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"Flare Jioral from Redo of a Healer, Azula from the Avatar Last Air Bender, Malty from Shield Hero. I could fix them guys." I said confidently while talking with my friends online.

From my mic came the voice of my friend Boshi who scoffed. "You have terrible taste in waifus..."

But I quickly retorted mercilessly. "Yeah, and you literally have the worst taste, Power from Chainsaw Man who refuses to flush, wipe or even shower? And maybe even worse then going after a literal corpse, you like that chick from Rental Girlfriend who is literally a fucking hooker you cuck!"

From there our argument was cut off by a scream as another of our friends was brutally murdered in front of us by a demented jack-in-a-box and before I could react I myself was killed by a damned spring head making me curse as our run got wiped on Lethal Company.

Then in the corner of my screen, I saw the weird chat box that no one ever used in Lethal Company get a message that made me blink at seeing the username that didn't fit in our large group playing thanks to the game's currently modded state.

'Did someone else get invited? Or just joined off someone's friend list?' I thought before shrugging and then responding to the interesting question.

'How would you fix the worst girls, or people considered villains?' It asked and I quickly typed in back with a mischievous smile.

'Good old Pavlovian training, head pats, discipline, and probably mind-breaking sex! Also, you know... Having superpowers of my own probably I guess.'

After a minute as I scrolled through the still-living player's POV, I realized that the message sender wasn't actually in the lobby?

Then as I was about to ask my fellow dead teammates who that guy was I saw another message in the chat. "Eh, good enough I guess... Btw, what monster do you find the least scary in this game?'

I shrugged and then typed in quickly 'Little Girl.' And then asked everyone else who the hell 'Truck-Kun Temp69' was.

After getting no answer with my asshole friends even trying to gaslight me saying there was no one talking in chat at all and that they couldn't even see my own messages. I just threw my hands up in disgust and continued playing.

But after a while... I heard whispers, deep breaths, and I was honestly worried my dog was making the noises or something so I took off my headphones as I knew it wasn't from the game and as I turned in my chair from my screen to look for my dog I froze utterly in dead fright at what was right next to my face at sitting level.

A little girl wearing red dress, and with a too-large forehead with utterly black eyes meeting my own with her shorter forehead. And even as I processed the ghostly form of the little girl, she simply poked my chest and my vision went black as a jolt of electricity seemingly ran through my body.


"Oh great heroes please save our world!" A voice hit my ears and I opened my eyes hurriedly staggering in place as I felt a comforting weight filling my hands and against my shoulder.

I looked around and saw the ground below my feet was glowing greatly with blue light as an arcane glyph faded from view and then I refocused on what was in my hands and against my shoulder.

'A spear?' I thought taking in the sight of the large spear that was longer than myself with a blade mounted atop it and an amber gem inlaid just below the blade.

And then the cultist-looking guys wearing the large cloaks over their heads continued in their prayers. "Please great heroes from another world, we need your help!"

"Uhm I guess-" As I looked to the side and saw the source of the voice, and I saw who was speaking... I connected the damned dots.

Naofumi Iwatani stood there with a shield strapped to his arm that had a prominent green gem upon it and the sight made me realize that fucking dude in the chat somehow sicced me with the little girl from Lethal Company...

But even as I absorbed all that information I heard the Legendary Sword, and Bow wielders being arrogant fuckwits as the sword wielder pointed their sword at the cultists and spoke coldly. "Don't you feel guilt tearing us from our homes!?"

And then the bow wielder threw in. "And even if you can return us back home, what do we even get for restoring peace to this land?"

After a bit more posturing the lead cultist then said submissively. "Please. The great King of Melromarc."

With that invitation, I finally spoke up. "Lead us there then," I said simply as I leaned my spear up against my shoulder to let it rest and I couldn't help but muse just how... Well, it fit into my hands honestly.

We were quickly led up out of the depths of the castle where we were summoned and as we scaled a staircase leading into the informal throne room apparently. Naofumi took a deep breath and said with a small smile. "The air is so clean. It's definitely different from Japan."

