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Seizou was an orc, he wore his hair like a punk gangster you see on any typical wanna-be gangster in anime. He was a monster in every sense of the word as he like most other monsters in this school were basically 'rich' teenagers who thought they could get away with anything they did.

But instead of relying on their parent's money or influence they had personal strength to do as they wished to harm other's around them.

While in class I actually spent some time reading the rules for the school, and sure there were some bylaws and all, but there actual hard rules only boiled down to two things. Don't cause damage to the school itself by being in your monster form, and secondly don't fuck with the teacher's unprovoked.

There was literally no rule stating what Seizou was doing was wrong to Mai, nor was it wrong in any manner should he kill her, as it was outside of school grounds and thus there were no rules outside of the school campus's walls.

But that lack of rules also applied to me as well, as I walked forward and Seizou's beady eye's met my draconic slitted red eyes. Then he tossed Mai onto the ground with his long tongue as he licked the air and jiggled on the ground as he stretched and hissed through his deformed mouth piece. "Jake Barisssss You came for your pet?"

Seizou didnt look much like a fantasy orc with a muscular or fat green form like other novels wanted you to think, he was large yes, but he had the same general skin tone but had bone plates over his body along with bone spikes on his knuckles, elbows, shoulders, and other joints to act as protection as well as a weapon.

But in response to Seizou's statement, I only raised an eyebrow before looking to Mai who was crying at her clearly broken leg that had broke when Seizou tossed her like he was throwing a heavy bag of feed off his shoulder but with zero care of the bag breaking. "Mai, I will get your leg looked at in a bit, you just stay there." I assured her and then I looked back to Seizou but he in that moment I looked away had taken a sprinting stance and then within a moment shattering the ground under his feet as he roared and charged at me.

"Die you bastard!" Seizou roared as he sprinted at me, clearly intent on causing me great harm and in response my chest expanded as I spat a stream of dense flames at him and I didnt hold back at all with the Orc screaming at the heat of the flames along with the actual force of the rushing flames pushing at his form like a plasma cutter.

Within a couple of moments, I ran out of breath and I coughed as my inner fire felt depleted of that inner heat within my breast and as the flames disappeared I saw Seizou had curled up and had used his bone plates as defenses for my flames and I mentally cursed as all though he was clearly burnt well done and fucking crispy.

Bones didn't burn well, especially Orc bones as not even Inner Moka was noted to be able to break Seizou's bones, she simply kicked his head in and gave the bastard such a concussion that he was just instantly knocked out.

For a moment I considered trying to pull off Moka's Rosario, to let Inner Moka deal with Seizou as was canon... But I didn't want to rely on the bustier true Moka. Maybe it was stupid pride, but I didn't want to just hand in the towel.

And that moment as I realized I was going to fist fight the Orc to try to knock the bastard out out of pure pride. I felt it, I had felt my inner flame so easily, I could feel my vampiric thirst for blood just niggling my senses, but now I felt my draconic pride.

I burst into gleeful laughter as Seizou stomped to his feet and he roared. "What the hell are you laughing at loser! I can tell you are out of those flames, so you ready to be beaten into paste and watch me defile your bitches!" He snarled and his words ran through my ears weightlessly.

I simply couldn't take him seriously, and like Gojo I idly realized my mentality was definitely being fucked with, due to my realization and enlightenment. But in the grand and wise words of a man. I spoke without a shadow of a doubt.

"Come then little Orc, let me show you the peak of fantasy and horror." I said as a powerful saying resounded within my head which was. 'When you could become a dragon... Always be the dragon in any situation.'

Seizou took my taunt as a challenge as he roared and charged me again but my form shadowed, the orc was blasted by the outpour of energy as I grew much larger. My true dragon form was a large specimen. I was a four-legged western dragon with a crown of horns atop my head and a regal thick plumage across my chest area to act to soften blows. My claws were wicked curved things and my tail ended in a triangle-shaped trident of points that were slightly hooked on each point.

There was a beat of silence as Seizou looked up at me, and I could see in his eye's from my much elevated position as the thought. 'Holy shit... I sexually assaulted a dragon's bitches.' Hit that tiny ass brain he had bouncing in that seemingly empty noggin.

I would give him credit though. Even as his kneels shook, he audibly psyched himself up muttering about how fucking badass how would be in the school if he actually beat a dragon! But in response, I slapped down with a massive leg and a loud crashing noise rang out as I smashed the orc a dozen meters into the ground my powerful limb went through tree roots, and the dense soil had zero issues.

"Mai. You want him dead?" I asked with my voice coming out as a regal tenor that shook the nearby tree's with how deep the and powerful the bass was in my voice.

Moka who was gaping at me while helping Mai sit up and not put pressure on her broken leg just gaped at me, and as I looked away from the gaping Moka, I frowned as I saw that Mai had literally fainted from the pain in her broken leg... Or maybe from seeing me turn into a dragon, I lost track of her state when I transformed, to be honest.

Then it hit that killing Seizou was literally up to me now, his life resided on my whims as I felt the orc suffocating under the weight of my paw and all the dirt that surrounded him and I remembered how he had a pretty good family in a father and mother that loved him... He was just a literal monster that believed in might makes right.

So I sighed and with a flex of my claws I pulled the orc out of the ground and then threw him through a tree and I leaned over his groaning form. "Look at mine again, and I will bury you alive without any limbs to dig yourself out with." I growled in annoyance and he fearfully nodded and then I grabbed him again but with my tail and a loud cracking noise rang out as the tail whipped out and snapped at extreme speed, and as my tail cracked like a whip the bound up Seziou was given the Team Rocket treatment as he was yeeted into the far distance.

I then relaxed and I felt my body tightening as I took back my human form and then after I did so, I walked over to Moka who was hovering over Mai and I looked over her clearly fucked up leg that was twisted at the knee in the wrong way and I sighed and gently picked Mai up around her backside with one hand and the other holding her by her back. "Alright lets get her to the healers Moka... I imagine you have a lot of questions but we can speak later." I finished and Moka blankly nodded but as she did so, I couldn't help but spy her open cleavage.

And the ornate Rosario that resided between her voluptuous breasts that had a slitted glowing eye was staring intently at me. Making me realize that Inner-Moka was watching me closely.


Iori Daemona Angel

There's a sense of disconnect between the chapters, because you give the action piecemeal.


So if the Cumpire option won how would that work. Like does Mai have so kind of dormant succubus gene that awoken when Jake went to turn her in a vampire and she became some kind of hybrid between vampire and succubus.