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When I got home back to the central Church that Shadow Garden held, I expected to relax, I expected to be able to wind down for a few days for when Nirn rolled around after my girls killed the leaders of the Cult of Diabolos using the information we got from Nelson and the leaders he pointed out would lead to more leaders being killed off.

But as I got home, I realized you never left violent wild-like beastkin alone for long as when I entered my room I saw my large bed was completely covered in the nubile forms of naked beastkin girls.

"Beastkin and their hate of clothes." I muttered as I tiredly sat down on a love seat across from the bed as the beastkin girls barely stirred from their rest with only little feet twitches.

Things were going good as far as I knew as Zeta had one of her subordinates deliver a letter to me at the train station telling me that they had already dealt with the two members that Nelson gave up in Fenrir, and Mordred. And were now working to deal with Petos who was in a neighboring kingdom.

As I was relaxing I felt a nudge within my soul and I blinked as laying next to me on the loveseat in her classic purple dress with green gem highlights was Aurora, the witch of calamity Diabolos that I nabbed her soul from its containment in the Cult's laboratory system back under the city of Lindwurm. "Hmm you look rather tired, why aren't you climbing into the... Puppy pile?" She questioned with an amused smile as I couldn't help my own snicker at the literal pile of beastkin girls in deep slumber

As I recognized them as the girls who typically did the night patrols due to being mostly nocturnal beastkin.

"The better question is how is your soul healing in Ereshkigal's cages and learning under Hecate?" I asked instead and her face twitched as I could feel a mischievous sadistic pleasure coming from Hecate's divine core within my soul and I wanted to facepalm as Hecate was honestly a bit of a bitch.

She shrugged after a moment of silence in a clear answer to how the training was going well... But Hecate was probably being a pain, but thankfully she smiled and continued. "Thankfully Scathach is a welcome host even if I have to take turns with her destroying some immortal skeletons that keep reforming every once in a while to attack us." She explained and my face twisted as a proud feeling was radiated from Scathach's core.

Fucking she made the undead lands of Dún Scáith within my own soul???

Either way, I continued to talk to Aurora for a good bit, until she got tired with her soul being worn down by the natural world's laws as she didn't have a true body of flesh and blood. Once she returned back to Ereshkigal's soul cages to continue to heal and strengthen her soul I sighed and decided that the witch of calamity was right...

I stripped down and then joined the beastkin snuggle pile on the enchanted bed that I made sure was enchanted to keep cool so I never overheated due to Delta and Zeta loving to sneak into my beds and their large furry tails would always overheat under the covers.


A few hours later after I may or may not have did lewd things in a massive pile of beastkin girls who awoke with entirely too much vigor after finding out I was sleeping with them. I made my way into the large meeting with a slight limp as I took my seat at the end of the table as I took in the members of the Seven Shadows that were here at the church now.

"Alright, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, Gamma, and Eta." I listed off the names of the Seven Shadows in attendance while Delta and Zeta were off-killing the last member of the Round Table we supposedly had the name and location of. "As you all know we have cut the Cult of Diabolos in half with killing more than half of their Knights of the Round... And with us destroying three of their labs. The last five will be forced to kill at least two of them in infighting due to the lack of Diabolos Tears to extend their lifespan." I listed out to let the girls absorb the information.

Alpha nodded and as she spoke her voice was cold as ice as was the norm when it came to the girls when aimed at the Cult of Diabolos. "Unless Zeta gets extremely lucky we won't be able to get the rest of the locations for the rest of the Round Table... But thankfully Zeta and Delta managed to secure the Black Rose from Mordred after assassinating him." As she spoke she carefully unlocked a suitcase.

Within the padded suitcase was a large black ring that would only fit on the middle finger and act as a key to open the 'Black Gate' to alternate parallel worlds but I knew my patron had fucked with those worlds and instead made them into different universes altogether.

"With the Black Rose, Eta was able to analyze its dimensional crossing effects using the magical resonance between this world and the coming world of Nirn, at any point and time now we could make a portal there but we could land literally anywhere from in Oblivion, to another divine realm from the Aedra, or if we are lucky, we could land on the mortal lands of Mundus." Alpha explained while Eta lightly nodded in agreement even as her eyes drooped closed due to her narcolepsy.

I shook my head and spoke up. "No. We can use runic teleporters to land... Somewhere in Cyrodiil when the lands connect." I eyed all the girls and the Shadow Garden girls down the line as I spoke firmly. "We need to take charge of the Oblivion Crisis, as even if Alduin gets time to run around, he is going to waste his time recruiting other dragons and such. But Mehrunes Dagon will be a lot more proactive in destroying reality." I explained with a frown

Thankfully with some clarification from Scathach and others, I learned more about how my patron fucking fused the events of Skyrim and Oblivion together. Basically, he just set it up so Alduin would get released early from his cage, and being honest all the movers and shakers for both series of events were immortals of some kind so with some fuckery the only major incident to be messed with was the Thalmor wasn't a thing due to the Great War not happening.


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