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I was awoken early the next day with a slight hangover due to all the strong dwarven beer I had drank to fit in with the Ogre guys who obviously had their bloodline and weight advantage on me... But I still drank all of them under the damned table with only the massive Ogre that was to be named Kurobe matching me before I staggered off to pass out in my cabin.

But as I blearily blinked away the morning sleep from my eyes, I heard Demeter call out through my door again. "My lord, Rimuru is calling for you!"

"Alright, coming out in a minute!" I shouted out before whining and slamming my face into the pillow while mentally cursing Kaijin for his stupidly strong beer as it felt like my head was stuffed with rocks and my mouth filled with cotton balls.

Either way after using a potion and washing my face with some cold water, I wasn't in as bad of shape as I went to Rimuru's cabin next door.

All six Ogre's were standing in a line in front of Rimuru and seeing me walk in, Rimuru happily waved with a cheeky smile. "Jaakkkee! You slowpoke, you got too drunk last night!"

I sniffed at Rimuru's teasing but still smiled and grunted out a still tired "Good morning."

So I went and sat on the chair next to Rimuru who began speaking to the assembled six Ogres. "So! In honor of you becoming my subordinates and joining the town we are building, I want to name you six!" She said proudly and all six Ogre's flinched at her words with Benimaru needing to clarify for all them incredulously.

"Well..." Rimuru tilted her head cutely to the side as she said kindly. "Not having a name makes things hard you know? Like what do I do when I want to call out to one of you guys from across the street?" She asked rhetorically.

Then the would be named Shuna spoke unsurely. "Lord Rimuru, naming high class monsters like us comes with great risk."

Before Shuna could continue Rimuru cut her off with a wide smile. "It's fine, it's fine! I got this Haha!"

But then I flicked Rimuru in the back of her head cutting off her proud grin as I said flatly. "Rimuru, you are very much underestimating the magicules an Ogre will take to be named and evolve... Even us both naming three of them will likely knock us out for a good couple days, if you did all six, you would be out for weeks like when you named the whole original goblin tribe." I said making Rimuru deflate before shrugging.

"Alrighty! You take the left side, I will take the right side then!" Rimuru said and I saw the leader of the Ogre's breathe in relief at him not being named by me and obviously wanting Rimuru's name.

While Shion herself preened at getting named by me.

I took a breath and marshaled my mana to make sure my soul remained sturdy and spoke. "Are you two alright with that? I can already tell she is happy with that." I said with a smile to who would become Souei and Shuna and they both nodded as Rimuru began visibly pondering what to name the other three Ogres.

"I want you to name me Lord Jake! You were the first person. To not be extremely rude to me, about the food I love to cook for them!" Shion said with such determination that it made my lips twitch as all the Ogre's in concert twisted their heads to the side and refused to look at the busty purple-haired Ogre.

I took in the three Ogre's I was to Name, and etch upon their very souls a bond between us and elevate their state of being. I opened my mouth and spoke with my soul forming a connection between the three of them. "I name you-"

My vision dulled and I felt my mana utterly tank even as I instinctively drew upon the surrounding magicules with my Beyonder essence to dully speak with my mind going flat and as the last of my words spilled out of my mouth in giving the Ogre's legitimacy in the face of the World itself, my vision went black.



Big pale smooth honking titties.

Sweater pillows of men's dreams.

"Shion, its my turn to give Lord Jake a lap pillow." A soft voice spoke quietly as I stared at the large barely covered breasts above my head that covered my face from being seen. As I idly realized Shion was the one giving me a lap pillow as Demeter's chest wasn't nearly this big... And by the gods, her thighs were delightful pillows with a good hint of softness but also a nice soft firmness to keep my head propped up just right.

"Shion, Shuna?" I spoke tiredly with a groan as I tried to sit up but as I went to sit forward, Shion went to look down at... But she couldn't see her own damned feet past her tits anyway, so all she managed to do in trying to look at me was just drop those breasts onto my face with a soft thump of weight that made me cough at the... Heavy impact.

"I am so sorry Lord Jake!" Shion cried out as Shuna pushed her to sit back again while I blankly stared upwards as those breasts were pushed off my face.

'Too damned big!' I thought before chuckling and saying easily. "It's alright Shion." I carefully extracted myself from the now pouting Kijin's grasp and I took in Shuna and Shion's improvements after they had evolved. "Well well well... You both look quite great after your evolution to a Kijin." I spoke making Shion flush while Shuna smiled slightly behind a raised sleeve but there was no hiding the happiness of my honest comment.



I wonder if they look different

Chaos Dude

Of course they do. They were named by a 'man of culture' after all


Is it weird that i find their ogre forms looks more attractive than their evolved "human-like" forms? Ogre Shion looked way better before the evolution for example. The human-like form really only looked good on Shuna to me out of the entire group. What about you? Bit surprised he didnt name them after different mythological monsters or onis tho and decided to stick with their canon names.