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I had already explained my origins in being foreign to this world, I never even hid it with how I used my powers all the time. But as I told my girls how this world had already basically been metaphorically saved and back up and the details about that...

They weren't happy at all. See they now understood that there was great power in this world, or beyond this world like I was supposed to be sent to the new world. What pissed them off was how my alternate or as I referred to him as my sponsor didn't change their world's state of being and allowed the lesser standard zombie apocalypse to still happen when he reset the world.

But without the Left for Dead, or Back 4 Blood variants of infections and zombie creation. Their world was slotted to survive and continue without issue once the population was naturally culled in that lesser Zombie Apocalypse.

Though without my action of taking over the school... Yeah like at best out of the couple thousand students less than a couple dozen would survive and Hina was one of the people that wouldn't survive, what with her being one of the girls locked in that pool changing room in naught but a swimsuit and a small horde locking them into the changing room.

Seako may have survived in that canon version of the timeline but years of fighting off zombies until the virus died out with the human population mostly being wiped out wasn't that great of a life. And Yuriko also died when the Takagi estate fell apparently... And Aurora my blind, deaf, and mute hug pillow, in the prime timeline died much the same in the original fall of the Takagi estate.

This world at its base, sucked and my sponsor had no interest in 'fixing' it obviously as that would make it no longer the universe of 'Highschool of the Dead.'

"I'm not telling the rest of them about all this... I don't have enough room in my hub bunker, and for them all this won't even be a dream. The world will reset, their very lives will restart and go on their exact same path but with the zombies being far more toned down. But I want you three to come with me at least." I said wryly and the girls shared a look.

"How long will you need to sustain these apocalyptic worlds? How long will we need to support you in this depressing journey." Yuriko asked the pressing question before pausing and while I was still thinking she continued. "I am... Not enthused at the idea of leaving my daughter behind Jake."

Instead of answering her first couple questions, I pulled Yuriko into a hug over Aurora who was as typically just holding onto me for her own simple comfort. "All children leave the nest... And you wouldn't be abandoning her if you leave with me, as the world resets your copied soul will continue your same life here as you would have... But as for how long will this journey need to go on?" I shrugged as I said evenly. "Until I gain the strength and abilities to leave worlds safely on my own ability."

Sure my sponsor wanted me to help these worlds, but he wasn't a slave driver. I didn't have an endless gauntlet of suffering to look forward to. The moment I got good and comfy I could learn things like the Second True Magic or other dimensional-spanning abilities that would allow me to leave worlds behind. And thus I would be free of the contract as he just wanted me to help him save the world's key souls as he worked on the world's timeline and other stuff.

Hina cut through the drama and angst as she bluntly said. "Jake, you saved my life... Who I am now, will be dead should the world reset anyway... Hell even with normal zombies I would have died either being torn apart in that locker room or dying of starvation as the horde would keep us locked in there until we starved to death." She shook her head and grabbed my hand and leaned in and kissed me with her large breasts pushing into my chest as Aurora grumbled as she could at being slightly squished.

"So I am coming with you." She stated. She wasn't asking and I found it hot as she swore to stick by me and that reminder that with the world reset they would lose who they were now, along with the powers as well funny enough. I think that was enough to make Seako agree, and eventually, also Yuriko agreed to come to my next world with the knowledge that she would still technically be here for her daughter in a way.

As she knew all too well that I had zero patience for her daughter Saya Takagi. Even after I bent her over and spanked her like the annoying brat she was... She was still a major tsundere, overreactive brat who had a genius complex where she needed to be the smartest person in the room. And she let everyone know that by constantly saying that she herself was a genius as though we would forget.

So with that heavy conversation over, we all settled down to get some sleep, Yuriko on my right arm, Hina on my left arm, Saeko on my chest. And Aurora was sandwiched against my left side with Hina spooning her as Aurora's thin arms lay across my form.

With my four lovers across my bed all sleeping safely with the knowledge I was there, I felt at home... Even as my bed and a lot of the stuff I had crafted in my bedroom were teleported into a different room as my patron teleported my stuff into my hub-bunker to reset the world. I was still content and didn't react beyond a slight twitch and a blink of surprise.

[Get some sleep, you and your ladies have three days to relax and read up on the information I have on this version of My Hero Academia that's gone to hell. Don't worry the bunker has wards to prevent pregnancy so go wild and relax before your next assignment and after the next job I will expand the bunker even more to accommodate any more waifus you inevitably yoink from the world.]

I couldn't help my lips twitching into an awkward wry smile at how my alternate had got me so well... I wanted some of the MHA waifus so damned bad. Momo Yaoyorozu in an apocalypse was a literal godsend with her being able to literally print out any part or even special materials we could need, if she understood them.



Glad to see this come back, I've missed it. Apocalyptic MHA sounds interesting. Also, I feel like there are plenty of opportunities to tease his 'sponsor' about having a voyeur fetish as he seems to be actively watching his stud-horse Jake.


So, whats the point of helping out in a world if they will just be reset to the canon path? I dont understand that.


As far as I can tell, a Jake is pulled from his original reality, similar to the infinite Morty's, after one of his other selves gains enough power in the Jake Omniverse, almost like a rite of godhood or something. Some Jake's seem to want to give their other selves a fun new life in the Omniverse. Some want to troll their other selves, like the one sent to fucking Warhammer 40K. Others are secret voyeurs, sending their other selves to collect a harem in odd ways, which feels right for this Jake's senior in the Jake Omniverse. Either way, their all unrepentant perverts, similar to all of Azazyel's patrons!


He needs to keep the pillar souls of the fictional world alive as his alternate is downloading the world data basically. Once the world is downloaded, his alternate just flips the switch basically

Rauko the varment

Will you check out the animes Claymore, muv-luv alternative, or trinity blood? They might be interesting worlds for this Jake to visit or at least the darker versions of them.

Rauko the varment

given that all of the interesting characters in the series have sad histories that might help with views.


Holy shit, momo learning akemichi stocking of calories combined with her quirk not letting her to be anything but a hot piece of ass, she could literally eat a stadium worth of food with the akemiching storing and her quirk boom super hot 3d printer that say fok you to physics


No shizuka! I am disappointed.