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The three sisters led me and Mami into the back and in a jail cell was two more girls who generally matched their rather voluptuous body frames with only slightly different hair length and shades that allowed them to be told apart.

The two remaining sisters of the quintuplets were just barely in the air within the cell with blood-red glowing chains binding tightly binding them, and I frowned seeing how the chains were wrapped around their neck in a way that was clearly almost strangling them and making it difficult for them to breath.

"Mami, shoot out the lock please," I said seeing the large heavy metal lock that I didn't want to try to pick or melt with magic. When Mami could just use one of her muskets to easily blast open the door.

Once the door swung open loudly, the three sisters quickly ran in and helped lift their sisters up a bit and a loud inhale followed by coughs rang out from the two while I was busy analyzing the blood curse that filled the chains.

'The blood curse seems to only be targeting things with the bloodline, it should be fine for me to mess with it.' I thought and then I waved a free hand to make a staircase of ice for me to walk up. So I could reach the lynch point in the blood curse with my sword that I could see with my Mystic Eyes.

"There," I said and with a swipe, I slashed the death line of the curse filling the chains and the light dulled and died. Making the now broken chains utterly mundane as I had 'Killed' the curse within the chains.

With the two girls now freed I couldn't help but wonder if this was an opportunity with the five quintuplets. "So what are you five going to do now?" I asked frankly as I stepped back to collect the money from my bounty book sending the money to me.

The two girls who were in the chains were utterly and totally unconscious from being hung up for god knows how long. And the other two previously exhausted girls were already barely standing up on their own feet.

But Nino, the girl with a good bit of spunk managed to meet my eyes and said flatly. "I don't know... Our father is dead, we obviously cannot go to school with how weak our bloodline is as we will literally die after being under the sunlight for more than a couple hours."

Nino took a deep breath and continued. "You already pointed out how vampires like us if we stick our heads out to feed will get fucking hunted down like a rabid animal... I have no idea what to do!" She almost yelled.

I couldn't help a small sigh as I realized all five girls with their human father being dead were utterly boned and it didn't take a genius to realize these girls were the quintuplets from The Quintessential Quintuplets series. Which wasn't that outlandish as authors regularly used the same universe for their different projects... To say nothing of how a typical high school, slice of life, series wouldn't affect DXD at all.

'Fuck it, they are vampires... I can bind them with a familiar contract to ensure their obedience and can make something out of them over time.' I thought before speaking frankly.

"Nino, you have a couple options now, A you and your sisters go on your own and without any paperwork probably get involved in criminal affairs to make a living and to also get the funds to acquire the blood you need to survive... Or worse attempt to harvest human blood directly and get a bounty on your heads and end up dead with a week," I said bluntly and at her scowl at the reality before her, I continued.

"Option B. You are a magical creature by all definitions, you are not human in the slightest anymore Nino. And thus you could form a soul contract with a magician like myself or Mami and your contracted partner's blood would provide more than sustenance to you, then draining twenty people merely by drinking a single quarter of a pint." I explained and both Nino and Mami looked at me with confusion so I briefly explained the magical terminology in how a magical bond would highly increase a vampires digestion efficiency for that source of blood.

As for why DXD vampires didn't just contract themselves to a bunch of magicians to purify their bloodlines with powerful blood filled with magic... That was very simple, vampires, who were used to their lives, were all very proud, regardless of their blood purity. They hated the thought of being a servant to a human... What they considered to be merely cattle.

But Nino, and her sisters weren't vampires who were used to being lords over humans who could hypnotize them with a glance and drink their blood. They were scared young women who had seen their father apparently killed, and were then forced to drink their patriarch's blood to become vampires themselves.

"Can... Mami, can I make a contract with you?" Nino said with hesitation clear in her voice but whereas I expected Mami to pity the girls like I did and help them a bit.

Mami said calmly. "I refuse to form any contract with a supernatural creature. I literally sold my soul to a demon and was almost driven to insanity and was used as a sacrificial weapon against my partner here before he could save me... I am sorry, I do not know you, and even if I did. I owe all I am to Jake, my soul is his alone." Mami finished with a quiet pride that made Nino swallow at the unfiltered determination in her voice.

Nino's eyes then looked to me and she visibly took a breath as she said weakly. "You... What will it cost me and my sisters to have a stable life?" She asked tiredly and I could see her own exhaustion was getting the better of her.

I took a step closer to Nino and looked straight into her blue eyes I spoke seriously. "You want a life free of worries, free of the weight of your curse driving you to do terrible things, and of course getting the strength so you and your sisters don't have these things happen again... That will cost everything you can give." I answered straightforwardly as the Key of Solomon would bind her very soul to me should she make this contract.

Her blue eyes met mine and then she nodded with a small flush entering her cheeks as she closed her eyes and without a word, she stepped closer and I felt her lips mine as her large breasts pushed against my chest and without a word, I formed the familiar contract between us with the Seal of Solomon reinforcing it via the exchange of bodily fluids which only required me to actually kiss a part of her body to form the familiar contract normally.

And she herself could feel the contract form, as her form leaned against me as my magical power slightly filled the void her blood-starved form was suffering from. And the comfort of that, made her sag against my form with a moan of comfort being released into my mouth.



Mami makes want to give her a hug literally every other time she speaks, poor girl...wonder how Homurs and Madoka are doing


Mami along with Mash are the best girls... And as for how Homura, Madoka and Sayaka are doing, they are in the Underworld being pampered by Serafall, and helping said Satan do paperwork lmao


Ah yes Paperwork... something so EVIL & POWERFUL that even OG Lucifer & the current Lucifer could not escapes its POWER. PAPERWORK is so EVIL & POWERFUL that it's Name is FEARED by 99.99999999% of the Omniverse because they are all under its sway