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I was confident in this coming bout, to the point that I didn't even bother to take Kaga outside so she wouldn't make a mess. And on the opposite side of the spectrum, Kaga clearly was unnerved by my bravado and confidence even as she seemingly found some more drive as she counted down from five.

Even as she said one and conjured up balls of fox fire that bloomed into life beside her and sent those clumps of excessively hot flames at me as she said zero with a snarl. I didn't charge at her, nor did I do something like shooting with a crossbow that was already cocked and ready to go in my inventory.

I made the difference between us clear, as I used my Martial Intent covered saber's made out of Celestial Bronze to cut through and break her fox fireballs making them dissipate due to the divine metals nature in absorbing and dissipating energies that collided with the metal. I calmly walked across the large living room and even as Kaga backpedaled and her mother grumbled into her palm in embarrassment.

I got the lovely joy of watching Kaga trip over her own dammned feet as her sock-clad feet slip across the traditional tatami mat floor and within the couple seconds it took for her to reorientate herself I was standing over her and had laid the Celestial Bronze blade across her shoulder next to her neck... Making her freeze as she felt the pressure of the blade laying across her bare shoulder due to her lewd open kimono.

I spoke softly. "For all that you are a monster, you are only a single-tailed Gumiho, you cannot slay armies, you are... Weak and I have slain monsters who are far stronger than you." I explained blandly as I saw her status... And honestly, I wasn't impressed. [Kaga. Single-Tailed Gumiho LVL 15]

Even the Jersey Devil I killed when I was literally level 1 with no Jobs or anything was a higher level and with its tough flesh, I had no doubt it would body her easily despite her having magic. "You have shoes on and I slipped!" She cried out trying to make out an excuse and I rolled my eyes and looked to her mother who refused to meet my gaze as she knew her daughter was being a sore loser.

So... What did I do with the sore loser? Exactly as I swore to do, she interfered and I told her that would cost her and what that fate would be. I sat down on a stool I took out of my inventory and then I pulled the Gumiho over my lap. "Wait! I will give you my Fox Marble, you win don't- Eek!" She cried as her short skirt didn't protect her backside at all, as my palm slapped across her the bare soft cheeks of her backside and idly I noticed both Yuki and Shinano shift at how I spanked Kaga.

"You... Arent wearing panties." I said dully as I realized as my palm landed on those bare cheeks and her short skirt flipped over due to her trying to drag herself over and past my lap, she literally wasn't wearing.

"Don't look!" She cried out in embarrassment even as the sounds of my hand tanning her backside rang out... And honestly after giving six spanks to each cheek, and Kaga started moaning... Yeah, this got weird too fast so I let her slide off my lap so she would land and be on her knees beside me as I sat on the stool.

"Yeah, that's enough." I said wryly as I looked away from the flushed form of Kaga who was looking up at me with embarrassment and... Too many emotions in her eyes that reminded me of how power-hungry and strength-focused the supernatural and monster races were at the time. "So you want to go outside to do this?" I asked looking up to Shinano hoping for more normalcy but as though in denial, all too similar to how Akagi begged me to save her family.

I felt Kaga's hand bunch up into my pants as I stood up and I mentally sighed as I looked down and saw her face flushed as she took my hand and before I could react, I felt her saliva covered rainbow glowing Fox Marble land in my hand as she said fiercely yet still clearly terribly embarrassed. "You will take responsibility for that spanking! And I won't be separated from my sister!"

Even as my system pinged congratulating me about getting a new fox wife, it felt more if anything more like I was the wife being stolen away with how I felt her Fox Marble touch upon my soul and the connection form. "Stupid girl..." Amagi muttered as she looked as her sister who wore a wry smile at how I was now the husband of both girls now with how Kaga had spat her own Fox Marble into my own hand without me even asking.

Shinano sighed when Amagi looked at her in need and she elegantly sat up from the family table and as she stood up, she spoke softly. "Despite everything. I am the strongest member within this family, so I shall fight you to see how strong you truly are."

