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Belfast's ship was making good progress towards the island of Amazon Lily due to its both modern design and engines. Of course Belfast's nature as a ship girl made her ship better than it should have simply been in reality.

And due to the large amount of foodstuffs that we had acquired in Sabody, we were definitely fine even with my Primarch level body that needed more nutrients than the typical human. Which funny enough was something that One Piece as a world had covered as the strong animals and weird plant life had stronger lifeforce so in turn the meat and such were more filling.

So I kept fighting Belfast in our free time and knowing of Haki in this world and my body being a catalog body that had been tuned to be able to do damn near anything with enough training and the proper know-how. I began learning Observation and trying... Trying to learn Armament Haki.

Observation Haki, admittedly came to me absurdly easily due to my nature as a Warhammer 40K pysker, so I could do simple boxing with Belfast and be able to block her punches and kicks while being blindfolded and deafened with only my spirit and other senses picking up the direction of her attacks.

Though I certainly wasn't at the level of instinctively blocking or dodging her canon fire yet.

"Hmm... You have seemingly integrated Angron's skills in hand-to-hand combat Master." Belfast said easily as she skidded away from my backhand on her crossed arms that had sent her skidding across the deck of her ship.

I nodded with a small frown as Belfast added wryly. "I am sorry Master, but my skills lie within ship-to-ship combat, and although I have some skill in boxing. I am in the end a ship that bombards my enemies typically from afar."

Belfast was an amazing shipgirl and maid. But she was right. She wasn't a true close-range fighter, she didn't have any weapons expertise other than her canons and machine guns. So unless I wanted more specialized training I would need to probably buy a new waifu who actually a teacher who could teach me how to fight on the higher end of things.

As I really... Really wanted to take the mental download of Angron's centuries of war and slaughter slow. In order to make sure his memories didn't overwhelm my own and change who I was.

"The problem with that, is that my preferred teacher... Cost's more than twice the points I have right now." I said with a frown as I stretched out my hands to flex them and put back on the Titanstone Knuckles.

I would love to have Scathach from the Nasuverse as my teacher as she could do damn near anything and I wanted to use spears, glaives, or axes as my preferred weapon anyway.

Or perhaps Lansseax, or Rennala from Eldin Ring would work as well... The catalog had too many good options honestly like Shihouin Yoruichi, or even powerful world-breaking cultivators who simply were at a low tier at their and thus were super cheap.

Either way, I took a breath and looked toward's Kokomi and Lotara who were talking about our path toward Amazon Lily.

"How far are we from Amazon Lily?" I asked as I walked over to the two girls and they checked the world map we had from the Company and Lotara responded stiffly.

"We are not sure, as the local wild life in the Calm Belt are a possible danger, to say nothing of pirate and marine vessels we may run into on the sea... But barring any incidents we should be there within three days with Belfast continuing this pace." Lotara reported.

I looked at Belfast beside me and she smiled and said confidently. "I am merely at cruising speed, if need be. I can comfortably increase my speed by a good thirty percent though I will be rather tired by the time we reach Amazon Lily." She said and I nodded and took out my Company Stamp to show them.

"Good, in reality. I have zero inclination of fighting the Amazon's I am going to go in as a merchant looking for trade opportunities while also using Amazon guards to protect my vessels and pay tribute to their queen in Boa Hancock... The good thing about being this huge is how this little stamp fits between my fingers." I said with a smile as the stamp truly fit and almost hide in my large hand without really exposing any of it.

So if I could just get a good long handshake of three seconds, I could stamp Boa, make a deal, give her people some food... And I can leave and sell the crazy puppy and kitten kicker to be cloned and sold to countless people in the omniverse.

Though I doubted that it would be so simple. Plus there were more targets on Amazon Lily that I could bind and sell as well for a few more points. 'Its a pity, the price jumps so damned much from tier seven to eight... Seriously a hundred points is fucking huge.' I thought with irritation.

I had accepted my place as a waifu catalog agent, and although I could get points, perks, and other things for doing quests for this world... In essence, I would need to bind and sell waifus to the Company if I wanted to make real progress. And frankly with the almost two dozen of 'Charlottes' that Big Mom had birthed there was on the catalog alone I just needed to tear apart and sell the Big Mom pirate group to get a bunch of points merely by stamping them and waiting the seventy-two hours.

"Thank you for the good work then Belfast." I said nodding to my hard-working maid who merely dipped her head and lifted her dress in courtesy to my thanks and then I said. "I am going back to my quarters to meditate on Angron's memories, but you girls are welcome to come check in on me." I finished as I ducked my head to enter the entrance into the ship so I could head to my quarters to continue slowly absorbing Angron's knowledge.



One piece is always fun, looking forward to the MC getting even more involved. Kinda curious as to what the meeting with Hancock is going to be like though, we all know how she is.


'Throws her head back and points dramatically. "I do not pay taxes because I am beautiful!"