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A clock's ticking rang out as I sat in front of my patron to being reincarnated... And the being who was going to give me powers in general.

"Oh come on now... You guys killed so many of our agents and thought there wouldn't be consequences?" The literal devil chided with crimson eyes staring at me with abject glee but my alternate the one who was my patron snorted.

"No, the only consequence we face, is having to deal with you Company rejects trying to take Jake's as agents and learning all too quickly that we aren't mind-controlling, slaving, pathetic rats like your agents who have to rely on conceptual plot armor for every conceivable form of harm that could be done to them in the worlds they get tossed into." My alternate drawled and a heavy weight fell over us as dark shadows filled the room but in response, a feeling that could only be described as a hungry void radiated from my patron making the conceptual Devil/Satan chuckle.

"And yet the Clan, has folded, come to the table, no matter how you call it, you came to the table to negotiate, and as per the agreement, you will be sending a tithe of Jake's to be added to our system's as well as incentivizing them to take part in the Blood War against the End." The devil said first mockingly at the start then with some seriousness at the end.

There was only a silent nod before my patron looked to me and clapped my shoulder as he spoke. "Alright, you already got a build with talents, all that other crap and your new body is ready for you at your new world... Now we just finish up the details." My patron who apparently broke Warhammer 40k over his knee spoke before his void like eyes tightened on the devil as he spoke with zero room for negotiations.

"You will be keeping the Red Orb, he will not under any circumstances be taking part in the Companies retarded PVP games of brutal violence and other debauchery all based around stealing another agents waifus... If he so chooses he can go help an agent who is being invaded by another or some interdimensional Kaiju, that's his business and choice. But you people take joy in suffering and we will not allow our people to have the, so common 'accidents' like a man with a Tier X or higher waifu or husbando waltzing in and flicking his world to pieces."

The devil frowned and for a moment it looked like he was going to press on that detail, before shrugging with an evil smile as he said frankly. "Very well, I will get my due in time though and-"

There wasn't even a flicker of movement, in one second the literal conceptual devil was going to give some ominous warning and the next my patron grabbed him by the throat and lifted him from the chair and spoke in a low slow growl. "No, you little shit stain. The clan is One, we don't fuck each other over. You attempted to fuck with us before and we bloodied your nose by blowing up cloning worlds, killing major clients, agents, and other things. We agreed to play together but if you are going to pull a Loki and burn the Omniverse around you for sick tricks then we will personally crush you and the Company can get a new conceptual devil."

Then my patron threw the devil back in his seat and with a flick of his hand a multicolored swirling rainbow portal opened beside me and without losing eye contact with the devil my patron said coldly. "Buddy, just because you are technically an agent doesn't mean you answer to the Company, we got your back just as you will have ours when you can stand on your two feet... They aren't friends but they don't need to be enemies as we all are fighting the End. Now go, have fun and don't be fucking retarded like Luffy." He said with finality and I couldn't help a chuckle as I called back.

"I will pour one out on Nami's tits for youuuu!" Even as I got sucked into the portal and my vision went black as my previous body was disintegrated and my soul was being upgraded with Company and the Clan things... I could hear the howling laughter of my patron before a snarl of the devil rang out before a comical yelping scream rang out alongside the haunting sound of a squeaky toy being squeezed too hard as the devil screamed.

"Not the dog toy! It won't fit!"

Even as my soul's consciousness faded... I couldn't help but realize something terrible. My patron Jake broke Warhammer, he literally mentally shattered and put Slaanesh together into a lewd yet demure maid. What the fuck was his limits and...


I dreamed. I dreamed the life of the previous host of my new body before he died. He awoke in life and was made into a slave, he accepted to survive he needed to fight in the Colosseum he lived his entire life upon the world of Nuceria with his empathy powers allowing him to sway his would be slave master's into confiding to him and allowing himself a degree of freedom.

Years passed and he became the champion of the pits, became the greatest fighter upon the world of Nuceria with the best weapons imaginable in his grasp to use in his great battles against entire squads of other fighters. And then when he reached the top, he struck. In one night during a ball with all the major Nuceria movers and shakers in attendance, he has paraded around during a Ball in his armor to look 'professional'.

He slaughtered the world so-called nobility and the slaver's that night with his bare hands and the servant's serving trays were used a throwable ninja stars.

Eventually, he would be found by his father, the Emperor of Mankind, and he would join his brothers in bringing humanity to its zenith in one Empire to keep them safe from the xeno menace like the Orks and other foul beasts. But over many years he realized his father was little different from the slavers from his world, he knew if his father had a button to turn off independent thought for all humanity he would press it in an instant.

So when Horus and the others came to rebel, he and the War Hound legion joined and as he watched his brothers that rebelled be ever more and more corrupted by these... Foul gods, he realized the true chains that bound humanity weren't his father's will to dominate. But the disgusting gods in the Warp.

And thus when he met Sanquinuis, he only gave a token effort in fighting him while sending his own legion off Terra to colonize the far reaches of the Galaxy as no matter what, they were his sons...

He didn't waste his brother's and son's lives in the war for Terra, he felt Sanquinus's determination, and even as that damned god Khorn attempted to steal his mind from under him with a blood rage that almost made him kill his own sons, he accepted his death, still uncorrupted in the end. But knowing he would have the last laugh as in his final moments his empathy reached into the Golden Palace and he died content knowing both the bastard whelp Horus and his terrible father were going to kill the other.

I was Angron, leader of the XII Legion the Blood Hounds, I was born Angronius and became the Red Angel of the Sands on Nuceria, but beyond that. I was Jake Barris and as I opened my eyes. I saw beautiful tree's in the distance and bubbles flying around in the air while in the father distance, I saw grand buildings in distances that I recognized.

I stood up, my hands clenched with thunderous noises as my hands in the, Titanstone Knuckles crackled with force as I realized where I was. "Sabaody Archipelago... Now that's pure irony I cannot ignore." I spoke with my voice coming out as a deep bass drawl.



I am glad to k ow about what happened to Slaanesh 😂


Interesting he has a Vestige of Divergence. That has quite a bit of potential, I hope Grog won't be to upset.