Even as she said that... It was clear, now that she had no intention of killing me now I that I had snagged both of her nieces. Though I had no idea what happened to the fox women when the owner of their Fox Marbles died. But I doubted it would be pleasant for them.

I nodded to Shinano's words without hesitation though I was actually wary of her, as she was a completely different caliber compared to Akagi, and Kaga. Whereas Kaga and Akagi were around level 15, Shinano was according to my system, level 60.

As we walked outside even Yuki confirmed my thoughts as she whispered. "They no longer killing intent towards you." She told me but then she paused as she grimaced and spoke again. "Also I received a message, the camp is moving and they will be taking care of the nearby towns and villages. And will arrive here by nightfall so they can take this larger town during the night so people cannot escape."

Remembering the surrounding dense forests that surrounded the town, I grimaced as I recalled how Kiyohime made a several-mile-wide ring of dense flames that burned the surrounding forests to mere ashes without even leaving the trunks of tree's standing. This meant that no Gumiho once she set up the ring of flames could escape as Kiyohime and the headpriestess took out any flyers.

And Amagi and Shinano clearly heard Yuki with the way their fox ears atop their head twitched but remembering my cool down on curse removal I pointed out how Kaga had already lost the red ring within her eyes. "Uhm... But you kissed me when you cured my Gumiho curse?" Akagi said blinking in confusion and I snapped my fingers as I realized what I had forgotten.

Wordlessly I took Kaga against me with one hand possesively grabbing her ass as I drew her close so I could lean down to dominantly kiss her with her pure snow white tail shooting straight up into the air in surprise with my other hand burying into her white hair to cradle her head as I dominated her tongue with my own before I broke the kiss and I smiled shamelessly as I spoke. "Thank you Akagi, I knew there was something extremely important I forgot."

Even Amagi and Shinano blushed to say nothing of the Christmas cake Yuki was cherry red at how casually I showed my interest in Kaga and Akagi... She was clearly jealous of the way Kaga was still looking upwards stiffly with her tail frozen still, as she seemed like if she were to hold that pose, I would fit seamlessly back in that pose for us to continue.

But Kaga had to be disappointed as Shinano coughed and the beautiful garden became more tense as her pure white tails stiffened as they aimed over her shoulders towards me and Akagi and Kaga both scampered away from me as dense fox fire bloomed into life atop the ends of her tails.

There was no countdown between me and Shinano, we were both beings who had seen blood... And in Shinano's case I had no doubt as a Gumiho she had left a mountain of corpses of sentient beings in her wake just her eating to survive.

Shinano's fox flames were a completely different deal from Kaga, Akagi's, and the other fox women's I came across as her flames weren't like flames coming from a flamethrower or even compressed balls of flames that would explode. No, hers was a beam of seemingly solid flames that burned relentlessly even as I threw myself into the air to avoid the beam of stupidly hot blue flames.

"A fallen?" She muttered frowning as she took in my pure black wings and just to mess with her I took out a celestial bronze spear and like the fallen and angels love to do, I began charging the divine metal forged spear with mana making it glow with a dark light as I coated it in my martial intent and greatly enhanced its size via the Giant's Blade technique.

And then as I began to inevitably fall back towards the ground, due to my shitty low-level Phatasmal Wings I threw the spear that grew to the size of a telephone pole and easily pierced through the three beams of condensed fox flames that sought to burn me terribly. While I used my wings to whirl through the air, past the beams of flames as she hurriedly dodged the spear piercing the ground but then her eyes widened as our eyes met and I winked as the spear that impaled the grounds glowed ever brighter before the mana that was enhancing violently destabilized and exploded now that it was out of my control.

Shinano blocked the resulting explosion with some kind of magical glyph even as she used two of her tails as some kind of bipod or something to cancel out the force of the explosion from pushing her away by stabbing her tails into the ground to brace herself.

As I landed down on the ground, my hands filled with axes that gleamed with the glowing bronze metal of Celestial Bronze and even as she pulled out her somehow still clean tails from the ground and continued her barrage of Fox Flames beams I dashed forward with my feet shooting a spray of the rock gardens gravel behind me as I dashed around then slid under a beam as I brought my the hard hammer side of my axe down towards her shoulder to end the fight but I could only grimace as she ever so slightly glowed with a silver light with her glowing tail smashing into my axe blocking my attack. [Shinano Sakura, Three Tail Gumiho LVL?]

