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I got... An excessive amount of joy in having just seemingly randomly bamboozled Artoria, with my French references along with the Monty Python references along with how clear dragon typing was tied in my 'prophetic' view of the coming singularity.

Actually, I might need to go along on a jaunt between realms to see if my whole prophetic randomly viewing ability still worked with my Unbound Traveler skill. And make sure the Root, or one of the other cosmic entities/forces of the Nasuverse isn't out there to fuck with me.

Either way, Olga, and the rest were obviously... Very interested in knowing what in the hell I knew was coming in the next Singularity but I wasn't going to just spoon-feed them everything. Giving them too much information would either make them despair at the bullshit coming, or they would get overconfident thinking they could rely on me.

Sure I was confident in punching most any Servant to death, but if Giles in the next Singularity summoned a literal Elder Outer God, out of Prelati's Book... Not much I can do against such a foreign entity except possibly blow up the singularity while fighting it.

Because Outer God's had this annoying little attribute that went along the lines of looking at concepts like death and damage upon its form and going. 'What's that? My head is just dust? Nah, no its not.' Like a petulant child refusing to admit they got shot via the perfectly shaped stick gun you mimed shooting at them while playing pretend. And due to their otherworldly foreign nature, the local logic would bow to their own and thus their heads wouldn't be dust and would have actually been fine all along.

"So... Do you have any other information about the singularity other than it being in France, and having a lot of Dragons?" Olga asked seriously while she folded her hands together and my face scrunched up in thought.

Saying that there were more Dragon-typing Servants than none, wouldn't be much of a hint but I could feel the essence of a possibility to troll so I spoke unsurely. "I felt... A kind of connection with Artoria to this coming Singularity, maybe descendants, family members. one of her knights, or maybe just a straight alternate of herself summoned within a different class." I explained listing off options unsurely making Artoria's glare at me.

Gudako coughed and tapped her fingers along the table as she spoke up. "I see... Well then in that case, I will trust that with your own Anti-Dragon skill that whatever we should come up against, we will do fine." She said confidently making the other Servants nod while Tiamat slightly tilted her head to the side and simply asked the next big question.

"When are we going?" Tiamat asked softly and Olga and Romani both looked to the miracle worker that was Da-Vinci who smiled proudly as she responded confidently.

"The latest estimate for departure is in three days, so make sure to relax and be ready for the coming Singularity!" Da-Vinci said excitedly holding up three fingers to make sure we understood we had three days of time to mentally prepare ourselves and make any further preparations.

The meeting continued though thankfully no one further questioned my insights as prophecy was always a murky bit of things that could be used to guide but to rely on such things was to lead to terrible things when you fulfill some kind of self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.

I raised a hand speaking up wryly. "Da-Vinci, is it possible you can make Gudako a bike or something so she can travel through the Singularities more easily beyond me or Mash having to carry her in a princess carry," I said with a bit of teasing entering my voice making Ritsuka squawk in outrage.

But even as I spoke, I whispered via my spiritual energy into Romani, and Da-Vinci's ears. 'I need to speak with you both privately about something important.'

Both Roman and Da-Vinci nodded while the inventor went on a tangent about how she could 'totes' put together a four-wheeler powered by both ambient mana and Ritsuka's magical energy. And with that, the meeting was about wrapped up beside Olga asking me to come to speak with her in an hour or so after she finished some paperwork.

"You guys head on out, I had a couple questions I needed to ask Romani about medical stuff, and Da-Vinci wanted to study my many special 'anti' skills that make me so effective against so many types of phantasmal beings." I explained and the rest of the group nodded and left with Gudako dragging Mash to go read or something while Artoria went to go raid the kitchens probably.

Leaving just myself, Romani, and Da-Vinci in the room for us to get to something... I really was feeling meh about it. "So... We need to talk about the elephant in the room. The coming catastrophe after all these bullshit Singularities." I said coldly as I stared at Romani who only weakly smiled as he knew all to well what I meant.

