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Elizabeth, and Serana were beyond the weak Cult of Diabolos members that we were so used to slaying that, it was honestly a wake-up call that worthy humanoid opponents were actually a thing in this setting.

Countless razor-sharp spikes and strands of crystal blood spears, and elemental Destruction magic was thrown at us with zero care for the surrounding's but in unison I took Beta's hand into my own and using the training Baldur and Scathach beat into us, we both called upon our divine light and created a powerful shield in the air that made all the attacks stop short and explode in a cacophony of explosion.

While Beta and I played defense, Alpha called upon her shadow and star magic and sent spikes of solid shadows rushing across the ground that sought to impale the two vampire ladies but they both broke apart into a cloud of bats that separated to reform the two ladies at different angles of the room which made the shield we made incapable of blocking their different attacks.

I frowned at the sight of Serana, her presence made literally no fucking sense at all... How did she get here? Did Molag Bal send her? Did her father somehow send her?

All these questions in the end weren't going to be answered right now. I just had to keep my head on straight as I ducked under a spinning drill of an icicle that was shot at me from Serana. "Serana, you still in there?" I called hurriedly as I jumped into the air and partially summoned the blessing of Buddha and my mind became calm, and at peace so I could take in my surrounding's all the better to avoid the net of razor-sharp blood wires trying to cut me into the pieces from Elizabeth.

My question received no response at all. Serena didn't flinch or even react at all. But Crimson did as he burst into a sadistic laugh and saw me take a glancing blow from one of Elizabeth's blood constructs he began loudly monologuing. "You fools! Lord Molag Bal, has given me this haha!" He said proudly as he opened his jacket and pulled out this completely evil-looking medal that looked like a snarling gargoyle face embossed upon it with the gargoyle's vampire fangs dripping blood for some reason.

"This medal is proof of my divine right to rule this world as the Vampire King! The whole world shall kneel to Vampire kind and I shall destroy the other two towers and then destroy the Cult of Diabolos so I can take over the world unopposed with Lord Molag Bal allowing me to rule the mortal world in his stead!" He shouted utterly ecstatic and beyond sanity it seemed as he had none of the aristocratic grace he was known to have.

He had gone completely off the fucking deep end. But lets be honest, if you were willing to swear yourself to the God of literal sexual assault... Then you assuredly had a screw loose.

I held my side that was bleeding freely from the spike of crystallized blood that scrapped by and I realized I was bleeding far more than I should for a spike the size of a quarter to have grazed me slightly but Heracles blessing helped pull my flesh back together. visibly healing and steaming at the speed of the healing.

"So... You couldn't keep a woman and thus needed to use ham fisted mind control to get a woman to stand next to you?" Beta drawled and the man flushed with rage as he impotently stabbed at her with a shaking finger.

"Kill her now! No cut off her limbs I will make her suffer for that insult!" He snarled literally frothing at the mouth and I frowned as I saw how his own face was becoming duller, and even paler than his prior vampiric pale skin.

And then I realized how the icon worked as the medal dripped with blood from his chest. The icon of Molag Bal took the blood of the user to control the other vampires. So if we kept up this fight... The dumbass would literally die of exsanguination or bloodless if it kept up and that's why he obviously kept them in their coffins as not even three minutes into a fight he was clearly suffering from bloodloss.

But such a fight wouldn't last as long as Alpha had already sunk into the already dark and gloomy shadows of this cathedral-sized room, only lit up by large candles and Crimson was so focused on attacking me and Beta who were throwing around holy/divine light, that he seemingly forgot the busty blond elf who was behind us.

And she made her presence well known as she teleported into Crimson's own shadow and with a loud crunching noise she rammed a sword through his chest that pierced through his shoulder and collarbone as he hurriedly attempted to dodge the attack coming from his own shadow.

He actually did well in his dodge, as he made Alpha miss the blow straight to his heart but either way. The distraction it made as Elizabeth and Serana sluggishly turned to look at look at their controller allowed Beta to shoot several holy/divine light arrows into Crimson while I dashed forward as fast as I could and as Crimson fell back, I fell deeper into my state of Nirvana using Buddha's blessing while also using Hecate's transmutation as I grabbed the icon of Molag Bal as Crimson collapsed.

Then even as his eyes widened in fear and his mouth silently opened to scream something, I transmuted the chain that went around his neck into just water. So I could pull the medal back and the moment the connection between him and the medal was broken, instantly I could feel it drawing upon my lifeforce as it began profusing dripping blood from its embossed teeth.

Before anything else, I shouted. "Stop!" And all stopped, Alpha and Beta stopped and so did the vampire royalty in Serana and Elizabeth.

I hissed as the medal all but doubled its draw upon my life force and the dripping blood became a literal hose spitting blood so I called out. "Hecate end this please." And I felt a snap of irritation aimed at me from the goddess within myself at being ordered about.

But then I felt a smug sense of schadenfreude being aimed at me and I mentally cursed as I mentally screamed at Hecate to not do anything Greek but the feeling of 'Smug' being pointed at me only grew as the emblem burned red hot within my hands making my face twist up in pain as my hand refused to move from its position of holding the seemingly molten stone that was being remolded into the shape of an emblem with a shapely woman embossed upon it with the three faces of Hecate upon it.

And then Hecate finally spoke, with her voice being a silky smooth tenor that at first only sounded gentle and kind but there was no hiding the thorns of annoyance-filled glee at my coming misfortune. "Oh my dear champion. You have been given mortal concubines by Ereshkigal, Amaterasu has given you a wife that is a literal piece of herself... So I cannot allow you to think the Greeks are not capable of giving you the 'love' and romance that you deserve... Vampires were actually in my domain as well, so enjoy your own Vampire brides Jake Barriss."

"Fucking Greeks!" I muttered as Beta shot another arrow of light into Crimson, this one directly into his forehead breaking the vampire into a pile of ashes and I called out to Alpha to stop as she looked ready to kill Elizabeth and Serana who were both shaking there heads hard to clear the residual hard control of Molag Bal from their minds and soul.


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