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Steele was a good bit shorter than me, which meant that as she sent swift kick at the side of my waist. I was already ready to attack with my longer reach. But instead of going for a punch or kick I used the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, to knee her coming kick.

So as her shin made contact with the top of my rising knee I was able to unbalance her so greatly that she actually rose off the ground slightly with the force of my knee lifting her up off the ground. Then as I had the momentum I switched to the Kyotōryū as I knew my 'sword' style was what Shigure wanted to be practising for the most part.

I swiped down with a knife-hand at Steele's shoulder and with a ripping noise I tore through her denim half jacket and left a thin line of blood on her shoulder that seeped through her sports bra that she was wearing under the little jacket that only went to her midriff

"Ugh what the hell?" Steele cried out as she held her hand onto her shoulder and danced backward due to the obvious burning she felt from my hand cutting her flesh. I then flexed my clearly bare hands and I certainly didn't have any sleeves as I was only wearing a t-shirt.

So it was clear that my bare hands were what had cut her, and she easily made the connection. "Ah hell, you are one of those rookie prodigies just getting into Kengan matches under a real master to make money for your alcoholic/perverted master right?" She asked and I blinked at her words before my mind went to the masters of Ryouzonpaku...

The Chinese Kenpo master Kensei Ma was a 'super' pervert worthy of being Jiraiya's disciple. And Sakaki was a major alcoholic who would regularly do lesser Kengan matches to pay for his excessively expensive imported beer.

So I could only sadly nod making Steele share a look of consternation as she shared. "I understand all too well... Half my winnings go to my own master, who is obsessed with collecting coats for some reason." She said with frustration clear in her voice before I shook my head and I firmed my stance making her grin as she nodded in understanding.

We may have had lousy troublesome masters but right now, we were laying hands on the other to get a prize.

Steele dashed forward and as she got close she did this interesting move where she pivoted on one foot and while still sliding forward she used the motion to further increase the incredible power of her roundhouse kick. But unlike before when I used her momentum as a weapon I fully leaned into the Kyotōryū as I used my hands as knifes to slice into the back of Steele's steel-like leg that extended towards me as she reflexively flinched feeling the cut, I stepped past her extended kick and used one of the more powerful Kyotōryū techniques in the 'Violet' technique.

I stepped forward with my right leg and then with a powerful exhale I slammed both palms into Steele's chest making her gag as I could feel her ribs pop, maybe even crack at the extreme force I slammed her with.

Her ample breasts didn't really do much to defend against as her entire body got violently pushed back a full four meters with her boots-covered feet audibly scraping against the rough parking garage ground. But unsurprisingly, with how durable the people were in this kind of world she only tilted forward slightly as she coughed to get her breath back. But as I stepped forward to continue the fight I could have sworn I hissed as I felt a burning in my leg and I saw the side of my legs had a line of red through it as if something had cut my leg slightly. 'What the hell cut me? I stepped past her kick?' I thought confused as hell but as I looked around I saw standing next to Shigure was another woman.

A woman who made my hair raise with goose bumps as her violent pools that also matched her hair in cooler that were her eyes stared at me without blinking. But my notice of her stopped as in the corner of my eye I saw that Steele had regathered herself and was coming back into the fight with her sending a flying axe kick at my head seeing as she thought I wasn't paying attention anymore.

But using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, I redirected her front flip-enhanced axe kick with a lot more force so she spun even further forward so instead of landing with her feet on my head or shoulders and allowing her to gain control over herself I made her slam onto her lower back as her kick not only missed but her spin was sped up by my redirection.

She hit the ground hard and seeing her eyes still locked onto me, I knew she was still in the fight so I reached back into the Kyotōryū and then tensed my leg as I brought it down swiftly into an short axe kick and as I did so, I saw a tiny spark just beside my leg as I brought it down but nothing happened beside the back of my heel slamming into Steele's side of her waist near her liver and I knew as I landed the blow and her eyes rolled up that the fight was over.


"Interfering with disciples fights are not only wrong but harms there growth Kafka... What are you even doing in Japan?" Shigure quietly asked even as cheers rang out as her own disciple won the fight using his redirection martial art more than anything.

The woman Kafka, who had violent eyes and matching violent hair only lazily looked at Shigure and then after a small sigh escaped the Femme Fatale clad in tight leather pants and an ornate luxurious coat that rested on her dress shirt-covered shoulders. "The Maximum Tournament, is in two months and I want to train my disciple to be at a level to compete. Also, the Kengan Association is stirring so something is happening there. A new Dead Or Alive tournament is being planned... And lastly, I have my own business besides my adorable disciple." Kafka finished with a smile as Shigure looked away from her own disciple.

But before anything could happen both Kafka and Shigure blinked as the Nintendo representative started crying about the company was going to hang him for losing and was trying to blame Jake for winning the fight.

"Companies." Shigure and Kafka both said in disdain and in unison with Shigure walking over to Jake as the young man went to get his payment. While even as Kafka helped her own disciple up as she held her side, she clicked on her phone a couple times to send a video to some people.

"People are going to be interested to know that a new disciple of Ryouzonpaku is running around." She said softly and then patted the steel grey hair of her disciple who pouted at losing the fight. "Its alright Steele, this was a nonlethal fight so take it as a lesson and next time just explode his balls to get revenge or something.... Also, you owe me three hundred and fifty thousand yen for losing the battle, I need the money to pay for a new jacket." She teased her now sick and pale-looking disciple.



Where is Steele from can’t find it on google