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You know that moment when a joke/lie goes too far... And all you can think is in reality taking it further to validate your prior claim in order to escape punishment? That was my kitsune mind currently as I was held in Ayaka's arms as we stood in front of her older brother Ayato Kamisato.

Ayaka was a short demure beauty with very pale blue maybe even greyish hair, in contrast, Ayato was a handsome tall man with slightly darker blue hair than Ayaka but there was no hiding the intelligence within his eyes as he gazed upon myself and Ayaka.

"So you say that assassins are within the forest between our compound and the Narukami Shrine?' He mused before and Ayaka pouted snapping.

"Brother, this is Kurama, the newly adopted son of the Raiden Shogun... What do we do with him?" She hurriedly questioned, and Ayato chuckled softly as he looked down at me with an amused expression.

"Oh, I very much doubt he is in any danger while being held in my beloved sister's bosom as you will protect him won't you?" He questioned and his sister flushed at the question and retorted.

"Of course, I will! But shouldn't we bring him back home?" She asked and Ayato hummed in thought before looking back down at me with his purple eyes.

"And how about you, young lord... What would you like to happen? I can send a messenger and your supposed big sister Kujou Sara will come to retrieve you or?" I cut him off as I rose a paw with the softest of pink foot pads being shown.

I shuddered internally at the thought of Kujou Sara being called... She would come with a literal army at her heels. That's if Ei herself didn't leave her vigil and meditation to retrieve me.

"Is the traveler Lumine and Paimon still around?" I asked and Ayato and Ayaka shared a look with a silent message being shared between them as Ayato refocused on me.

"And why do you wish to know that?" He asked with some curiosity and thus I went on to explain how Ei had made a deal with the Fatui to remove them from Inazuma while also giving us some valuable information and resources... But, there was the fact that we expected retaliation from the Fatui for her demands for the prize she gave up.

After my brief explanation, Ayato cupped his chin and hummed in thought before he nodded with a small smile coming across his face. "Very well, Lumine should be in Ritou currently as she will be leaving on the Crux with Captain Beidou to Liyue and the mainland."

I paused at the news as that was in fact super convenient... So I nodded and then with a shake of my frame Ayaka adjusted her hold on me and I couldn't help but see the small smirk across his face at how my nine tails framed around his sister's form and how with how she was clearly refusing to let go of me.

"Then I thank you Ayaka for the help and save," I said looking up to Ayaka who slightly flushed at my earnest voice while Ayato tittered.

"Ah, already a fast friendship is being made... Now Kurama, I assume that, the foul Yae Miko's curse upon your form will be cured on your own without outside help?" He questioned and I hurriedly nodded making his knowing smile widen slightly before he snorted. "All's well that ends well I suppose... Ayaka." He said more seriously as he looked at his sister. "Please escort the young lord to the island of Ritou so he may. Acquire passage onto the Crux to make his way out of the Inazuma." He said drawing out the space between me hopping on the boat as he obviously knew I was going to get up to mischief.

From there, I was bundled up... Literally in one of Ayaka's spare blankets, and was taken under armed guard, as Ayaka went via carriage to the North-Western adjacent island that handled most of Inazuma's import and export trade into the major islands.

Once we got to Ritou I could easily see the large Liyue-style ship that was the Crux that Beidou was the captain of, all but shouting it's presence in being such a foreign ship and it seemed that it was well alive with a small party or something happening atop it.

"Well young lord, this is as far as my brother told me to take you." Ayaka said with a small frown covering her face at the thought of probably just leaving me here. And I just patted her head with one of my long tails.

I smiled and as a small but true smile crossed her face at the rightfully floofy tail that hugged her, I said happily. "I will be back in due time Ayaka, but just call me Kurama anyway, I get that young lord enough from Kujou Sara Haha." I joked and Ayaka giggled at imagining the overly serious and fanatical Kujou Sara all but saying that young lord title with too much vigor and coming off creepy.

I gave Ayaka one last boop on her own snoot with my tail and then I leaped away with my snow-white fur-covered form streaking across the buildings of Ritou like a cloud being carried across the wind as my jaunt created no noise beyond the light clicking of my claws clacking across the stone/ceramic roof's used here in Inazuma.

A couple of minutes later I reached the end of the port and as I took in the large Crux wondering if I should change shapes to my human form or just sneak on in my Kitsune form I heard the wood of the pier creaking and I looked over from where I was, atop one of the little stalls for people to be out of the sun's glare during the day and blinked at who I saw.

Captain Beidou herself was walking with a large jar that reeked of booze to my sensitive nose and I tilted my head to the side in thought before shrugging, and I leapt from the stall and allowed myself to make a soft thumping noise as I landed that got Beidou's attention. "Hey, I wanna be a pirate and get some booty! Can I be your guy's mascot back to Liyue or something?"

And without missing a beat, Beidou instantly answered. "Welcome aboard sailor fuzzball! Your job is keeping the kids entertained when they aren't doing chores." She said and then like before... I was picked up by the woman and all but stolen away.

When Beidou got to the Crux, she yelled out. "Kids, we got you a mascot to take care like Lumine has Paimon." She said shamelessly making me hiss in outrage.

'I was not a fucking Paimon! I was useful dammit!' I mentally screeched as kids and the young adults that worked on the Crux looked over and saw me being dropped onto the ship I heard one young girl scream and then within moments I was picked up again making my hackles rise at how hard she squeezed me but as she yelled I couldn't help a chuckle escaping me. "He is just so soft and fluffy I am going to die!"

'Ah being the cutest wasn't so bad.' I thought and then with the crowd shifting I saw Lumine herself with Paimon talking with Kazuha another Vision wielder that sailed with Beidou.



Well, that certainly went crazy fast. I wonder if he considered the reaction from Ein or his "big sister" for when he gets back or they track him down?


He has a plan... Not a good one, but I wrote an omake about Nahida way back when... Something interesting will be happening.