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The Kijin ran ahead of the group with the obvious intent to cause great destruction to the tidal wave of Orcs invading the Jura Forest.

Rimuru and I were watching as the rest of our subordinates joined the great battle with Shion and Benimaru extracting the dumbass Lizardman Gabimaru from his losing fight with one of the lieutenants of the Orc army. And seeing Benimaru creating massive explosions with his black stormy flames I spoke up.

"We both know the Orc lord has the 'Starved' skill. which you will obviously want to devour to make your own Predator skill stronger. So I will focus on just restraining the Orc Lord while you devour him."

Rimuru hummed in agreement with her laying atop my shoulders in her slim form all but drapped over me and then after a moment as we saw Shion send a wave of mana through the orcs carving through their numbers. Rimuru said with a small sigh. "Very well. I will join the battle now I suppose."

And with that, Rimuru hopped off my shoulders with her taking back on her human form with her eyes flashing red with her internal system obviously scanning the surroundings before her hand flared outwards and a howl tore through the surroundings.

The howl being the already stormy clouds above us roaring to life as dozens of massive lightning bolts fell down like divine punishment into the thickest parts of the orc army with lightning frying the armor-covered Orcs.

'Hmm... I don't think I should be killing a bunch of orcs if we want them to be joining our town later on.' I thought before realizing if I didn't actually take part in the battle then that would make me look bad so I sighed as I realized why Rimuru sighed as well. She knew the orcs were being controlled by the orc lords 'Starved' skill and obviously took no great joy in this coming slaughter either.

I shut down my thoughts as this was a hard time but I had things I needed to do even if it was unpleasant so with a flare of my will, the gem embedded within my chest that marked me with the divine flames of the Yatagarasu flared to life and filled my hands with their purple flames which solidified into spears of flames.

'None of ours are over there.' I thought and then I threw my spears in that direction with the spears flying far over the mixed battle of our elite hobgoblins and the kijin tearing through the Orcs until the spear hit the area far away from my friends and the world went silent for a brief moment before the flames of the sun's fission exploded like a nuclear bomb that rose into the air in a mushroom cloud.

With my opening attack done to match the antics of everyone else I jumped down into the marshlands following where Rimuru had gone with my hands filled with swords of solid flames that were obscenely sized due to the flames having so little mass.

I carved through the mindless orcs that rushed towards me with my swords of solid flames melting through the steel armor they were wearing without any signs of obstruction, and I heard Benimaru yelling out to me. "Jake throw more of those spears to clear more of these pigs out!"

And in response, I just flared out my swords to greater size to kill a few more orcs as I really didn't want to make a concentrated effort to wipe out the orcs really. As it wasn't like they were any true danger to me and Rimuru at least.

But as I made my way towards Shion as I had lost Rimuru in the thicket of battle I felt my instincts screaming at me in warning and I looked behind me hurriedly and then from the sky came a dark blur of high speed and I mentally cursed. 'Shit!!'

A massive explosion of pure kinetic energy rang out as the true Orc Disaster had decided I was the yummiest of targets for some reason as he slammed down on the ground with all the force of a mountain being dropped besides us.

And without a fucking word a massive cleaver was swung at my neck from the Orc Lord who hadn't even properly evolved into his demon lord form.

Sizzling metal and the sound of ground being loudly shifted rang out as my swords made out of Yatagarasu flames instantly began melting the probably high grade steel blade but regardless I was still sent ass over tea kettle as my body was sent skipping across the ground by the much physically stronger monster.

'Why is he focusing on me dammit!' I mentally cursed and as though in answer I heard the orc lord groan out.

"I am so very hungry... I feel down to my very heart that should I eat you, I will no longer be hungry... I am sorry." He spoke and I looked up at those ruby eyes filled with naught but mad hunger to devour everything and I realized he could sense the power and fulfillment from either my essence as a Red Priest, or just my Yatagarasu's flames.

"Well then let's go th-." I said standing up but before I could finish and get the fight starting in earnest I heard a whining as hell voice screech out.

"Orc Lord eat those annoying Lizardman first!"

The orcs, the Orc Lord and myself paused at the voice that carried over the battlefield and we looked over at the source and I saw the 'mastermind' in the person who gave the orc lord his name, along with naming many other people in the Jura forest in the hopes of creating a demon lord that he could control.

To which Gabiru blubbered out. "Lord Gelmund, what have I done?! You are the one who named me, why do you want me to die?"

The Maijin named Gelmund was a short and obviously evil thing with it's clownish motif and hook like face mask that covered his face. And the weird cane that he was pointing at everyone dramatically didn't help anything either. But as he continued to speak, there was no denying the evil in his words and plans.

"Just shut up you stupid Lizardman! I named you and so many others losing so much of my own essence so I could make stronger monsters to fuel this Orc Lord into a true Demon Lord that I could control! Just shut up and become the Orc Lord's strength as you are nothing but a nuisance!"

You know that almost annoying evil that just expected you to roll over and die so their great plans could come to fruition... That was him and as Geld the Orc Lord asked what Gelmund meant about becoming a demon lord I saw Rimuru flying over from where she was previously looking for the Orc Lord in the back of the army.



Hmm, now I'm interested in seeing what happens if the Orc Lord manages to get the power of a Divine Sun in itself... Also, not sure if you've noticed but I did post some corrections in past chapters for this series earlier this week.


Az, would you mind letting me know when a Frey or Rimuru Lemon is about to pop up in the future? Totally willing to pay a $50-$60 for a long scene of either, simply cuz Frey is criminally underrated (never used) and she's pretty hot and also cuz Rimuru is bestest girl, heh. A long lemon with either is perfection~ Though, I do wonder if Jake will rename Frey to Freya...Proper Demon Lord Goddess-ho~?