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I was mentally exhausted after dealing with Yukari's antics and Mikogami's heavy-handed approach to 'fixing' the problem.

'Give me an easy succubus who needs 'correction' over a loli Witch I cannot, and do not want to mess with...' I thought with a sigh escaping me and once we got away from the principal's office I put Yukari down and met her dull eyes.

"Yukari." I said snapping her to attention and as her eyes refocused on me and I could see the waterworks coming to the front with her eyes glistening I took a breath and gently held up her chin and spoke. "Yukari, we are have a bond now of sorts... I won't hurt you, I never wanted to, so lets just try to get along and be cordial." I said softly.

Yukari wetly swallowed and sniffled but nodded to my words. And after a moment of our eyes meeting she reached into her blouse and removed the voodoo doll she had hid inside her top.

"I won't... Mess with you, just please don't take me back there." She spoke weakly as the voodoo doll glowed with blue light and I could feel the faint connection between myself and the doll break apart as she disconnected whatever bond was there. Then she gave the doll to me before mumbling softly. "I am going-" She paused before continuing. "Going to my dorm." She finished stiffly and then turned and walked towards the stairs to presumably head towards the girls dorm rooms.

'Well this was a shit show... Did I make the right choice?' I thought with a frown as I didn't really see much of an option other than attacking her or taking her to the principal after taking the soft approach of a teacher.

I sighed and shook my head to clear my thoughts before I stiffened as I felt a heavy gaze upon me that had me look down the halls on both sides to find the source. But I found nothing?

"Better to go then." I muttered to myself as I realized looking at my watch that all students basically bought due to there not being any cell reception here. That class was basically over and at this point I might as well just go to the dorms and find Moka, Mai and Kurumu.

Thankfully I found the three girls walking together and the three were very easily noticed through the crowd as a trio sticking close together with vibrant pink, black, and light blue hair was extremely easy to pick out.

"Girls." I greeted them.

And Moka asked with some concern. "How did it go with Yukari? Is she still going to the school or was she expelled or something?"

I shook my head and said with a snort. "The principal decided something else was... Better, anyway lets go to my dorm and I can explain what happened if you guys want?" I offered and the three nodded without too much suspense as it wasn't like I was inviting them to spend the night in my dorm room.

'Like really Mikogami... You give teenagers their own private dorms, how the hell do half the teenagers in this school graduate without ending up pregnant and dropping out?' I thought with a blank face as I saw another teenage boy leading a giggling girl into his own dorm room while Moka and Mai flushed and coughed at the sight.

Kurumu on the other hand still blushed a bit but she took my hand and pulled me into my dorm with the other two beautiful girls quickly following much to their embarrassment as a couple more teen boys, wolf whistled seeing them walk into my dorm.

Once the girls got over their embarrassment, Mai started off things as she kindly spoke. "The real question is are you alright Jake?"

I nodded to Mai's question as I wasn't really harmed in this whole event, but either way I responded by telling the story of how I took Yukari up to the principal and how the principal bullied us with his overwhelming power and then ended up forming some kind of bond between us that put Yukari in a subordinate position.

"He wants you too..." Mai said with her face going pale at how I blankly recited words about how Mikogami wanted me to continue the dragon bloodline and I nodded.

But instead Kurumu snorted as she snarked."What a pervert. But honestly, you will be doing fine in making kids as all monster women are likely going to be throwing themselves at you when you inevitably transform in everyone's view."

Even Moka wryly nodded as Mai looked in around in dismay at the news but regardless but Moka spoke up. "Well, I am glad that nothing bad really happened to you, Jake... But actually, me and the others were talking earlier and we wanted to get your plans for what club we should join." Moka then poked her fingers together as she looked down and said cutely in a lower voice. "I mean, we would really like to stick together in a single club you know?"

I couldn't help but pat Moka on the head making her preen with her little ahoge hair thingie jumping around and the utter cuteness that tugged my heart made me realize something. Something utterly profound.

I wasn't going to let Outer Moka die when her Rosario broke and Inner Moka was freed. Nope, fuck that. I refuse, she was mine and I wasn't letting this fucking adorably cute munchkin die.

But even with that realization and purpose filling my heart, I continued the conversation on, as the girls listed some options for clubs we could join.

"Hmm... I like swimming honestly, but we obviously cannot leave Moka in the lurch with her being unable to swim in untreated sources of water." I said with a small frown but then Moka raised a hand.

"Uhm Jake." Moka said holding up a hand making me raise an eyebrow as she nervously took a breath and spoke seriously. "Jake I am no longer harmed by pure water anymore after drinking your blood!"

'My blood could get rid of monster weaknesses?' I thought as that was rather serious but thankfully Moka assuaged me and continued. "Don't worry Jake, I haven't told anyone yet. And I don't mind joining the swim club, I will just say that my swimsuit is enchanted to protect me from the water!" She said demonstrating her intelligence and I smiled at that and nodded.

But as Mai went on to talk about how she used to be on her school's swim team before, my lips twitched as I remembered something rather important. 'Oh yeah, the swimming club is almost all just water monsters who will attack new club members to drain their life force... I am going to bite them instead!' I thought with some vindictiveness and joy at the thought of sucking some blood from a bunch of people who I could bully for a bit for attacking me.


Iori Daemona Angel

It was great, I can accept the Yukari situation as she come around slowly.


Oh did Jake forget that Moka is a Shinso an therefore gains traits from those she drinks from? Huh since multiple blood transfusions can also transfer the Shinso "Gene" would Jake get it just from Moka and him feeding on each other? God Shinso are such a really amazing form of vampire


Nope he doesn't know that. He knows she is a super vampire but not what exactly what it means