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Kurumu Kurono... Now that was someone I honestly didn't think would become as much of an issue. With how Moka was such good friends with Mai, and thus wasn't acting as some form of opposition to Kurumu's 'booby' trap plan.

But I suppose that what I hadn't accounted for. Was the 'might makes right', attitude of monsters. This included stronger monster races being seen as the far more attractive options, especially to a race like Succubi that needed a strong husband/Chosen One.

So, it was like dangling a succulent steaming with juices steak in front of a dog and obviously, the dog's eyes would go wide and go sniff around the steak before going in for the bite. I just hoped that the local token loli in this ecchi world in Yukari Sendo wasn't going to be... As crazy as she was in canon. 'Fuck, I am screwed.' I realized with my lips twitched as Moka and Mai held my arms as they dragged me behind one of the many club buildings.

"Alright Moka, you try first." I offered unbuttoning my dress shirt and as her eyes lanced into my lower neck and shoulder I could see the tinyest of shudders pass through her form, as her fangs grew a bit within her mouth all the while she came closer to me until one of her hands pressed against my stomach as she leaned in like she was going kiss me.

But I knew it wasn't a traditional kiss though as her plush lips kissed my neck and I felt her fangs slide into my flesh and her beginning to suck my blood, I shivered as I felt whatever Vampire, magic, chemicals or whatever they used to calm and make their prey find actual pleasure in being drained by them.

As soon as my blood hit her mouth and slid down into her throat with her rapid swallows, Moka plastered her form against mine with one of her legs kicking up to wrap around my waist as her other hand that wasn't on my stomach grabbed my dress shirt to held steady herself as moans of utterly debased rapture escaped her mouth.

Then it happened, with one strong gulp I saw her hair flicker. From the bright pink hair Outer Moka had to the silver white of the Inner True Moka that was sealed away within the Rosario Moka wore on her chest.

And as her hair became silver, that leg around my back became a crushing vice as she drew even closer to me and I felt her larger breasts pushing against my own chest while Mai made a noise of surprise that broke the moment of passion.

Moka froze and as she stopped sucking my blood, her hair flickered between pink and white before turning back to pink as Moka relaxed with her head thumping against my chest as she spoke with utter rapture in her voice. "Oh my... Your blood is dangerous Jake, I think that I fell asleep for a second as it tasted so good and made my whole body warm and... It felt like it was waking me up or something?" She finished in some confusion.

I was honestly more worried about her Rosario breaking... Granted I knew in time I would be strong enough should Alucard/Dracula get free of his seals later on, but right now I really didn't want to tangle with a godlike monster. So I wryly smiled before shaking my head remembering the dozens of times Moka's Rosario got yanked off before breaking and took comfort in that as I responded.

"That was certainly odd... Now it's my turn for a sip." I said with a bit of teasing as Moka flushed when I used a finger to pull her already open shirt open so I could dip down low and as I picked her up with one hand under her backside, her legs instinctively snapped around my waist as I metaphorically and literally dug in. The moment my fangs pierced her flesh and my draconic and vampiric saliva hit her bloodstream and nerves, Moka wasn't able to hold in her own moan of appreciation with her going limp into my grasp as I supped upon her blood to tax her for taking my own.

Moka's blood tasted fucking weird though... Whereas Mai tasted like home, gentle affection, or even love. Moka tasted of regality, of power, loneliness, and the need for comfort. Honestly tasting concepts through drinking people's blood was probably never going to get old as I could feel how close we were was making the taste of blood change from its lonely flavor to something I could only call embarrassment, yet desiring more.

"Uhm is it my turn yet." Mai asked squirming around slightly and Moka shuddered at the reminder that we weren't alone, and as I went to break off the 'love bite' her legs and arms tightened. Holding me against her for but a moment before she seemingly recalled the situation we were in.


She carefully perched herself atop the club building watching as her... Prey was doing those things behind away from the school! And as that slip of a girl with of course much smaller breasts than her own spoke she couldn't help but mentally cheer her on. "Uhm, isn't it my turn yet?"

'No! You traitor! I was going to set you up with an acceptable guy but no longer!' She mentally screamed before taking another breath of that delightful applewood smoke that seemed to follow her prey and made her hold in a shudder at how the scent teased her senses perfectly.

For a moment there was only the sound of shifting bodies as her prey thankfully got that hussy lesser vampire off him and by all the layers of hell did it tick her off that he was already playing with other girls despite her attention upon him. But then he spoke and she cracked the tiles she was holding onto. "Yes Mai, it's your turn, come here." He ordered the slip of a girl.

And that... Fucking bitch had no shame in pulling open her shirt and showing off those lesser tits to get her man's view and then moaned like a slut obviously taunting her when he pinned her against the wall and began sucking her blood!

'I am a fucking succubus! I will not be put in the fucking cuck chair!' Kurumu Kurono mentally roared with devil wings sprouting from her back along with the spade ended tail and her nails greatly lengthening as she used her hands to throw herself down towards that bastard who ignored her Love Charm and that bitch who thought she could take pleasure from what she was claiming!


Iori Daemona Angel

Wow, Jake has been claimed without his say so it seems...


Kurumu does have a history of using mind control to stake a claim lol

Iori Daemona Angel

Please, tell me she's going to prove herself to join the harem? She need a big shock to make her a better girl like in the Manga...


I certainly wont shed a tear if Jake kills Kurumu, cuz honestly, fuck her and her mind control abilities.