He being Solomon, and the Grand Caster with the strongest clairvoyance in human history was well aware of the coming issues in the coming Lost Belt's granted I only knew up to the Avalon and Britain Lost Belt with best waifu Morgan, but I knew all of that crap including me needing to fight Zeus again could be fucking solved by dealing with the previous Chaldean team that was getting railroaded into simulations of the coming singularities by the 'Foreign God'.

Fighting gods fine, fighting demons fine, fighting reality warping loli's who I would need to kill a couple of dozen times to actually restore reality... Fine. But I still could feel the agony of Zeus's divine lightning and I wasn't enthused in the slightest at fighting that asshole along with his Pantheon again. To say nothing of having to fight the entire Hindu Pantheon stuffed into Arjuna who was supposedly stronger than Zeus.

I tapped the table as my spiritual energy filled the surroundings and both stiffened as I eyed Romani coldly. "I don't care for your feelings. I don't care for your ineptitude you are using as a shield to have this new life, Solomon get your shit together and either fix up the A-Team with the exception of Daybit Sem Void, and Beryl Gut, or I will need to kill them all." I finished them flatly and I felt both Romani and Da-Vinci glare at me but I rose a hand to cut them off.

"Don't argue... Daybit is literally not human with his soul being angelic which means eldritch due that angelic artifact blowing up that froze the entire world for twenty seconds and burned and changed his human soul into angelic... He simply isn't human and he was the one who killed the previous director of Chaldea, so his life is forfeit for that at its base." I finished and Romani grimaced obviously knowing that detail but never doing anything about it and making me snort at the thought.

But Da-Vinci powered on. "They are all either dying or all but dead in their cryo-sleep Blake, we cannot just heal them or even let them out of their pods!" She explained hastily and I rolled my eyes as I spoke blandly once again hitting one of Romani's weak points.

"Yeah... The True Ancestor, a literal immortal Blood Elemental in Hinako Akuta is dying of some mundane fucking shrapnel, try the next one." I said dully before standing up as I finished coldly. "Come, you are willing to watch Singularites and whole possible worlds get wiped away in the Lost Belts to test humanity so don't gripe about lost lives... Well, Alaya and I disagree with you wanna be gods, watching from the background and judging humanity and its worthiness... I am not going to watch fucking Ritsuka Fujimaru in a tight leather gimp suit attempt to punch Goetia to death with barely greater than base human strength."

I was literally summoned here to save humanity. Something apparently was wrong with this iteration of FGO that either Alaya was worried things weren't going to work out or something else fucky was going on. Honestly, just Daybit and Beryl Gut needed to die...

I was honestly not confident in my chances against fighting a literal planet in ORT that gets awakened by Daybit, and Beryl... He was a werewolf sociopath that almost gutted Mashu for fun which was a death sentence there, but I was also nervous about fighting Oberon Vortigern and maybe even Morgan possibly.



So fighting eldritch is like fighting imaginary fight with children. I use my laser powered to infinitum. Then I use my shield that blocks infinite energy. Then I use my laser infinite +1. THEN I USE MY UBER SHIELD INFINITE + INFINITE


Yeah I don't think taking Multiple(12?) Full powers Lance's that hold entire textures of reality apart casually to the face is something even the mc can survive.


Yeah there are better things for ritsuka to be doing in a leather gimp suit with above human strength. Get your acts together da vinci and solomon.


Yup, FGO's opponents are by far physically weaker than the foes of DC but their magic? Yeah nope his magical resistance isn't that great lol.


The way I've always viewed Outer Gods is that they are never fully in whatever dimension they are fighting in, so if their avatar there is defeated, they can just reality shift it back to normal.

False Birds

Guessing it may have to do with how much more personality this Gudako has compared to the neutral one. Probably made herself a bigger target to an enemy or said the wrong thing at the wrong time.


I sgould have saved up more chapter. Blasted through these chapters like nothing. Btw, how come he is nervous going up aginst Morgan, when he got Tiamat at his side?


Morgan, has Artoria Lancer's lance with unlimited mana, no restrictions on its use unlike Artoria and is fully capable of cursing the MC to a terrible fate


Oooh, that Lance. Been spoiling myself here and there, but didnt remember she was in possession of it. But that makes sense why he is so vary