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"Alright, fellow Jake this has to be quick and we have all but zero time for little questions." My alternate said as he dragged me into his office from the random world selection for my group of alternates being sent 'randomly' into the universe. "You fucked up really bad in your death leaving your dog to almost die of dehydration, before you're body was found... Either way, that karma fucked up your world selection, and we came to the consensus that sending you to Warhammer 40k and more particularly a demon world owned by the World Eater's with only Minecrafter powers is beyond a death sentence." My alternate spoke and as I went to say something he held up a hand to silence me.

"No questions just listen, you either die in 40k or you take the random world and powers option that I have no way of adjusting to help integrate into you... Obviously, you will be taking the second option so here." He said seemingly reaching into the void with his hand disappearing and after a moment he snorted and said wryly. "Alright, this isn't bad actually." Then his hand pulled back and within his hand was a large vial the size of a sixteen-ounce bottle.

My alternate spoke with a small smile. "This vial contains the essence of a Vampiric Dragon, that actually I myself retrieved for the Clan's treasury by killing one of those dumbass Company Agents that came into our sphere of influence... Obviously, all the Company Mind-Control and other bits were stripped but as a vampire and the metaphysical weight of being a dragon, you will find your natural charisma boosted greatly... Beyond that, it's up to you to find out the rest of your abilities." He explained.

All the while I quickly chugged the pure red essence that tasted like really strong iron-filled blood and gator meat of all things, my alternate spun a little wheel I couldn't see the options for, to get my world.

And without a word once my world was decided and he saw I had slammed down the vial and was clearly squirming under its effects and morphing my physiology under my skin and even above it as my features slightly changed. He opened a rainbow-like portal behind me and with a hand wave, I was pushed through the air and into the portal.

The travel through the void between realms honestly wasn't really registering to me, as I was entirely mono-focused on the feeling of my body completely changing down to its core. As my body thankfully without untold agony went through the process of changing myself into a 'Vampiric Dragon'.


An untold amount of time later, I was summarily yeeted through a portal and I landed on my back with clear blue skies shining above me through a patch of dead trees. And then after a moment of staring up at the sky above, I grunted as a small box was thrown onto my form and a loud zipping noise rang out as the portal closed itself.

Looking at the box, my face twitched as I realized where I was sent as taped atop the box was the pamphlet for my admission to Yokai Academy. "Well, this is something," I muttered as I took in the box and found the school uniform, and as I moved around I realized my clothes most certainly didn't fit anymore as my transformation had given me a bit more tone to my body.

So I quickly got changed into the Yokai Academy uniform and with a sigh I looked around trying to get my bearings, and thankfully I could see the spires of the massive academy breaking through the tree line so I began walking in that direction.

But as I made my way there, I began 'exploring' my new body while still out of sight of any monsters that would soon become my classmates. My hair had become blood red instead of my typical light blond hair, and I wouldn't be surprised if my eyes had changed from blue to red as well. Beyond that, I couldn't tell any obvious tells beyond you know.

The new fucking fangs within my mouth that I knew I was going to end up biting my tongue either talking to fast or while eating before I got used to them...

But beyond those obvious features I was more concerned with the internal and more potent abilities of being a 'Vampiric Dragon' Which was in of itself something confusing as hell, was I on a blood diet now? Thankfully though like flexing your hands or individual fingers and keeping the others stiff or an even more advanced bodily control trick like being able to flap your ears, I had pretty good micro control over my body before I got turned into this.

So working form the feet up I flexed my body trying to find out the secrets of my body and everything was well and good... Until I reached my chest and was messing with my abs and checking to see if my breath capacity had changed and I realized I could pinch my breath short and it would instead enter what felt like a third lung.

Which made me choke at feeling a mystery fucking lung opening up and as I choked out the air I sent forward a stream of jet-black flames with my coughing. "Ok... That's enough body exploration." I muttered as I felt a shiver like something was watching me, so I hurried to towards the school.


Thankfully it seemed like today was the first day of school or the start of canon so as I came onto the main section of the school grounds, I just merged in with the crowd of other students. All students being literal monsters here in this Yokai Academy taking place within the world of Rosario Vampire.

As I entered the school I kept my head down metaphorically and didn't try to draw a bunch of attention to myself though it seemed my attempt at being relaxed didn't really work out as several students froze under my casual looks and so did the teacher's who took my paperwork and giving me my dorm room key, as well as the map of the school and my schedule. 'Honestly, the most impressive thing is how my alternate already had all my information ready for school here.' I thought as I followed my map until I reached my homeroom.

Once I reached the homeroom, I blinked and smiled wryly as I realized I even got the canon teacher in Nekonome 'Sensei' the blond catgirl teacher that the canon cast had. "Nyah, you are rather early? Didn't you want to socialize with your fellow classmates?" She asked with a small smile seeing me walk in and just take my seat in the protagonist's seat in the back left seat next to the windows.

I shook my head and said quietly. "I prefer a smaller tight-knit friend group... I will try to make friends when I find out who is actually in my class."

To which my homeroom teacher could only nod in acceptance and then I just buried my face into my arms so I could mentally collect myself after my reincarnation, all the while the classroom slowly began to fill up in the next half an hour.

And finally, as Nekonome began doing introductions after no humans being here and that any humans would be 'instantly found' and then killed there came the penultimate moment, where Moka Akashiya the main vampire waifu came into the room kinda late into homeroom.

"Mai!" Moka called happily as she rushed over and hugged an admittedly cute girl and I mentally froze as I looked around and realized there was no basic goofy-looking Tsukune Aono from the anime or the actually handsome and cool-looking version from the manga. The dude just wasn't here at all?

But as I took in this Mai girl sitting in the next seat over who Moka was hugging, I realized she looked a lot like Mai Sakurajima from Bunny Girl Senpai. 'Was Tsukune genderbent or something in this universe? Or did the super scary headmaster just give this girl's parents the acceptance letter instead of the original protagonist's drunk father?' I thought with a raised eyebrow and then I scowled as I saw the large lunk of a dude literally licking his lips with a foot-plus-long tongue reminding me of how this world was just as ecchi as DXD with the micro skirts and the monster's might makes right thought process.

And that included the first antagonist being a literal orc who tried to assault Moka on the first day of school who was now eyeing up both Moka and this new girl.

I sighed and just relaxed back into my chair and then looked around and saw the last member of the canon cast until later in the series being the succubus Kurumu Kurono eyeing Moka with thinly veiled hostility due to the bubbly vampire's beauty attracting everyone's attention.

"This is going to be troublesome," I muttered under my breath and I realized something about my change... I was enjoying my naps and could enter a doze entirely too easy so I was able to sleep through the homeroom lesson until the lunch alarm was called and after a moment of hesitation I shrugged and decided to follow after Moka to see if I could get some hints on how to live as a vampire better.

Had absolutely nothing to do with how hot Moka was... Or the Succubus that for some reason was staring at me oddly by the time class ended.


SanMarco Geddes

Ok, absolutely need to see where this goes! Thanks for the amazing read like always! And keep up the good work.

Dragon Cross

Is it to late to change my monthly chapters to this story lol