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You know, when you slaughter zombies, get a literal harem of three waifus and a broken human pet that was still beloved... Either way, going through all that, the last thing you think about when you wake up getting ready to go to the next 'worse' world was reading and doing literally fucking homework.

But it was truly necessary as the homework included details of our new identities so we could fit in, into the more advanced version of what remained in Japan in this timeline of MHA that went down the shitter. And of course, said homework included notable changes and things that had happened that brought about this coming timeline disaster.

"So these people have almost biologically based superpowers that can be trained and honed over the years and their growing powers are destabilizing the timeline due to their rapid growth?" Saeko muttered as she took in the information that was provided while I was more focused on the total information available about world-changing events.

Example 1, The first baby born with a Quirk that should have had the ability to only faintly glow with harmless luminescent light instead of an arrogant blight upon the world with a god complex with his ability that made him something akin to Kizaru from One Piece. Hence, instead of there being a Vilgalante Era, after the dawn of Quirks. There was the Warlord Era.

People with terrible, and powerful abilities all but broke entire countries over their knees as modern weaponry was ineffective to someone who could conjure a storm of high-speed diamonds to grind everything known to man to dust while being able to turn his own body into something like a diamond as well.

Over the years there were a great number of Warlords that popped up, some in America, some in Japan, some in China... But they didn't last, either someone else with ambition would meet them in battle and slay them, you their hubris would lead to them being poisoned her otherwise dealt with by the people who thought of them as less than ants.

But after a while, the Warlord Era ended... Due to the Demon Emperor, One For All, the Quirk stealer killed every single Warlord in the world and stole their Quirks if they did not bend the knee to him and swear fealty and even then if their Quirk was interesting enough. Surrendering wouldn't protect you.

And from there came the advent of the apothesis, the Year of Awakenings... Quirks around the world, great and small, weak and beyond strong, awakened and became far more powerful with children now also having powerful Quirks very soon after birth and being very dangerous.

So dangerous in fact, that the world's infant mortality rate was literally forty-five percent in first-world nations...

Reading more on the timeline I saw the most 'recent' events as in the last five or so years and how things were clearly going down the shitter. Animals, base animals without any interference were acquiring Quirks and with their much more stressful and combative lives, theirs grew far quicker in power... Besides that was the advent of the Quirk Singularity event.

That event is, the birth or use of a Quirk so powerful that the actual world itself would be rendered incapable of supporting life anymore. Of which people with such Quirks or who could grow to such a level were dealt with. Quickly quietly, people would just up and disappear due to government-sponsored Quirk users with stealth abilities assassinating these dangers to one major event that shocked the world.

Hero in training Anan Kurose who would have become Hero 13 got broken up with during a summer vacation trip to Kyushu, and then when further harassed by her friends and family for being clingy and crying about it she snapped. Her already terribly powerful Quirk which was under close observation by the government to use her as a Nuclear Deterrent or to use it to produce insane amounts of power that could provide for the entire nation... Went out of control.

She became a literal sentient black hole and before she could be put down by a spatial warper, her actions sunk/devoured the land of Kyushu after she completely lost it after realizing what she had done and how she killed her family and friends.

And that was just one note of people with insane abilities actually using their abilities before they could be killed to protect humanity's ability to survive on the planet... There were literally dozens more of such instances if not much lesser in total damage scale before the Quirk user could be killed.

"Hmm... So beyond these powerful Quirks that we won't be able to copy or otherwise steal, our Aura will protect us a good bit but I am going to obviously need to teach you all Chakra to reinforce yourselves and maybe another less complicated and rigorous form of enhancement." I muttered as I mused on the idea of using Harry Potter magic as its lower-tier power scale could make it a potent little upgrade to our versatility.

Though one thing I noticed was the detail about Kyushu being sunk and next to that note was a little scribble in 'my' own handwriting or my alternate's that was clearly muttering about why in the hell it was always fucking Kyushu that got sunk, destroyed, or turned into a hellscape by invading demons or kaiju.

Either way, I got into the heart of the details of the mission and our goals and... Honestly the contents of the mission made me blink in surprise at how frank they were.

Objective 1 Protect the souls of Class 1-A, at least 40 percent need to survive for at least the first semester / Half a year.

Objective 2 Protect, or otherwise have the souls within One For All survive the same period as before.

Objective 3 Do not allow the planet to become uninhabitable to humanity... It will create much more work for me to put the planet back together should All Might get mind controlled into 100% punching a Super Volcano and covering the world in ashes from the Super Volcano erupting.

Honestly... The goals themselves were much, if not far easier than my previous worlds. I needed to keep eighty percent of the cast alive to successfully complete the mission, in the this one. All I need to do is keep Bakugo from killing his fucking classmate probably!



Grab all the girls and mirko they are all hot or cute in their own right


Just stealth kill bakugo and izuku the rest should be easier to manage and ya only need 40% to survive so without izuku leading them head on into danger itd prolly be easier