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The following day was the day of reckoning. It was time to pop over towards Nirn to see how utterly fucked it was currently.

And in doing so I was taking four people with to Nirn via the one-way portal so we could make a forward operating base for Shadowgarden to setup a proper static portal. "Alright Eta you are in charge of creating the portal, Zeta is in charge of scouting and information gathering, Serana is our guide and obviously a native. And lastly Victoria is to be my bodyguard and in a public setting pretend to be..." I drew off as I read the info sheet of our insertion plan.

On my paper and encircled with a red ink heart were the words [Victoria, as the strongest human of Shadow Garden will take the place of the divine leader's wife to keep foreign honey pots from getting close.]

A loud thud rang out as Beta slammed her hands on the table and yelled out at Victoria. "This... Is forbidden!"

The previous saintess for the church of Betrix scoffed under her breath as the rest of the Seven Shadows violently scratched out the wife bit on their papers with Tamamo who was beside me... Kindly helping me do the same for my paper.

"In either case. We have little idea where exactly on Mundus we will land. It could be the center of the Continent in Cyrodiil where the events of the Oblivion take place... And which were we will need to focus on bringing as many Shadow Garden members as possible to deal with the Oblivion Crisis. We could land in Skyrim and deal with all the dragons... Or we could even land in the middle of the Summerset Isles and be surrounded by really, really racist elves." I spoke and then rapped my hands on the table before I shook my head.

"In either case, I believe we should focus on the events of Skyrim first, with the dragon break slowing world events in time, we should deal with Alduin first whether it be killing him or likewise sealing him away while we track down the Dragonborn to devour his soul."

And so we began discussing the pro's and con's of 'which' apocalypse we needed to focus on the most. The Oblivion crisis even if we didn't focus on it could be mostly handled on its own as the powerful natives could close the Oblivion gates, while the Nirn gods would also be suppressing Mehrunes Dagon's invasion. So the dragons were the bigger immediate threat due to the head god Akatosh allowing Alduin the world eater fulfill his purpose in life.

Whereas both Miraak's and Harkon's form of tyranny could be even further ignored while we deal with the bigger threats before we turned to them.

"It's time." Eta softly spoke out as a buzzing noise rang out and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I stood up with the three other people following me to Mundus.

The meeting quickly broke apart as we went outside to the large stone portal that Eta and Scathach had setup to teleport us to the lands of Mundus and as the star's above us aligned. The portal came to life forming a spinning swirl of purple spatial energy.

"Delta wants to go too..." Delta whined pitifully with her ears down and her large tail limply hanging down on the ground.

While Zeta did the cat thing of being smug to the sad murder pupper that was Delta I was giving Alpha and Beta quick hug while telling them we would get a stable portal built as soon as we could on the other side once we found a defensive location.

Eta, Zeta, and Victoria hold onto my body while Serana held onto my jacket as we walked into the swirling darkness of the portal.

"Ugh!" I groaned as the portal felt like it was squeezing us through a too-thin straw while we spun around in a washer going at full speed for an excruciatingly long period of time but after ten seconds the five of us were thrown out of the portal at high speed with our forms skidding across snow-covered ground.

'Wait snow?' I thought as Eta laid flat on my chest unwilling to move while Zeta, Victoria and Serana quickly got up from our harsh landing with nothing worse than a couple of scratches from the violent propulsion out of the space-time portal.

Looking around I saw the thin pine forest that surrounded us and I shivered feeling the balls shriveling cold snake its cold fingers under my clothes as I got Eta back to her feet. "Whelp... I am willing to bet anything we are in Skyrim." I said with a shiver and Serana hummed before blurring with extreme speed as she shot up into one of the nearby trees to take in the lay of the area from the higher ground.

Then from atop the tree, I saw a blue glow surround her and we all heard her snort. "Indeed. We are in North of Solitude near the burial ground of Queen Potema... Not that you would know of her." Serana muttered at the end and my eyes widened as that was utterly perfect news!

"Serana please lead us to Potema Burial grounds. It is currently filled with Necromancers who are trying to resurrect her. It will make an amazing area to make a forward operating base for Shadow Garden!"

Eta then added on slowly. "We can use the necromancer's bodies with our own necromancy to fix us the site as well..."

'Woah kinda fucked up there Eta.' I thought with my lips twitching but Zeta spoke up. "Its a sound plan if its a large underground facility. So let's get going before any entities pick up the spatial disturbance we caused with the portal." She reminded us.

So while I gave the slow Eta a piggyback ride to keep up with everyone, we used our superhuman bodies to rush towards Potema's burial ground and while doing so... I realized something very important.

'The mana is a good bit thinner than back home... But it's a lot more gentle and controllable.' I thought with a small frown as I was well aware how the mana differences were going to equalize and the primal powerful mana of home were going to make the magic of Nirn a good deal more powerful to say nothing of how it would give people much stronger physiques.


Murderous Gaming

I thought Alduin was a chick in this story?


Jake's assuming it's a dude like it should be. We won't know until he comes into contact with it.