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After picking up Haruhime, we quickly made our way back to Orario in record time compared to the day and a half trip we made previously via my new mount.

"Oh oh..." I muttered wryly seeing the long line to enter the city of Orario. Typically the line to enter the city was as streamlined as possible, but for there to be a stagnant line that meant something screwy had happened.

"I could feel an earthquake shake the world after that Wall of Flesh died... Maybe the Earthquake reached Orario and some building's got knocked over?" Haruhime offered and I wryly shook my head.

Orario's buildings were built with rowdy adventurers in mind... And buildings or infrastructure of note wouldn't be destroyed by the very small earthquake the death of the Wall of Flesh created.

But as we got off the mount and entered the lines, we quickly realized that an emergency Denatus had been called, and thus most adventurers including the Ganesha members who typically did a lot of the more security and municipal things of the city were busy elsewhere. Which meant... The guild employees were overwhelmed as hell, as on average a good couple hundred thousand people entered the city a day.

"Haruhime, hold onto me." I said flatly seeing the literal miles-long line and as the blond Renard held onto my chest as I picked her up in a princess carry, I activated my new summon in the Black Hawk Fighter that summoned the smaller jet fighter plane to which I carefully jumped onto its hovering form. "Slowly take us into the city and to the lava tower." I ordered and I used my enhanced body with a grunt of effort to hold onto the fighter jet as its idea of 'slow' was very different from mine as it zipped through the air silently past the wall of Orario and then banked slightly toward the literal pillar of endlessly flowing lava that was the Seshat Familia.

"Uhh." Haruhime grimaced at the very potent g-forces she was put through and I was reminded of how she was still only level one, while I was the most bullshit level 2 soon to be level three in existence as I had made sure to max out my second level's stats as well as my first. And I was waiting on the Wall of Flesh high-quality Excellia to be the catalyst of my growth into level 3.

But either way Haruhime's Endurance and thus her durability was garbage so she wasn't comfortable atop the fighter jet and by the time we got home she was looking rather pale if not green to the face.

"Jakeeee!" I heard Bell scream joyfully as the summon we rode thrummed loudly as it came down for a landing on the ground for me to jump off and as I set Haruhime on the ground, I had to grunt as Bell all but tackled hugged. "I missed you and Seshat and Hestia already knew you did something stupid!" Bell babbled and my face twitched at that.

I just nervously chuckled and then groaned as Bell's also maxed out level two strength audibly made my back pop as she growled cutely and demanded. "Jake what did you do!?"

I couldn't help it... "I used your blood to summon a monster and slayed the miles large monster that represented your future periods." A loud choking noise rang out as Hestia and Seshat both left the lava tower and they gaped at me in... Fucking denial at my words but Hestia shook her hand dramatically at me as she shouted.

"No! Don't lie Jake Barriss, what did you do!? You made the Dungeon pissed and now its mutating or something deep within its floors!" Hestia shouted and I blanked out.

'Oh oh... Maybe I need to make a decontaminator to change the dungeon biome back to normal?' I thought wryly before shrugging as I said evenly. "I killed the next major boss on my tier list. I am ready to become level three and I already have methods of fixing the dungeon if needed."

Seshat just patted my arm and I looked down at the more petite troublesome goddess of my own who smiled as she spoke. "Its fine, you did what you did. You are stronger and... Alfia and Materia are ready to meet you in the living room." She finished with an evil smile and my pride at my achievement shriveled up as I realized.

"Ah... To spend time with the scary in-laws." I whispered to myself making Bell snicker. But she wasn't the one with a crazy possessive aunt who loved to blast people into splatters of blood mist or just blast them out of the city and into the countryside!

But as though a reaper laying its scythe onto my neck I shivered as a soft voice reached my ear. "You are right to consider me your scary sister-inlaw." Alfia spoke from behind me and I heard Materia coming up behind Alfia with a more gentle smile as she spoke.

"Welcome back Jake, I hope your expedition went well?" She spoke and I nodded with a smile while Aflia snorted at my avoidance of her.

Alfia then clapped her hands together making a loud cracking noise that made everything flinch as she then smiled with her eyes's as per usual closed before she spoke. "Yes congratulations Jake Barris, on your expedition now let's get into the meat of things... Its time for you to level up."

Not even a couple minutes later Alfia had dragged Seshat and I into a side room with myself taking my shirt off so my goddess could update my Falna and give me, my level up. "Uhh, why are you here Alfia, you aren't even part of Seshat's Familia." I grumbled and she snorted at my question before there was a moment of silence as Seshat was having her mental seizure at the bullshit I got up to in killing Skeletron and the Wall of Flesh.

Finally though Alfia responded. "Because. I am going to guide you and Bell to reach beyond the level of that annoying Empress who was the captain of the Hera Familia... And who is to say I am not part of your Familia?" She said with a hint of teasing and I looked at her horrified as she giggled evily and continued. "Oh yes you little... Adorable level three, try being a proud captain when everyone looks up to me as the level eight of the Familia."

Alfia then leaned in close as Seshat twitched meaning she was coming out of her stupor at reading the tale of my adventures, either way Alfia continued. "Better get strong Jake, as I will be in charge of driving both the Hestia and Seshat Familia and I will have the best of you and Bell." She said ominously.

Any further words were cut off as Seshat grumbled. "Jake you are bullshit dammit... Now what main mod do you want for your level three Mod Retrieval. It seems like a number of new mods were added for getting to level three as well like this Spirit, Starlight River, and a bunch more." She explained.

For a bit we discussed things and after a moment I decided to go for broke as I spoke. "Is, The Stars Above, mod there?" I asked and Seshat read through the exhaustive list of mods I could get before she answered flatly.

"Yes... But why does the mod warn of a voice in your head and have eldritch themes!?" Seshat demanded.


Fuhong Ji

Kinda feel like all the mods are just making things more complicated. I mean regular terraria already has enough bosses and whatnot I mean pre hard mode for up to level 3-4 hard mode for up to level 6-7 post plantera for level 7-9 and moonlord for level 10

Fuhong Ji

Sure like the mods add more stuff and whatnot that are fun but if you add one mod per leve it’s going to end up either with him spending all his time dealing with this boss or with farming some accessory with less time for the other characters. And even if you try to include others most mods would not be used to it’s full potential

Kris Larsen

So the Gods are aware of the existence of Eldritch Abominations then?


Yeah the lore makes mentions of other worlds as the souls that reach Tenkai are not just from Genkai.