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As we ran out of my little cabin into the dull night we quickly reached the fence in which the goblins had put together in order to dissuade the wolves and other monsters/maijin from attempting to eat them.

And as we reached the fence, I heard Rimuru yell out to the direwolves. "Turn back now. And we will not take any action!" Then their form jiggled greatly and Rimuru yelled out louder. "Leave this place a once!"

But the lead wolf, one with what looked like a blinded eye snarled as with his wrathful voice reaching over towards us. "Insolence! A lowly slime telling me what to do! Kill the slime and spill the blood of the goblins!" The direwolf roared and with that order a couple dozen of the two or maybe even three hundred dire wolves charged towards us with deadly intent as their very fangs seemed to shine in the bright moonlight.

But as the wolves got close to the fence I saw that Rimuru's preparations had born fruit as the wolves that got close lost limbs and even literally cut themselves in half as they ran full pelt into the razor wires that Rimuru created.

"You know... This is kinda bullying." I said dryly as I created a spear of flames and rammed it into the whimpering head of a dire wolf that lost all its legs and had its belly split open after running into one of that slimes wires.

Likewise the goblins also used short bows on the heavily wounded direwolves, right in front of the fence, shooting the arrows through the holes in the fence into the direwolves even further injuring and killing a few.

"A single human and a puny slime dares to do this!" The alpha snarled and then even as the Beta with the star shaped birthmark on its face called out to his father, the alpha sprinted far faster than any of the other wolves down the hill towards the village and I raised an eyebrow at how it bit through the steel like wires Rimuru placed everywhere.

And with another roar, the dire wolf leapt grandly into the air and seemingly hovered for a second before gravity brought it back down the snarling mass of direwolf clearly intent on slaughtering us.

But even as the old goblin chieftain called out to Rimuru in destress. I just stood still as with my Hunter Sequence which gifted me with trap-making talents. I could see dozens of wire threads encircling the limbs of the wolf and with a loud twang! The wolf was suspended in the middle of the air. The direwolf alpha struggled hard, tearing the flesh from its legs as it snarled at Rimuru. "This won't stop me! I will be free!"

And without a word. I saw Rimuru's form bulk up slightly and then an arc of compressed water shot out at great speeds from the slimes mouth and made a crunching noise as it seemingly effortlessly passed through the neck of the direwolf.

The surroundings went silent... And then even as the neck of the direwolf alpha sprayed blood everywhere, the head finally then came down and hit the ground with a loud thudding noise.

"Your boss is dead! Now submit or die!" Rimuru said with authority clear in their voice and I raised an eyebrow as I knew he was thinking about what if the direwolves were thinking along the lines of 'we will die fighting, instead of submitting.'

But things went according to canon without a hitch as Rimuru ate the corpse of the previous alpha gaining its skills and then howled at the pack of the direwolves which quickly... And comically lead to them rolling over onto their bellies and loudly shouting out. "Our pack yields to you!"

And the funniest thing was how Rimuru couldn't actually howl like a wolf... It was literally them pretending to howl with a fucking human voice while in the form of the direwolf which was just. Yeah.

"Did we win?" A goblin asked and as Rimuru landed on the ground with a loud squishing noise I couldn't help but snicker as they still had wolf ears and a tail coming out of their slime form which made Rimuru freak out for a second and while the slime was spazing out I called out.

"Yes! We won! But be honorable in victory! Goblins, help the bury the fallen!" I called out and looked to Rimuru who froze but nodded at my words and so while Rimuru snuck some nibbles on some Direwolves and Goblins who died, I helped the goblins and direwolves dig out some graves used my Yatagarsu flames as a solid construct to burn and loosen the ground so the dire wolves could more easily dig it up.


The next day Rimuru and I were standing in front of the mass of goblins and direwolves which had over the night after working together to respectfully bury the dead could now mingle together in the crowd.

"Ehhh.... Alright you all, listen up!" Rimuru called from their position atop a flat stump so they could speak to the assembled crowd of goblins and direwolves. "You are all going to pair up if you can, I want you to all come together and combine your strengths." And Rimuru went onto say how we were going to get started a hunting together with the wolves helping the goblins track stuff while the goblins could use hunting weapons like bows and spears to help the wolves hunt for food.

Then Rimuru paused as the goblins and direwolves began looking at one another and trying to find a 'partner'.

Rimuru looked up the super old goblin chieftain next to them and sheepishly asked. "Uhhh, what was your name again?"

And so the goblin chief explained how monsters didn't have names as they could still communicate. So Rimuru completely ignorant of what he was offering said happily. "Then let me give you all names!" And them bedlam erupted. The goblins screamed with joy, with one actually somehow doing a backflip off a direwolf who was howling with joy.

As Rimuru froze at the sudden celebration so I needed to cut in. "Rimuru." I said getting their attention before continuing. "To 'name' a low-class monster like them is to affirm their existence to the world... It will cost you a ridiculous amount of mana and if you name multiple people at once you can severely hurt yourself or even cripple your mana/magicules container." I warned and Rimuru hissed and formed a large exclamation mark out of slime above their head making me nod and then I saw Rimuru jiggle as they obviously asked their cheat 'Great Sage' about what I said and after a moment I could see when they got the answer as Rimuru slumped... Then perked up.

"Thank you for the heads up Jake! I would have been knocked out into a coma if I named everyone in one sitting!" Rimuru said with thanks and appreciation clear in their voice and then Rimuru looked out the monsters and spoke again loudly over the mass of celebrating monsters. "I will name five of you guys now! and after a bit after seeing how much magic its costs me, I will keep giving you guys 'Names!" Rimuru explained and as the party only grew as Rimuru named some of the goblins and direwolves.

I had a thought... Couldn't I name some of the monsters?

"Rimuru, mind if I try naming a couple?" I asked and the slime simply transformed into a blunt thumbs up making me chuckle at the sight and I looked over at the goblins and direwolves with a thought running through my head.

'What if I named a Direwolf, Sif.' Would they turn into a wolf like Sif from Dark Souls as I knew the intent and the name itself gave power to the one who had the name... And what if I named a goblin woman something like Aphrodite? Could I name a goblin after a goddess?

Or do I let my inner troll out and name one of the goblin women into an adult entertainment actress's name with such an intent that they turn into a short stack hentai goblin's form...



Thanks for the chapter. And short stack for win!


Plz bring Sif back we need him