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We quickly made our way out of the storage area with Barg slamming the folding door down to the ground behind us. And as I took in the dark  building's above my head I held my stomach as my hunger was acting up now with the stress I was just under.

"Lets keep moving." I said with a frown pulling my cart of martial behind me as Barg followed behind me at a slow pace.

Barg grunted in agreement with her massive paw of a hand 'gently' tapping my shoulder as she grunted out. "I sowwy for getting all the smellies on us. I didn't mean it."

I didn't sigh or otherwise make any sign of the stress I was under as I gently smiled up at the Ogryn's face as I softly told her. "Its alright big girl. We just gotta find food elsewhere right?"

Barg hurriedly nodded and then she clapped her hands together with it sounding like damned thunder in my ears as she spoke excitedly. "I's know where more food is! There was the scabby guys with the armor and they fought the Guard little uns and I bets they left behind rations in their old hideouts!"

I quickly nodded and thankfully Barg's sense of direction wasn't so poor so she thankfully was able to lead me to the old gangs of the Lower Hive where we were in were currently had previously lived before the Nurgle blight and guardsmen tore through the sector.

There was an almost saloon-style-looking building lit up by some dirty dim lights and Barg quietly spoke over my head as we peaked around the corner of an alley at the sight of Scabs or the infected Guardsmen, soldiers, or Hive Enforcers wearing metal armor that were... Outside their building huddled around a fire, and spitted over the fire was a bundle of humanoid forms that made me grimace at the sight.

"Oh... Scabs here as well." Barg muttered with a frown and I bit my lower lip as I realized that I couldn't just wait around, I needed food. I didn't have the luxury of trying to scavenge a bit of food from old food stands or whatever.

I eventually sighed and tore off off my Vibranium weave jacket and made Barg bend over so I could wrap it around her head and neck so as she picked up a trash bin's car sized lid... She was well protected with the thick shield of metal and the face covering.

"Barg, you need to go smash them alright, just smash them as hard as you can once and while you use this as a shield I will stay here and shoot at anyone with a gun alright." I told her and although her face scrunched up she still nodded.

"Okies. I smash bad little uns and you make sure the bad guys don't hurt me right?" She spoke as though asking clarification and I hurriedly nodded with her smiling as she 'understood' what I meant.

Barg under my advisment didn't roar out some battle cry and just 'silently' ran in as silently as a ten plus foot tall giant could run while holding a good thousand pounds of metal in both her hands.

But seeing as we were only forty meters away from the saloon and the fire pit. Barg was able to clear that distance in only like six seconds with her long foots steps and just as they scabs started yelling and going for their weapons...

Barg fell upon them like a storm of violence made incarnate as her mercliess metal pole crushed the sheet metal armor they had clipped and bent to fit around their torsos.

And Barg could tell the bad guys were wearing armor so instead of just crushing their spines and internal organs like with the Pox Walkers earlier. She was more carefully smashing her metal pole onto the heads and shoulders of the the Scabs. And when her pole connected to the soft fleshy head of one of those poor bastards?

"Haha! They go squish!" Barg cheered as her wild swing of the pole smashed one of the heads so hard that it pulped into a red gore splatter leaving the now very clearly headless form to fall to the ground.

In my case, I had gotten into a hidden crouch behind some cover and as I guessed some corrupted people came outside with Autoguns and even a couple las rifles. But thankfully the moment the first shot rang out and missed Barg, she had hefted the metal plate that came off the trash bin and sparks flew as the bullets and lasfire smashed into the shield without penetrating the solid half-inch thick metal.

And it was my time to shine as I used the Suros Regime to swift and mercilessly blast holes into their forms! The slow-firing but very powerful auto rifle shot fist-sized holes that easily pierced through their improvised armor along with their bodies with the bullets actually piercing through their bodies and killing the people behind them as well.

The saloon-style building only had the main entrance which was clearly reinforced to keep invaders out... But its defenses also meant that people couldn't just run out as easily either as I kept the entrance pinned down in a hail of gunfire while Barg finished turning the Scabs outside into chunky salsa.

"Barg shield in front and push!" I ordered as I braced myself to the side of Barg on the edge of the shield as she entered the saloon while I used her as a walking riot shield and as bullets slammed into her shield again I would peak out and land shots into the screaming gangsters and my Vibranium undersuit protected me from the richoets even though I knew I was going have... Bad bruising by tomorrow

It must have been utterly terrifying for these poor bastards... A wall of metal entering their hideout and from behind the wall of metal I would poke my head out and quickly shoot someone before hiding back behind the wall. And for the people that we overtook?

Barg would just stomp her metal boots onto their chests and heads as she ran them over with the metal wall.

A couple of long minutes later as I was cradling my right arm that had gotten hit with a bullet  and I knew this arm was going to be a bundle of pain by tomorrow. "Ooh! Grub!" Barg called out excitedly as we entered the depths of the gang hideout and in a large pile were their most important treasures. Being food, water, and fuel cells for the few Lasrifles we came by.

"Rations that aren't corpse starch is better than nothing," I said with a weak smile as I quickly put away the better food while Barg happily threw stacks of cans of corpse starch into a large burlap-like sack that loudly clanked with each movement she made due to the cans bouncing around.

'I should take the battery packs as well... After all they can literally be charged simply by throwing them in a fire for gods sake.' I thought as I collected the Lasrifle packs in particular as I realized I could use the packs for power and other stuff.

"Alright, Barg. Thank you very much for your hard work. I couldn't have done it without you seriously." I said as I gingerly pulled the cart I brought with me that was filled with supplies and the materials I picked out.

The Ogryn grinned happily as she clapped a hand to her chest and said happily. "Barg is strong Haha! Nows let's go home!" She said happily while gingerly taking the handle of the cart from me and leaving me flummoxed as she happily pulled the cart and put me on her shoulder as she brought me back towards where she first found me.

'Did I get adopted by the Ogryn as their designated little un boss' I thought blankly.


Hmm is it time

Lol thanks for the great chapter it looks like this Is going to be a favorite story going forward.

Toru Jack

Yo, wondering where the Warhammer chapter is. I mean its supposed to come out today (Friday 08.12.2023). But pl dont take it as an offence tho, just askin.