"Touki?" I muttered in confusion at how she glowed and she smiled indulgently as she stretched as though feeling lethargic.

She respond with the same lethargic voice she used when we first met. "Yup... Found out how to use Touki due to all my time sleeping and learning how to properly relax and control my life force to sleep longer without needing to eat and other things."

I stiffened at that news... As Touki was the DxD version of Kaioh Ken with how it would unleash the potential within the user's body along with a number of other things to boost their physical and even magical might. That and by literal definition, it was the process in which the user controlled their ki to do crazy stuff.

Like blocking the fucking razor-sharp edge of a blade made out of divine metal with her damned tail!

I became a whirlwind of swinging light as I swung my large axes in a deadly close dance with Shinano, with myself no longer at all treating her with any kid gloves. I was aiming to cripple if not kill with my blows and Shinano treated me with the same with her magically increased length tails battering at my form as she also used punishing kicks to try to take my legs out from beneath me even as her hands were busy throwing elemental and seal based magic via what looked like Omnmouji magic using their slips of paper.

But I cut through the seals and curses she attempted to place on me while either blocking or dodging her tails as I kept her on her toes as I realized her blitzing style of fighting was a major stamina drain for her. And I was right as within not even a full minute of the fight she had no choice but to stop using her seals and direct elemental magic via her hands and with that and myself being close...

Even with Touki, Shinano was clearly not at all a close-range fighter. Honestly, unless they were like Yasaka and could take on the massive bestial form she could that was on the level of the Prison Dragon Vitra, I was still a good bit more physically stronger than this three-tail fox woman that was boosted by having active Touki.

So even as she tired out, with her touki glow faded away assuredly due to the stress it put on her body. I smashed aside one of her tails that sought to wrap around my arm with the back of the axe and instead of the axe feeling like I slammed into a slab of metal. I felt the axe sink into the softness of her fur with her wincing as the flat back of the axe hit the ligaments or bones that were within the tail.

I breathed heavily as the high-speed intense combat I shared with this woman who was actually at my level and it wasn't like I got off without any wounds or fought perfectly as my right side got too close to her fox fire beams and every movement stung of the burnt flesh that was beneath my charred enchanted jacket that was slowly mending itself.

With her powerful Touki enhancement out of the way, I was good bit faster and stronger than her so even as she tried to use her Fox Fire beams again as she was out of physical energy, I was able to dodge them and before she could stop me I grabbed her by the arm and I threw her over my shoulder so she landed hard on her front so I could kneel on her back with my axe's blade laying softly on her neck with the cold divine metal making her stiffen and freeze as it was clear I had won our bout.

"Yield," I ordered her with my breath coming out deeply as I took back control of my breathing. And as I kept her pinned to the ground, her head was laid out with one cool blue eye looking up at me, even as I felt her tails wrap around my arms and around my stomach, I didn't flinch. I just stared into her singular eye as my axe rested on her neck in silent proof of my victory.

And my conviction proved true as her tails around my arms and waist went limp and she heavily exhaled. As she did so I heard someone else do the same while I carefully pulled the axe away and got off her back with Shinano sitting up from where I had slammed her face first into the ground.

With her sitting with her knee's together while I stood over her, I met her blue eyes as she visibly took my measure before she looked over to her sister Amagi and simply announced. "Sister I approve." She said with a small smile Amagi's face twitched but she nodded wryly as she stood up from where she was sitting beside her daughters Akagi, and Kaga.

Then as Amagi demurely helped her sister up they in unison took my hands and I wore a bit of a proud smile making them roll their eyes as they retrieved their Fox Marbles. As the Fox Marbles were being retrieved I realized that their's were glowing with the rainbow light of their souls with far greater strength than Kaga, and Akagi's souls as these more powerful Gumiho's Fox Marbles had a sort of Aurora Borealis effect as the color filled lights coming off the Fox Marbles distorted the very air around it.

