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With Sakaki, not wanting to put his neck out there in having me fight Shinshinkai students, my only real avenue for fighting actual fighters was myself either picking fights with the many street gang members. Or using Shigure's underworld contacts to get me into some Kengan matches.

And Shigure was quick... Within not even five minutes after stepping aside to make some phone calls she sat me down. "I have a fight for you... A branch of Nintendo is hosting a fight with a popular website called Pirates Bay that sells bootleg stolen video games for far cheaper... You will be representing Pirates Bay and defeating the Nintendo fighter due to a dispute they wish to settle out of court and out of view of the higher-end fighters."

Shigure spoke and my face twitched at realizing I would be fighting for the actual criminals but then again... I distinctly remembered seeing how Nintendo didn't make copies or remakes of old games so I had to spend too damned much money in order to get myself a new copy of Pokemon Ruby.

"Alright, I am game," I said with some confidence before I tilted my head to the side and asked. "How much is the payment for fighting?"

Shigure blinked before nodding and said with a small smile. "I don't know... I just got you the fight, you make the deal with who is representing Pirates Bay, also I get a five percent cut for referring you." She said with that small smile turning teasing and I nodded without any issue.

It was Shigure's contacts and herself putting herself out there in referring me to these companies, it was only fair to give her and Ryouzonpaku, a slice of the pie I brought in with the teachings and time they gave me.

With the minor details sorted out, I asked the really important question. "So when is the fight anyway?"

Shigure paused and then I could all but a dim light bulb floating above her head flickering to life as she made a wry smile and spoke in her typical monotone. "Ah, the match is across the city in three and a half hours." She said making my face twitch at how fucking little time there was.

And more importantly how Pirate's Bay didn't even seemingly have a fighter for the coming Kengan Match, until I fell into their lap!

"Something fucky is going on. Isn't there?" I asked dryly and Shigure shamelessly nodded.

"Yes. The fighter of Nintendo is a well known fighter, for rather... Unfortunate reasons." Shigure said with a wry smile crossing her face as she continued. "She is known as Steele, the Nutcracker. Through terrible coincidences, her opponents somehow jump away from her trained Savate kickboxing techniques in a way that leads to her kicks going between their legs... And even more oddly there was been four times when while brawling in the middle of street. Her opponent quickly backpedaled and somehow anally impaled themself on a traffic cone that was able to shred through their clothes somehow despite being completely blunt.

I deadpanned at my teacher who placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke seriously. "Jake... The world is weirder than you think, there is a man who can punch cancer and earthquakes to death... Some people are able to punch people from a distance and other unexplainable things, Steele having the power of anal destruction and probability manipulation in kicking men and women in the crotch will be nothing in the future." She said inspiringly.

"No fighter wanted to get kicked in the balls so they didn't take the fight did they." I retorted flatly completely ignoring Shigure's bullshit and my teacher shrugged and replied flatly.

"Correct... The payment is going to be low of course, and the low-ranking fighter's are terrified of her due to the last fighter to face her needing to get his... Sack rebuilt after stepping on the handle of a rake that sent the blades into their private area before the fight started."

I shivered... How fucking terrifying was this woman's luck? Was it actually some kind of passive probability manipulation or was something more fucky happening?

In the end though, this was the only fight she could get on such short notice as most companies had their own fighters on retainer and I myself was a fucking nobody, so I needed to get my name out there, beyond just being part of Ryouzonpaku.

So I grit my teeth... And accepted the possibility of my nuts exploding if I fought this woman.

But as I made my peace with my future I felt Shigure pat my shoulder as she said consolingly. "It's ok... Akisame can fix you."

I literally threw my hands up into the air at the insanity of this damned place which made Shigure knowingly smile before flickering with movement as she jumped into the panels of the roof of the room with her form disappearing into the space between the first and second floor of the main house.


A few hours later, I was across the city with Shigure having ridden with me on my motorcycle and I made a decent deal with the representative of Pirate's Bay. And finally, within minutes I was standing in front of my opponent.

She had yellow, almost golden eyes and grey hair. And was wearing a sports bra that left much of her cleavage out in display while also wearing a pair of leather booty shorts that visibly stretched and moved with her toned and powerful legs.

"Woohoo! An easier fight!" She cheered and I raised an eyebrow and she coughed and continued with a wry smile. "Sorry, its just been a while since I got to fight someone that didn't count the grains in their rice to keep track of protein and thought steroids were ticktacks."

I shrugged and answered in turn. "Alrighty then, well I won't say anything about going under the beat as the only rules are no weapons except for shoes and the natural environment," I said with some distaste at how we were fighting in the middle of an underground parking lot with only a small crowd of like three dozen people watching us with a couple of cameras to record the fight.

And Steele pouted and I could all but feel her cringe at my reminder of her history but before she could say anything, a mousy-looking man stood between us and called out. "Alright! Now you two fight now!" He said with finality and then backpedaled quickly out of the way as Steele and I got closer to one another.



I wasn't that interested in this story (probably because it still setting up) but I this chapter alone made me read it from beginning to end. Top quality humor.