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I was the strongest level three in history... I killed literal kingdom-destroying monsters regularly...

'Why is my aunt/sister in law the fucking last boss of the world?' I thought mentally screaming all the while as Alfia was beating Bell's ass into the ground.

We had left Orario soon after my level up and we were currently out in the northern forests of Orario which could lead us to the elvish forests that Riveria and Lefiya came from. Or if we head further northwest we could hit the dwarves mountains.

Literally in fact, she was using a heavily padded paddle-like sword and using the flat side of it to literally play whack a mole on Bell's head with the weaker white-haired girl was helpless under the onslaught and was being actually beaten into the ground with how the ground cratered under Bell's feet due to Alfia's overwhelming strength.

I myself was currently nursing a lovely concussion as Alfia decided that after realizing my armor was 'indestructible' decided that the only way to harm me in the name of training, was to shake my head like a baby rattle. "My armor is unbreakable... My soft innards aren't!" I groaned and I heard Hestia and Materia snicker at my misfortune.

Materia was a mirror image for Bell, busty and with healthy curves, with snow-white pure hair. But instead of how Bell looked like a rabbit with her red eyes. Materia invoked the image of a beautiful pine tree with her emerald eyes that seemed so alive with the white hair being like snow that covered the pine tree in the deep winter.

And she was the biggest sweetheart honestly. She, Haruhime, and Hestia typically got along really well with their kind-hearted nature. But that didnt mean Materia didnt have some spine as she spoke softly. "Jake, Alfia is making sure to train your Endurance stat which is extremely important due to how you aren't getting development abilities like Abnormal Resistance."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I stated flatly. "I got a Bezoar equipped... If Seshat checked out my status right now she could see I had poison immunity. I just wish she didn't decide that using my body as a weapon to beat Filvis unconscious was the 'most efficent'." I deadpanned putting emphasis on the elf who was being fussed over by Haruhime who was using one of the healing 'weapons' I had to shoot little pink beams at the elf to heal her.

Materia and Hestia had no answer for that fair response and then a yelp got out attention as Bell's Luck development skill had seemingly been activated and through a literal miracle as that's what her luck skill was in being a whole canon clear extra set of of 'Plot Armor'

I blinked as Bell fell forward under her aunt/big sister's swing of the paddle and as Alfia naturally took a step back to avoid Bell's tripping dive, through the miracle Bell's hands that shot outwards to catch herself caught hold of something... And with a tearing and thumping noise that rang out through the large camp the miracle bore fruit.

'Those are cute... Oh fuck!' I mentally screamed as Bell had somehow in her fall with both hands grabbed onto the edge of Alfia's cutout in her dress and ripped the top section which covered her breasts. As well as somehow breaking the pins on her bra and taking it off her as she fell.

Allowing Alfia's bountiful pale breasts topped with small delicate pink nipples to bounce through the air as the level eight just gapped at the sight of her tits bouncing in the air comically far more than should be possible.

There was a silence and I slowly as though the movement wouldn't catch the level eight's eyes... Covered my eyes with both hands as Hestia called out. "Bell, do the dogeza and beg for forgiveness and Jake... You already covered your eyes!?"

I only dryly stated to the short goddess. "I like living."

Then Seshat who had been napping on a hammock in the shade of the courtyard I made with my stone walls finally spoke up tiredly. "Alfia's cool, open your eyes Jake... It's just a bit of titty, don't make a big deal about it."

And as though to confirm Seshat's words Alfia's amused voice spoke out. "Indeed, its not as though haven't seen breasts before Jake. Besides, within the dungeon, it's not uncommon for clothes to be ruined... In fact Bell you yourself can be considered lucky with Jake's assistance as I cannot list the number of times that one of the acid or fire-spitting monsters ruined my clothes. And I had to come up to the surface in naught but my underwear before I reached level five."

I opened my eyes and bam! Titty in the face as Alfia careless of her top nudity, was dragging Bell's defeated limp form by a boot across the ground before dumping her into my lap with Alfia saying with some happiness in her voice. "I am proud of both your progress Jake, Bell. You are monsters that don't at all fit in the bounds of a level three and are better found in the levels of levels five or even six!" Then even as I looked past her breasts I saw a wistful look of almost regret on her face as she sighed.

"Truly the growth of you two is utterly ridiculous. If the Zeus and Hera Familia was made up of the same quality of monsters as yourself and had Haruhime boost all our levels up by one..." Alfia drew off and I could see the energy leave her frame as she shook her head.

Seeing even Materia look a bit sad at Alfia's spiral into PTSD via One Eyed Black Dragon angst that killed everyone from their Familia. I cut in to change the subject. "Bell, I would appreciate your help killing some bosses for me to fill out and upgrade my new mod." I spoke out and she gleefully nodded as the pre-hard mode bosses weren't a challenge anymore so it was just going through the motions but then Bell asked tentaviely.

"Jake... Can we kill the Queen Slime yet? I really want to get the materials so we can help Eina get her eyes back." Bell asked earnestly and after a moment of thought I looked over at Alfia and after a moment she subtly nodded without Bell noticing.

So with the safety net of the scary last boss of the world in our corner I smiled naturally and said bravely. "Of course Bell... But first, I need to make us both wings so we can fly!"

The squeal of joy from Bell as she flew across the sky on wings would fill my memories for the rest of my life as Alfia and Materia looked on in unmistakable jealousy at the sight of Bell's joy.


Fuhong Ji

I think I need a reminder of what happened to eina and also how and when did he gather the souls necessary


The pyscho elf twins tortured her and took her eyes. And as for souls, they are just any monster in the day time now that he is in 'hard mode'


Knowing how I can be with remembering things from time to time. Upgrades next.