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The power system of Danmachi had one major issue. It was to find an appropriate challenge for your level that wasn't just an elaborate plan to commit suicide. Otherwise, the uniform power system of Danmachi was damned near perfect with its Falna.

It could give any mortal human chump magic that scaled with their level and oftentimes reflected what they needed and were like as a living being. But once again, growing the Falna required you to connect with the divine and then do deeds worthy of a god reading and enjoying your trials.

Now I was facing the same issue as most level four and five's here in Danmachi as a level three. I could slaughter individual monsters easily enough without issue regardless of the dungeon floor I was on. But in the end, it takes even me with my cheating rail cart system through the dungeon a whole hour to get down to Rivira... Growing the Falna through typical dungeon monster farming unless I wanted to do long multiple-day expeditions into the dungeon just wasn't as efficient as fighting my Pre-Hard mode Terraria bosses.

'No wonder the Loki Familia always loved fighting my pre-hard mode bosses even with them being much stronger than the bosses were.' I thought as I looked over the status sheet Seshat handed me for my Falna's growth that came from training under Alfia's harsh care and the bosses we killed.

"You both have gotten a whole letter grade in your Endurance and Strength stat's after my training... That's good, though we will be focusing on Dexterity and Agility next." Alfia spoke as she leaned over Bell and my shoulders to read our Falna's.

I mentally groaned as I knew this was going to be even more painful training as Alfia spoke. "The stat of Dexterity focuses on the scale of how you can control your body or in other words how graceful you are. On the other end, Agility is the stat that controls how fast you can react to things and process those events while moving at high speed."

Her explanation about Agility was understating things as a Level three who leveled up to my level in the last few months. I was well aware of how in fights now, my sense of time was slowing down with my fast growth so I had an even better idea of how a slow civilian punch could be slapped away while using my other hand to send a text if I wanted to.

To say nothing of how my boss souls were also enhancing my own soul and body with their presence.

"Alfia, I got an important question," I spoke up with a slight frown as Eridani's words last night had stuck with me very closely even into the new day. At Alifa raising an eyebrow and waving for me to continue I did so. "With my level up, I was given the ability to seek out great challenges beyond this world that don't rely on me trying to kill a boss monster that could easily be above my level, and likewise through an 'adventure' on those new worlds I would obviously gain amazing Excellia for the resounding deeds I could accomplish."

But before Alfia could respond, Bell grabbed my arm and quickly spoke. "Wait you are bringing me too right!"

I paused as that had never crossed my mind as I was already going to need to fight some of the Terraria bosses on my own but clearly listening in Eridani spoke within my mind solemnly. "Jake, she doesn't have the essence of a Starfarer, she will die in the void between worlds without a question even if she has the blessing of this world."

I grimaced at that news and shook my head with Bell's hand tightening around my wrist as I explained that she would die after leaving the bounds of the world. "Then just stay here then! We are gaining plenty of strength and... I know that you want to get stronger faster to help Eina and other people. But we can take our time Jake." Bell tried to console me but there was no hiding the fact.

That she simply didn't want me to leave without her.

Seshat from her perch of lazily laying across the laps of Haruhime and Filvis then piped up. "Hmm, To be honest Jake, I don't care how you grow. I just want you to grow as swiftly as you can." She said with a shrug and as everyone looked at her with 'awe' at her disregard of me taking off she made sure to clarify. "We gods know of the other worlds even if we very much prefer stay away from their constant issues that pop up. But Jake, if you can go on a quest worthy of stories being sung in your name..."

Seshat drew off her words while Hestia frowned as she then spoke with a frown. "Seshat, you know if he goes to another world's domain, his soul could be snapped up by their reincarnation system and you could lose him."

I coughed and bluntly retorted. "I have no inclination to dying thank you very much Hestia."

Seshat's face twisted up thought at Hestia's words and for a long moment I could see her clearly reconsidering her words before she snorted and then said bluntly. "Thats a risk I am willing to take. In either case, I just want my chosen to grow as best as he can. Whether he grows here under my gaze or outside my gaze I will be happy for him."

So Bell wanted me to stay with her, Hestia wanted me to simply be careful, Seshat only wanted to grow stronger as efficiently as I could... Either way I coughed and then spoke up. "Regardless, I have a special boss I need to kill on my own today. Bell then I think we can take the chance to kill the Queen Slime." I said with some confidence at the beginning.

But towards the end... I was a bit nervous about fighting the Queen Slime with Calamity and Fargo's making it a great deal stronger. However, at this point, I needed to just get down to it.



Come on Jake who doesn't love the slime balls so what if they can melt you and bounce like a demented bit of flubber


This is modded though... Queen Slime is a very scary boss as its a 'wake up' call to Hard Mode.


Isn't he going to fight queen slime solo so as to not piss off empress of light/ get slime waifu?