?" I spoke and all three tilted their heads to the side as I spoke to Kurumu and Moka in particular.

"The swim club is the feeding ground for mermaids and other female water monsters who harvest the life force of the poor stupid male bastards who join hoping to see some hot girls... Am I right Captain?" I asked looking over at Tamao Ichinose who gave me a long look before nodding with a pout.

"Yes Jake you are right... Sadly for you." She spoke loudly and then she took a deep breath and then shouted out. "Alright girls fun times over! It's chow time!" She shouted and in unison all the girls monster features came out of their bodies. With them swimming at high speeds to the sides of the occupied side of the pool and then in clear unsion spoken of great practise at this they began frantically paddling their fish like bottoms with Tamao calling out.

"Don't worry!  We are just going to drown you a bit, then when you are nice and sleepy we will just take a good long nibble on your life force... We won't be killing you all though, as the principal already made an example out of the last Captain who did!" Tamao calmly spoke as a large whirlpool formed in the middle of the pool which dragged the screaming male monsters who clearly weren't water attributed monsters into it's depths.

I watched dispassionately as those men got dragged in and then I heard a splash and looked over to see Tamao and the ladies that followed her closely and were her clear underlings were swimming at me in a clear V formation after having jumped into the pool.

"Kurumu, take Mai and Moka out of the water so I can discipline the uppity mermaid." I drawled out with my voice making the water around me vibrate at the volume and depth of my voice.

Kurumu gave my red draconic eye a long look before snorting and saying. "Fine, just be careful Jake." And I allowed Kurumu to stand on my head with the other two so she could unfurl and fly with her two succubi wings and I realized she was certainly stronger from drinking my blood and... And other things. She didn't even complain about the weight of Mai and Moka in her arms as she flew!



Silly fish, you have yet to jump the dragon gate and you want to challenge an actual dragon.


Great chapter as always. How did Moka know how to swim? Wasn't she basically allergic to water until she got some of Jake's red juice?

Daniel Foley

Probably learned while in the herb treated water, that is safe for Vampires.