I shrugged and then said with a small smile. "Maybe that's the case, let's keep going," I said seeing the other two were looking at Naofumi in disdain like they thought he was some kind of country bumpkin or something.

The five of us, being the wielders of the four legendary weapons and the head mage who summoned us here entered the informal throne room and as we came closer to the king he grandly spoke with his voice bearing the weight of authority wielded for many years.

"The Four Cardinal Heroes's of ancient legend. I am the king of Melromarc, Aultcray Melromarc the thirty-second of that name, Heroes..." He drew off as he took in our forms and I could tell the moment his eyes landed on Naofumi, a hint of disgust, no an abject flash of hatred flashed past his eyes at seeing the Shield Hero.

But without a true change in expression, he continued. "Please name yourselves."

The Sword Hero, was a younger teenager with black hair with dark blue eyes and he spoke cooly as he hefted the sword in his hands. "Amaki Ren, sixteen years old, and a high schooler."

Then the bow wielder went next and he looked like a bit a strong breeze could blow him over. He had fluffy dark blond hair and green eyes that made him look kinda like a puppy you could lead around. "Kawasumi Itsuki, seventeen years old, also a high schooler."

Funny enough, I actually had pushed Naofumi to the side a bit so he was standing beside Kawasumi so when the King tried to glance over the shield wielder that didn't work seeing as we were seemingly introducing ourselves from the left to the right so Naofumi got to announce his name, age, and occupation.

Finally though it was my turn and as I spoke up, I decided to break the mold with this new life. "My name is Jake Barris, age twenty, occupation Spartan."

The king blinked as he had no idea what I meant having no idea what a spartan was but Naofumi and the other two snickered at my words while I remained blank face as Aultcray regathered his thoughts and continued.

"Hmm. Four Cardinal Heroes, this nation, no the entire world is currently facing its doom now. Due to the Great Waves coming soon."

And so the King began to explain the Great Waves and how they were portals to other worlds that would outpour countless monsters into the world, and only by slaying the 'boss' or lynchpins of the Waves would the portals close. Stopping the endless flood of monsters being dropped into this world.

Then the king explained the Dragon Sand Hourglasses which were filled with a special temporal sand that kept track of the coming waves down to the very second, with the next Wave having just less than a month till it arrived here.

The King grimaced as he clenched the throne chair with his ring-covered hand. "We underestimated the last wave... Many great knights and adventurers died to protect the lands and even still the Wave went on to long leaving a great many monsters filling the country's lands."

He shook his head as he finished with some reluctance clear in his voice. "We had no choice to call upon the Four Cardinal Heroes"

After Amaki and Kawasumi did another song and dance about being respected and wanting rewards... And of course to not be looked down upon which was getting grating as hell, the King told us to look upon our status and I finally looked at the little icon in the corner of my vision.

[Jake Barris]
[Age 20]
[Spear Hero- Level 1 EXP 0/20]
[HP- 130/130
 MP- 50/50
 SP- 45/45]
[Attack Power 23]
[Magic 16]
[Physical Defense 0]
[Magical Defense 0]
[Dexterity 15]
[Fire-0 Water-0 Ice-0 Wind-0 Earth-0 Lightning-0 Light-0 Dark-0]

Finally, I looked up as the king continued. "Now, the night draws near. Please relax and collect your minds, as tomorrow you will be joined with your party so to allow you all to grow as swiftly as you can!"

The kind then stood up with some effort and I heard a soft voice speak out and looking over I saw a rather noble-looking young girl with brown hair who bowed her head and requested. "Heroes please follow me, so that I may show you to your lodging."



The potential is unreall, please I beg you just focus on this fic for like a week or a month, cause yeah, and also please grab raphtalia

Bob Smith

"Flare Jioral from Redo of a Healer, Azula from the Avatar Last Air Bender, Malty from Shield Hero. I could fix them guys." Wow this Jake is delusional


Its got a good few chapters commissioned but other stories have their own commissions lol