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There was no better time than now to help Mai get stronger, especially in helping her get past the twisted-up knee. Even if she had some monster-grade medicine to help her heal it would still probably leave her stiff and struggling to move for a couple of days.

"Are you sure, you are comfortable with this?" I questioned Mai to make sure, and she nodded with a blush as she popped open her collar and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her dress-up shirt which left her ample cleavage exposed in her sunny yellow bra.

Likewise, I myself had taken off my own jacket and dress shirt and then with Mai agreeing I carefully moved her into my lap so I could then transform one of my hands into its draconic form so then I could poke a small hole in my upper shoulder that welled up quickly with blood as though my body was designed to bleed like that and I even felt a sort of muscle that I could use to pinch the area around my lower neck and upper shoulder that should cut off the blood.

"Drink Mai, don't waste my blood," I said gently and her eyes slightly fogged over as the extremely lifeforce-rich blood hit her nose I shivered as she licked the tear of blood that had gone down a good bit until with a sucking noise I felt Mai's lips close over the small wound and her sucking on my blood.

'If Mai a simple human had her body naturally become enamored with my blood's overwhelming life force... What was going to happen when Moka or inner Moka actually smelled my blood?' I thought wryly and my face twitched as Mai moaned slightly at the taste apparently which yeah, hot girl in my lap moaning as she sucked my neck so things were getting a bit steamy.

But I cleared my head and I could feel a clarity in my actions as I tightened my arms around her waist as I dipped down lower and my own mouth kissed her neck, and then... Rapture, I understood why monsters liked to eat humans so much, Mai's blood was a smooth blend of lifeforce that comforted me like a heavy weighted blanket on a cold night in front of a fire.

Its taste was indescribable, there was no typical cloying iron, metallic or even salty flavor. Although as a vampire, I simply couldn't taste things as my human form once did, her blood tasted like an experience, a warm hot meal and affection shared with the partner.

And that sort of conceptual affection within her blood was probably why Moka latched onto her so hard with her abandonment issues. I hummed in contentment as my bite within her upper shoulder relaxed and I almost dozed off with how relaxing her blood was to my senses and I instinctively pulled her form flush with my own with her breasts pushing against my chest.

While on the other end, my fiery lifeforce filled blood was making Mai's form become a flushed red, as though almost with fever. As her body temperature rose at the foreign blood entering her bloodstream and although initially rejected, her own blood soon accepted my own and my blood began to merge within her form.

Finally, though I felt a sort of instinct yelling at me to stop Mai and for a moment I wanted this embrace to continue, I wanted to continue to suck her blood. But I managed to shove down that part of myself and with a smacking noise I popped off her shoulder and then likewise with a moan of discontent I pulled her off my little shoulder wound and I idly closed the wound's bleeding.

For a moment we just breathed heavily, gathering ourselves after that potent experience and then Mai to awareness about how close we were, her breasts all but flush against me and her state of dress. "Thank you, Jake... But can I fix my shirt now?" She spoke and then swallowed at the sight of my own bare chest and I nodded with my own small blush as I got up awkwardly due to the situation in my pants and grabbed a hand towel to wipe off my shoulder of any blood or saliva before tossing Mai a new one.

"Alright Mai, I will give you some space to... Think about everything." I said wryly as I had no doubt she was slightly overwhelmed with the day's events.

Her head bobbed quickly and I just gave her a wave before leaving the room and heading to my dorm to finally unpack my extremely bare belongings my patron decided to send with me, and then I took a nice and lovely bath and took great in how I didn't have the vampire weakness of water.


The next morning I got up bright and early and as I came out of my dorm to get ready I couldn't help my lips twitch as I saw my fellow male classmen getting ready and it seemed that most of them were only half awake and thus had only half sealed their monster heritage away to take on a pure human form.

Either way, I continued on with my morning routine and when finished I left the dorm buildings and walked towards the main school building but as I did so, I heard people whispering and pointing at me. 'Oh? Seizou must have survived and told everyone I was a big scary dragon or something.' I thought before shrugging off the whispering and pointing as I heard a loud feminine voice calling out.

"Jakeee! Wait up!" I looked around and Moka was running over from the girl's side of the dormitory and as she reached me she grabbed my arm and pinned it against her breasts seemingly unknowingly as she said excitedly. "Come on! We gotta go check up on Mai in homeroom!"

I just nodded with a wry smile as the beautiful vampire dragged me off away from the herd of classmates and into the building where with how early we were, there weren't many if anyone in the hallways of the multistory massive school.




Daniel Foley

I wonder how Moka will react when she sees Mai is no longer human lol 😆