"So will you be doing the same as you did to Kaga in the hallway?" Amagi lightly teased, as she held a fan in front of her the lower half of her face to hid her expression.

I paused as I considered teasing them. saying something like I had something special for them... But if I was going to treat them with equal treatment now was the time. Honestly, this taking of their Fox Marble's was feeling like I was winging a Sekerei honestly.

My answer was obviously in assent as I gently pulled Shinano into my arms with Amagi pouting and looking rather jealous at how I was kissing her sister first obviously. Shinano meekly gave into the kiss with one hand gently pushing into my shirt to rest on my bare chest while her other arm was wrapped around my neck I took a more aggressive approach in exploring her body as my hand easily went up her very short skirt and I found she was wearing a kind of thong which left the full soft globes of her ass available to for to massage with that hand while my other hand was buried in the back of her hair to keep her head tilted upwards due to our height difference.

Eventually, as Shinano lightly moaned while she almost began grinding against myself with her large breasts all but pressed flat against my chest, Amagi whimpered with my eye's opening up and looking towards her for me to see her flushed form. With, one of her hands was placed over her breasts while her tight-fitting kimono now in this light painted her in a far more sexualized light as I could see she was going traditional under that kimono.

With that, I thought that was enough as despite how beautiful these women were. I needed to get to know them somewhat before I dicked them down with the way they were looking at me.

"Amagi, are you ready?" I asked as I gently let go of Shinano who pouted at the makeout session being cut short.

Amagi softly bit her lip and dear gods with her demure appearance that action was too damned cute! She nodded closing her eyes with her lips puckering up and I wondered how she could even have made Akagi and Kaga with how... Innocent she seemed.

I kissed Amagi for a good bit, but instead of a little bit of bodily exploration and being super dominant I had the kiss be a soft loving affair that she most certainly shared but as the hand that was holding my side slid up and around my back to hug me, I hissed as her arm squeezed the burns I got which kinda ruined the moment.

I smiled that was kinda a grimace of pain as I popped off my enchanted jacket and saw that the skin on my side was a bright red that was leaking a bit. "After our travels and battles, I say this a good time for a bath or shower... God knows when we will get another chance for one." I said before looking at the fox girls. "Can one of you help lead me to the shower or bath? I recommend the rest of you pack up your human food and get rid of any... Gumiho food as you can no longer eat them, then get a bolt hole ready for when the rest of the Yuki-Onna and other hunters get here to purge the town."

The girls blinked and then they looked at Amagi and Shinano's eyes and I realized the cooldown for the curse removal wasn't up since Kaga's clearing. So I answered quickly. "I haven't purged the curse from you both yet due to the fight that happened and my magic and physical energy being weak right now. Let me relax for a good hour and you will both no longer have the curse." I assured them and they nodded in understanding with Amagi looking at Akagi.

"Akagi dear, take... Husband?" She said unsurely before shaking her head and continuing. "Please take him to the bath and show him how to use it properly while we check the cellar to see if it's well stocked," Amagi ordered while Yuki came over to inspect my burns.

"Come on Jake, let me show you the way!" Akagi said excitedly for some reason while Yuki added softly.

"Once you are done with the bath and take your time, I will help with the burns. The Yuki-Onna has a special treatment with how easily we get burnt." She explained after taking a look at the burns before pulling back and I nodded in understanding and with that Akagi pulled me away and back into the house.

Akagi while holding my hand lead me across the large house with us passing by a number of paper shikigami's while she told me about the house and started telling me about the time she decided to hide in one of the closets under a bundle of clothes and almost got her sister in so much trouble due to her falling asleep in the bundle of clothes and her parents thought she got captured by another Gumiho that broke into the property.

So she got her booty whooped for that incident and that started the whole sending them away to a small village to make sure the mother and aunt could keep a close eye on one of them at a time. After the story, we had arrived at the bath and she started a fire under the bath to warm it up.

