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After a long few day of waiting... Of waiting for the weapons and armor I put into the Glimmer factory, but eventually we had everything, Barg had her super-sized gravity hammer, along a Vibranium power armor with energy shields that used the same hydraulic systems from COD Advanced Warfare, and for her ranged weapon she had a plasma launching shotgun.

While I myself had my Crysis Suit as armor along with a plasma sword for a melee weapon to go with my Suros Regime as a ranged weapon.

"Barg, our goal is to secure the storage depot. We need to kill all the bad guys in there and make sure than no more can come in alright?" I clarified our mission and Barg happily nodded with her holding a thin but large fold out Vibranium shield in her off hand that wasn't holding the club.

"Yes boss! I smash them so good that not even the maggots can wriggle!" Barg promised strongly as she hefted her massive gravity hammer.

And seeing how beyond happy she was with the Gravity Hammer, I wondered if I should go all the way and make a Gravity Axe as well. "Alright lets go Barg, help me pull the cart with the welders and stuff to block off the areas."

Barg happily nodded like the sweetheart she was and we finally left our hiding area with her pulling an especially large cart filled with the materials we were going to use to block off any entrances into the storage depot along with the welding machines.

While I pulled a smaller cart that was filled with the catalysts that used entirely... Too damned much Glimmer that would serve as the catalyst for the Guardian/Traveler ritual that would give me access to a Destiny Guardian's light.

But as we came out of the reinforced workshop I had created, loud thumping noises of distant heavy gunfire rang out through the tangled hive streets to our ears. "Wonderful." I muttered as we carefully began making our way down into the streets of Hive City Tertium.

A loud series of groaning reached our ears and from one of the corners of an alleyway came a tide of zombies or pox walkers and as their beady yellow dull eyes stared at us. I pulled Suros Regime off my shoulder and began shooting into the crowd of zombies as they began a slow jog towards us while wielding rusted melee implements.

"Haha you all break so easily!" Barg yelled with a loud 'Thoom!" ringing out as she pulled the trigger of her gravity hammer sending a wave of fuzzy air that hit the zombies beneath her falling hammer.

And in a disgusting display, it was like a boulder fell on stacks of rotten eggs as the gravity wave utterly mulched through the zombies sending a splatters of gore in all directions.

'I can tell my brain has changed slightly.' I thought calmly as my senses were so much more in tune after the super soldier serum that it was unreal. My instincts and senses driving my control over my gun was... Just so much more different it was unreal.

'No wonder Captain America could mentally do the trajectory to bounce his shield off stuff. In comparison to that, just controlling my gun far simpler than that.' I thought as barely without pause even as the last bullet in my clip was emptied I dropped the empty mag that fell halfway to ground only to snap onto a magnet on my hip while my hand snapped down to grab a full mag and snap it, into the gun without a full second going after I hit the final bullet in my previous magazine.

With Barg smashing the zombies and my methodical target suppression of any more well put together Pox Walkers or dregs. The hundred or so zombies were wiped out in less than two minutes with how each activation of Barg's gravity hammer wiped out a good half dozen or more.

And with the final Pox Walker being smashed into paste by Barg, she loudly cheered happily. "Haha! Boss you are the best! Did you see me make all the bad guys in smears?!" She asked excitedly in rapid fire making me smile at how earnest her happiness was.

I gave Barg a good pat on the arm as I walked past her and through the sticky slop of mulched rotting zombies as my slightly modified voice came through my Crysis Suit. "Good work Barg. Now let's continue and we can actually break into that hidden food cache this time with the cutting and welding equipment." I said to make her even happier, and my words proved true as she cheered out happily about not having to eat Corpse Starch or sharing my own only slightly better rations.

There were more pox walkers and even some clearly insane cultists that were in the way but our armor easily block their bullets and Barg's energy shield made the odd las-weapons worthless to say nothing of her happily using the thin vibranium riot style shield as a cheat tool to block off fire from the enemies as she charged over with super human speed to bowl over and bring her now clearly beloved gravity hammer onto the screaming cultists.

With one of them actually screaming out. "Space Marines are here on Atoma, tell the others!" He roared at several cultists who slipped away into the mess of ramshackle buildings around us to escape to pass off those warnings.

And idly I noted as I killed that cultist that he was one of the traitor Guardsmen who instigated the whole rebellion here on Atoma Prime.

'Oh oh... Actually with how I painted Barg's armor red. Will the Imperial Soldiers think she is a Blood Angel?' I thought as I looked up at Barg who more than ten feet was tall in her armor and with her gravity hammer, shield, and the super-heated plasma beltching plasma shotgun... I could see why they thought she was another Space Marine with a weird boob plate.



If Jake doesn't have the safeties on the Nanosuit that's going to be useful since it gives him the ability to change the Materials that armor is made of on the Fly to whatever material he can pull from the Database he has to counter most of thenstuff he will encounter that would damage its base configuration. Get centuries of life with the SSS an biological immortality with the Nanosuit an extremely good resistance if not Immunity to all the stuff that Nurgal will be throwing at Jake. Actually Nurgal is going to hate Jake with just the SSS and Nanosuit is a enormous Fuck you to his existence.

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.

Rauko the varment

After rereading this chapter, I realized another thing that would work well with them mistaking her for a blood angel, stage 4 of barghest in fgo but that would also leave quite an interesting surprise for everyone else since there aren't any female primarchs right?