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Kurumu obviously spent the night with me and we were both rather slow and easy people when first getting up. However I did learn something interesting about Kurumu... She as a succubus could easily swallow a whole banana and breakfast sausage without needing to chew as monster's stomachs were a lot stronger than normal human ones.

But beyond that firm reminder of her being the throat goat. We quickly got cleaned up with Kurumu using my super small washer in my dorm room to clean her uniform from yesterday while we both took a shower and took our time fooling around in said shower.

So wearing freshly cleaned clothes, both of us glowing with satisfaction after the fun last night and this morning, and a hearty breakfast. Even Moka and Mai had to double take upon seeing me all but skipping into class with Kurumu following me also all but gliding over the ground with her steps.

"Uhh... I never thought, I would actually say it, but why do you look like the literal definition of the 'Cat who ate the Canary?" Mai asked with a wry smile.

And in response I cheekily threw out. "Oh... I am a dragon, but a cat did take a nibble out of me." Both Moka and Mai looked confused but Kurumu sitting to the side of us flushed and buried her face into her book back and arms.

"Hello, students! Today, in the vein of continuing our prior topic of avoiding human attention and thus not getting hunted down by the church or government agents... Today, we will be discussing the production of high-end Cocain enhanced with a monsters Youki and how you can easily make as much money as you need by infiltrating the medical world and using monster qualities and abilities to make the medicine either better or addictive!" She said awfully cheerfully making my eye twitch.

"Ah... My family runs an iron supplement business, as well as several blood drives around the world." Moka muttered and Kurumu added on without any shame.

"Yeah, and my mother works with the succubus clan of Las Vegas, making the psychedelics used on the strip, and of course specialized Viagra or other male enhancements drugs." Even as Mai looked floored at that realization I covered my face as I realized all too easily that the monsters were smart enough to basically take over the fields of interest that affected their own monster race.

So while our teacher Nekonome continued to teach us the criminal ways of staying out of government hands and being successful at it in our 'human integration' class. I was introducing Kurumu into our little dynamic.

"So... Kurumu said she was sorry, and now she is your friend or something?" Mai said with a lidded look as she looked doubtfully between the blue-haired succubus and myself.

But Moka shrugged and said rather evenly. "Its fine really. We could use more friends, also have you guys you know... I think me and Mai were followed to the girl's dorm or something yesterday?" Moka said unsurely and I frowned as I was also followed around as I went back to the men's doorm.

'The question is whether it was the same person, as I know that Moka and Mai stayed out of the dorms to talk for a bit.' I thought before shrugging and saying with some weight. "Then you girls should walk home together... Never know what kind of literal monster may wait to snatch you into some kind of locked room or corner."

All three girls grimaced but nodded and that was it as Nekonome began teaching the process in which we could aim our Youki to enhance drugs effects the same way we monsters could use magic by using our Youki to force reality to bend in the way we wanted to.

This was an interesting thing as the anime certainly never got into depth about how magic and Youki worked here in this universe. "Moka, where can I learn more about magic?" I asked as she was the most studious of us.

At my question, Moka raised an eyebrow and as Nekonome took a breath and continued her speaking, Moka whispered. "Check the library, they have a number of books about primers for various forms of magic... But magic is mostly for monsters without much innate power and can easily control the bits of Youki they have to perform magic?" She explained but with clear confusion as to why I wanted to know.

But... The thing was, I may have been a fuck off huge dragon, but I wanted magic like the principal who was a scary ass monster who could also use his magic to create black holes and throw literally immortal monsters into the void between realms to seal them away.

Either way, the class continued until it was the lunch period and our now party of four walked to the lunch area so Mai and Kurumu could get actual food while Moka and I got our cans of tomato soup. "So any particular reason you want to learn magic Jake? Most monsters with real power think its beneath them?" Moka asked although kindly, she was clearly one of the monsters who didn't really think that much of magic.

In response I shrugged before saying evenly. "I am going to live for a long time Moka. Might as well learn how to use some magic to help wherever I live flourish or to protect whatever horde I accumulate."

Moka's eyes widened and she clapped her hands together in understanding. "Ah, so you want to curse your treasure!"

I just rolled my eyes in amusement as we both got our cans of tomato soup from the vending machines that gave the students who had special diets their needed food.

But as we turned away from the vending machine I felt a tinge in my side and I patted my side feeling the tinge like someone poked me or something and as I looked down at my side I saw something in the corner of my eye and as my eyes snapped up my face went utterly flat at what I saw.

I saw a 'young' girl. A very young girl with shorter black hair and as our eyes met she flushed as she realized I saw her very clearly holding onto a doll that looked... Very suspiciously like myself. "Oh fuck no." I growled and walked over towards the troublemaker I knew was Yukari Sendo but seeing me walk over she bit her lips and then with seemingly no hesitation stuffed the fucking voodoo doll down her shirt and rebuttoned it before looking up at me with way too much bravery for a brat being eyed with glowing gold eyes and literal flames escaping my mouth.

"Give me the voodoo doll." I demanded.

"Nope, its mine!" She answered strongly and I felt Moka stand beside me and she spoke up to try to mediate the situation.

"Uhm, it's not nice to make a voodoo doll and hurt people. Jake hasn't done anything to you has he?" She asked gently and Yukari shook her head before she took a breath and dramatically pointed at me.

"No, but he is an evil dragon! I like you Moka and I won't let him pin you down and do those nasty things he did to that stupid cow of a Succubus!" She announced with iron determination and I could only think of one thing.

'Her age is on the clock... She cannot take the cock.' "I am literally going to drag you to a female teacher so she can get the doll, then I am going to drag you to the principal so he can call your parents... This attitude you have here is going to end up with you in someone's gullet." I said with finality and her eyes went wide as I did just that, even as she summoned a weird wand with a star in the middle of it. I just held her hands and the staff up with one hand as I picked her up with the other and Moka sighed.

"Getting the teachers involved would probably be for the best." She muttered as she followed me who was carrying the kicking and screaming literal child prodigy.