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As I was writing the latest lewd worm cyoa chapter I realized something...

The MC is literally the Orc to a Hentai Elf in how easily he can bind and seduce ladies with their souls being outside their bodies as they are more defenseless than the Tohsaka bloodline's backside.
Just a funny thought that made me howl with laughter until I started thinking about other ladies this could be used on. Like liches and other things.

Heh, he is literally making a Whorecrux with each lady he binds.



He better get some elf coochie if that’s the case if not I’m dropping this story, (just kidding I like this story I don’t mean it!)


Hmm... There is already Warhammer Jake is has regular elves on lock down, so Dark elf or coffee brown would be nice.


Uhh you deleted a comment or it got deleted when I saw it. Either way I did see it and I rather have the universes have some good reasons for me to go to. So straight hentai are ehhh... That action taimana is possible though


Yeah I don’t know much places that have dark elves that’s not straight Hentai unfortunately but could be another idea for something else at least


Hmm, I could do a dark elf in Upgrades easily tbh. But world traveling especially for a dark elf is hard lol


So how well will that work on people with there aura unlocked from RWBY or spiritual beings from Bleach.


Yup he can snatch them right up... Actually Bleach be an interesting idea as I haven't done that in my fics yet


Asking "which elf" is like asking "which dragon" the only acceptable answer is: "All of them!". 😅

Daniel Foley

Liches? Gotta snag Wiz lol 😆

Daniel Foley

'Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There!' has a Dark Elf. (And it's not a hentai either.)