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We got Mai to the nurse's office without issue, but once we got Mai into her bed. Moka was all but bursting at the seams in wanting answers.

She took my hand and took me into the empty classroom down the hall from the school's minature hospital for all the violence in the school's area. And then as we got some privacy Moka took a breath and I spoke first before she could say anything.

"I am a Vampiric Dragon." I said before chewing on my thoughts and then continued. "I have all the same attributes of a vampire except for the pure water issue you guys have, but otherwise I need to drink blood or other substances to survive and get stronger while my true form is that of a dragon."

My explanation was not enough for her as she covered the bottom of her face and she muttered to herself. "Impure blood? No, maybe there was something to the myth of the Tepes line having dragon's blood before they became vampires." She mused to herself before refocusing on me with a wry smile. "Well I am glad you are super strong Jake, but dragons haven't been seen in literal millennia. Do you know... Uh, who your parents are?" She asked awkwardly but she was still obviously curious if there was a bunch of dragons running around elsewhere.

But I just shrugged and used the little explanation I already had planned for when I got isekaied and came with my paperwork. "No idea, I was dumped on an orphanage's front steps, and with this being a boarding school I am likely going to be spending the rest of my teenage years here and then making a living once I leave the school," I said with a wry smile and Moka's face twitched at my words.

"A vampire... Dropped off into an orphanage." She stated in disbelief.

I nodded and said with a mischievous grin. "Yup thank god there were a couple of girls there with a goth fetish so they let me suck a bit of blood." I made up and her face... Oh, it was truly too funny to describe.

Anyway, with those questions out of the way, Moka seemed to lock onto the last bit as she scowled a bit and said fiercely. "Wait! So you want to suck Mai's blood!?" She demanded and I shamelessly nodded.

"Yup, she smells yummy." I said shamelessly and she squawked in outrage but I just cut off her retort with a hand patting her head and playing with her pink hair that made her freeze. "Anyway, we should be getting to our dorms and such to take care of homework and unpacking after our first day." I said and then gave one more head pat that left Moka looking at me like a deer caught in the headlights as I turned around and left the classroom. And then headed towards the boy's dormitory.

But as I was making my way there, I paused and with a shrug, I turned down another hallway and then looped around back towards the medical wing a slightly different way. Once I got there, I walked in and scowled seeing the little plaque on the greeting desk saying that everyone had gotten off work. So I went deeper into the medical area to Mai's room.

I knocked on the door and a muffled voice told me to come in and as I did, I saw Mai sitting on the bed sweating as her hand hovered over her knee that had been broken like a dry twig being stomp on. It looked like the knee was actually, you know facing the right way now. But regardless I spoke up with a small smile. "You alright there Mai?" I asked with some care.

She bit her lower lip and didn't respond for a moment before she whispered. "No. It hurts a lot."

I walked over to her and then took up the knife on the tray beside the bed and began peeling her an apple for her to eat as obviously, she was going to miss dinner like this. "Hmm... Being a human, is going to be rough here." I said and she slowly nodded.

She muttered a small thank you as she took the apple slices that I cut for her and in between eating she spoke. "I actually made it to the bus stop you know? You were right though Jake, The bus doesn't come till the end of the month, but as I came back Seizou found me already in his monster form."

I nodded as it made sense as Mai was all but sprinting while Moka and I ran at a pretty light jog. Then Mai surprised me as I went to hand her another slice of an apple she lightly held my wrist. "Jake. I don't want to die or... Have other things done to me." She said weakly with a thick rasp to her voice.

I wasn't blind, Mai was a human. She didn't have the might-right mindset other monsters had, that would allow them to mentally bounce back after possible sexual assault by brutalizing their attacker or seeing their attacker beat within an inch of their life if not killed.

I in turn gently laid a hand over Mai's that had grabbed my wrist and I paused before I spoke slowly. "I have... Methods of making you strong Mai, I am a dragon after all we are the greatest of monsters." I said with finality and she swallowed and responded wetly.

"And what would it cost me?"

I chewed on my thoughts as I reviewed my Rosario Vampire lore and in doing so I recalled a very important fact of the source of my powers, of my heritage as a Vampiric Dragon. My dragon form came from a shitheel Waifu Catalog agent with its dragon heritage and form blended into soup for me to drink and absorb.

Beyond the whole non-stop growing as an immortal dragon over time. I had the catalog stuff to consider. So after a moment of those thoughts, I spoke up. "Mai, I have a couple of solutions for you," I spoke and then began to explain. "As a Vampiric Dragon, I can 'A' claim you for my horde while I suck your blood and you would absorb some of the magic I output which would make you a very powerful witch or what is known as a dragon cultist. Or B, you drink my bodily fluids and absorb the condensed essence of my power giving you pure power that your body would  refine within itself over time." I said with a wry smile.

Mai's face flushed and her hand that was holding onto mine tightened. Then with a voice that was almost as quiet as a mouse skittering across the ground she said. "I... I choose option C, for all the above!" She almost yelled at the end as she seemingly got her own bravery.


Fuhong Ji

She seems oddly quite accepting of her choices I mean sure she’s quite shaken and all but she’s literally being offered to be food and at the very least drink saliva and other stuff. Ecchi logic? Also where does the vampire dragon thing come from? And also where does Mai come from?


Yes the world definitely runs a bit off Ecchi logic if you watch the anime. As for the vampire dragon thats partly made up on my end and also a thing that is over used in a every Waifu Catalogue story having the MC be a dragon. Lastly Mai is the replacement for the original male MC of the setting but she is Mai Sakurajima from Rascal Bunny Girl Senpai


How much of the catalog dragon heritage perks got passed along like is he able to use the dragon thrall to give her her own version of dragon and does he have like the dragon cabin or bifurcation to have a avatar and his dragon form at the same time ?


Nah just the basic dragon form with the blood and some other stuff. No giving others dragon forms and inner pocket dimension