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Riding upon the back of one of the dire wolves I named, the elites of our burgeoning town made our way through the great Jura Forest heading south towards the great lakes and the marshy area in which the Lizardmen lived in. The ride itself went mostly without issue as the many monsters could feel the presence of the Orc Lord and were in hiding. And if their senses were too weak, Rimuru and everyone else dealt with them without too much issue.

"Its a weird thing." I spoke as I ruminated on something and with Rimuru looking up I spoke. "To name someone and them gaining a lesser version of your own devouring skill... It's odd that whatever Demon Lord who is involved in the Orc Lord's creation would waste a literally once in a millennia monster lord."

I shook my head as that never made much sense to me. Sure individual orcs didn't amount to much in comparison to the heavier hitters of the setting... But having an Orc Lord in your back pocket who could lead a couple hundred thousand of its kind to despoil an enemy's land while you keep the heavy hitters busy?

Rimuru shrugged and she said with a wry smile. "Who is to say the demon lord is remotely sane? Heck maybe they think the Orc Lord as just an experiment in giving strong names like you did with most of the people you Named."

My lips twitched at how she pointed that out so I swiftly rebutted. "Karna and the other goblins I named could beat ten of your goblins!"

Rimuru had the most adorable 'Pikachu!' face as her mouth remained open for a couple of seconds before it snapped shut and she pouted while Shion snickered at our interaction as we were taking a quick break to let the wolves regain their energy.

While everyone was here I clapped my hands to get everyone's attention as I reached into the spatially expanded bag I traded some of the regeneration potion to Treyni as Rimuru's 'system' hated having my potions inside her without being able to devour it. "Ladies and gentlemen as you all well know by now, I have been hoarding my skill-granting potions, but now is the best time to take it," I said as began rationing the potion into everyone's empty bowls or cups to drink it.

And in unison, everyone shuddered at the otherworldly taste as the potion filled their bodies and finally their faces twitched as they obviously heard the voice of the world announcing the arrival of the 'Regeneration' skill they naturally received after drinking the potion.

"So how strong is the regeneration anyway?" Rimuru asked naturally pointing out a rather potent point and I spoke up.

"From the limited testing from a goblin volunteer, cuts and bruises will heal more than five times the natural speed, along with the person's stamina naturally recovering faster due to the skill."

Everyone nodded in understanding while I answered a couple of questions like how Kijin with much stronger bodies would naturally regenerate much faster than a goblin would and likewise how if a limb was directly cut off. It could be reattached without too many issues besides the natural weakness in the afflicted limb for a couple of weeks probably.

Then Hakuro hummed and spoke. "Hmm... The stamina recovery will make training much more efficient more than anything."

I didn't really focus on that, but that was certainly true as well.

"Alright we should continue-" Before I could actually finish saying we should continue our journey a buzzing noise rang as Souei teleported beside me and lips twitched at that damned overpowered shadow travel skill he and a few others had.

"My lord, a contingent of Orcs are chasing a fleeing Lizardman in front of us. Do I save her?" He asked and I nodded before remembering who it was.

"Yes save her and kill the Orcs." I ordered and his form was swallowed by shadows as he teleported away and I shook my head and yelled for us to get moving to catch up with Souei.

A short ride later we found the remains of a good couple hundred orc corpses strewn... Everywhere as Souei's method of combat using razor wires was a very messy killing style to say the least.

"Shoot." I cursed seeing Souei hovering over the limp form of the Lizardman princess of the tribe and I ran over and lifted her head up and poured some healing potion into her mouth while idly noting how weird it was for a lizardman who looked a lot like an Argonian from Skyrim to have a full head of hair.

Feeling her wounded body glowing and healing with the great power of Rimuru's potions and my own enhancements to her potions she deeply inhaled with her eyes opening widely as she took in her surroundings. "Who! Oh you are the one who beat Gabiru... With a sneeze." She said with her face twitching at the memory.

And then she seemingly regathered her mind as she hurriedly got down on her knees with her head placed on the ground as she loudly begged. "Please lord of these strong monsters, save my brother and father! The Orc army is beyond us and my father and the rest of the tribe who can't fight are being sieged by the Orcs!"

I raised an eyebrow at Rimuru who winked, pretty much telling me to do whatever I wanted seeing I was the one who saved her.

But before I could say anything I heard Shion patting her on her head and speaking with happiness clear in her voice. "Very good! You finally see the glory that is Lord Jake, he who bottles the very World's Will. You are finally seeing a small piece of my lord's greatness! It means you have great potential in fact!"

"Shion... Don't gaslight the princess of another monster tribe." I whispered helplessly as my secretary/bodyguard/chef in that order of importance consoled the lizard woman and I finally spoke up to stop Shion from converting the girl into some kind of fanatic. "Souei please use your shadow travel to take her home, free the previous Chief of the Lizardman, secure the area. And then you can rejoin us at the battle with the main Orcs Army."

With Souei being the best buddy imaginable he didn't ask a question as he knew that I needed the girl gone and having him save the lives of the lizardman's leadership would be a great boon to our town.

"Jakeeee! I was talking to her!" Shion pouted and I sighed and looked over at Benimaru and Hakuro who instantly looked away unwilling to get involved.

"To battle we go!" I shouted jumping onto the steel-colored fur of Sif I heard Rimuru chuckling as she jumped onto Ranga's back as we continued on towards the great Orc Lord.



Yeah... that's just delaying his cult formation, for a day or so? ...well what's a God without a priestess with a skimpy dress code?


Theres Shuna who is an actual priestess... And Souka could be the lewd ninja girl


I hope we see more of Fenrir because he just entirely became off-screened after reaching Dwargon. I wanna see Fenrir fucking up some Orcs! :v Do hope Souei gets his ninja princess. Souka is very cute.