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In this week of Hayato Fūrinji and Shigure giving me the training arc of a lifetime. I had learned a great deal about my body and my 'talent' as a martial artist. Or in my new Grandfather's words.

"Skipped the damned memorizing section of martial arts but somehow doesn't have the instincts to use them!"

I knew all my techniques by heart, I lived and breathed them. But in an actual fight I would often be paralyzed by indecision over which technique to use or even which style to focus on and use in that particular battle.

Besides fighting the Grandmaster and Shigure though, I was also reintroduced back to Miu and the other three in Marie Rose, Honoka, and Kasumi with myself becoming closer to Miu who was... Ecstatic to learn she had a half-brother.

Currently, I was sitting down in front of Akisame who was running me through kata's in which he would half-heartedly attempt to throw me over his shoulder or otherwise onto the ground and I had to simply strike him. And while we were sparring he was filling my head with the more spiritual side of martial arts.

"In this world, strength is decided by the willpower of someone's goals. Whether it be betting everything you have in a Kengan match as a warrior or even as a businessman, that takes powerful willpower to face the inevitable consequences of your actions." He spoke and Kasumi my fellow disciple who was under Shigure's tutelage and someone else outside of Ryouzonpaku apparently cut in on Akisame's preaching.

"Although the power of modern weapons keeps the population in check. To Master's and above, even cruise missiles are barely a concern unless they are truly catastrophic weapons. Akisame here actually-" Kasumi's words were cut off as Akisame stated bluntly.

"That was the past Kasumi... And although reaching towards the Peak of Martial Arts make you immune to the punishment of society, there are many Masters and some Grandmasters like ours who are strong believers in society and will go out and cripple masters who abuse their powers." Akisame spoke and I nodded seriously even though I didn't plan on doing such outrageous things.

But before Akisame could continue his teachings that doubled as mental training to fight and process other information I got a text message from the Grandmaster and Akisame backed off registering the particular ring tone and I bowed my head towards the master in respect before taking out my phone to check the message.

[Jake, please go pick Miu up from school. You need to leave the dojo at some point and get some fresh air!] The message read making my lips twitch at being told to go pick up my half-sister.

"Teacher, the Grandmaster has sent me to go walk Miu back home. Excuse me." I said respectfully and he waved his hand in dismissal as he turned to return to his wood carving he had stopped doing to train me.

As I walked out of Akisame's dojo and medical center Kasumi followed me closely and spoke quietly. "I am coming as well. It would be nice to walk home Honoka and Marie as well."

I nodded as although Kasumi was rather strick with Honoka, I knew she cared for her family members a good deal... And frankly, there was still a bit of fun tension between Honoka and me after that little 'date' we had in which I got my motorcycle.

While walking with Kasumi, I obviously struck up some conversation on topics that we could discuss rather easily as I got to know the ninjutsu-using fighter. "So I am going to be entering the Maximum Tournament, do you have any plans to enter?" I asked.

But she shook her head with a small smile as she responded evenly. "No. I fight in the shadows and don't make a name for myself, which is the entire point of the Maximum Tournament." Her small smile slightly grew as she said softly. "After all... The tournament only gives you a belt, there is no monetary reward beyond the fame of your winning." She finished and I understood what she meant.

And after that she actually said with some teasing humor in her voice. "So what is this I hear about you dancing around my half-sister?"

I couldn't help but groan slightly making Kasumi chuckle as I likewise laughed and explained the interaction we had and where I won my motorcycle off a biker who was chasing Honoka.

"Hmm..." She hummed making me raise an eyebrow and I almost tripped over my own foot as she spoke. "So you defended her honor and then like a gallant knight you gave her a ride back home on your liberated stead... No wonder she was moaning your name last night."

It was one thing... To say Honoka liked me or something but Kasumi definitely shared Shigure's deadpan humor as she evidently took a good bit of joy in my stuttering movement at her words.

But thankfully there was no other older sibling bullying from Kasumi as we got to Miu's school but as we arrived my head tilted to the side seeing a bunch of guys laid out in front of the school groaning as they held various parts of their body.

"Ugh! That blond bitch is going to get it when Kisara gets here!" One of the delinquents groaned aloud and I raised an eyebrow at his words as I quickly connected the damned dots.

'Ragnarok is going after Miu now? Ugh...' I thought with some annoyance as I really didnt want to get any more on the dark side of Martial Art's radar but it seemed like that wasn't going to be so easy.

"Oi where is the blond you mentioned," I said coldly kicking the delinquent over onto his back and after giving the delinquent's a good couple of friendly kicks to motivate them I got an answer that Miu and the other three girls were being trapped using a 'lost kitten' drive of all damned things to get them into a park where three or four members of Ragnarok's Eight Fists where going to jump them to prove their superiority in fighting!


Kal Odinson

So will the mc still be with Miu or no

Hmm is it time

Thanks for the great chapter.