"Alright, so you just wash up over there using the shower, and by the time you get cleaned off the bath will warm up so you can relax... But with the burns, I didn't use much Fox Fire so it won't get that hot." She explained and my face twitched at realizing the so-called shower was literally a metal barrel with a foot pump that I could pump to have cold water come out of the nozzle at the top.

"Alright, thanks Akagi." I said taking a seat on the bench on the wall as I began taking off my shoes and socks. But seeing Akagi's bare legs still standing beside me I continued. "Also you can just use my name Jake remember." I reminded her to hopefully get her mind working but she... Yeah, she went off to left field.

"Oh, I see... Husband, would you like me to wash your back so I can get around your burn without disturbing it?" She asked with a shameless smile making my face twitch at her utterly shameless question.

Before I mentally said fuck it... If these kitsune were to be my wives in any sort of way, letting Akagi wash my back so I didn't need to move as much and disturbed my stinging side was fine.

I wasn't shy about my body which had been transformed into a work of art via my Gamer's abilities. I took off my clothes and as I did so I teased Akagi. "Oh, so you are just going to peak at my body? Tsk, I didn't think my first Fox Wife was a pervert."

But Akagi only giggled with a flush coming to her face as her crimson eye's almost glowed between her fingers as she hid her expression behind her hands. "Oh, dear I hope you aren't embarrassed or uncomfortable. Do I need to undress as well?" She asked drawing out the well in a long drawl. But the thing was... I was a dude, I was a dude who had embraced this lewd universe that was filled with DXD's nonsense.

So I nodded with serious light to my eyes as I spoke. "That would only be fair, you wouldn't want your nice dress to not only still be dusty after you're traveling but you wouldn't want to be wearing those same clothes when you go to hide for a few days would you?" I spoke logically making her lips twitch at my response but I thankfully for her own sanity continued. "Also it would be lovely seeing you in a towel or something Akagi." I finished while winking making her roll her eyes with an exasperated smile.

So I got undressed and... Yeah the shower water was crisp, clean, and fucking ice cold as it was being pumped from the underground well into the bucket contraption above my head and being sprinkled across my head and upper body. Which, although holy shit balls that was cold, but the cold water felt great across my burns from the fight with Shinano.

I began washing myself of all the travel dust and making sure to get rid of the blood that I got under my fingernails after killing a bit more than a couple dozen gumiho in the last twenty-four hours. Without a word, I felt Akagi taking her seat behind me on a wooden stool and I heard her dunking a washcloth that she then used to scrub my back.

There wasn't any lewd fooling around, Akagi just genuinely helped me out by washing my back while I washed my hair and my front and other stuff. Afterward, Akagi softly asked a question as I washed off the strongly mint-smelling soap. "Would you mind helping me get my back and tail?"

"No problem," I answered swiftly with a small smile that froze when we changed spots and I got a good look at her ample breasts as she seemingly decided to skip wearing a towel or anything.

Akagi's beauty, like many supernatural ladies was difficult to explain, her eyes sparkled with a mischievous light that was also tainted by her deep affection for those close to her. And her body was clearly supernatural with how perky and perfectly round her breasts were, and of course in how her nipples were just clearly a major draw to my eyes being a pale pink target to my eyes. "Don't eat me up with those eyes... You aren't supposed to look at me like that until we share a bed, Jake." She whispered and dear gods, that tempted me to break my desire to take this somewhat slow approach due to the possibility these Kitsune could be killed and I didn't want to get too attached.

I took a breath and wryly patted her head, scratching behind her damp fox ears she made sure to have me avoid it as getting water in her fox ears was uncomfortable.

Even as Akagi looked down at my junk with a deep flush, I just dried off my blond hair with a surprisingly soft and fluffy towel before I stood up and moved out of the shower area and onto the wooden floor so I could begin putting back on some clothes minus my shirt so I could go see Yuki about my burns.

"I'm going to check in with my companion to get my burns taken care of... Then I am going to get some rest before tonight when all the hunters get here to the town." I said with serious weight to my voice that made her wince before nodding with her softly responding.

"I will go help my family in preparations... Just be careful Jake." She said with worry clear in her voice even as she used some magic to dry off her hair and her wet tail.


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